god system

Chapter 744 You are a race with low self-esteem!

Chapter 744 You are a race with low self-esteem!

By coincidence, the soul saw the change of the black hole, which also led to a change in Xiao Ye's thoughts.

He originally thought that he had enough time to find the whereabouts of his parents in this universe. He never thought that the black hole would explode soon, and it seemed that there was no time left at all.

For the safety of the Three Realms, Xiao Ye had to let the magic weapon go back, and he had to stay in the universe. The more dangerous the universe was, the less time he had. Once the crisis broke out, the chance of finding his parents would be slimmer.

"There's really no time left."

Xiao Ye sighed, but all he could do at this time was to wait. Although his strength had improved and reached a very strong level, it would take time to reach the Heavenly King interface. The fastest way is to have a dragon As a mount.

Of course, if Xiao Ye can advance to the realm of Martial God and Spiritual God, that's another story.

According to Xiao Ye's potential, he fully believes that he can advance in a short period of time, but Xiao Ye doesn't want to waste this time, who knows when the black hole will explode?
"There is news, I will wait for you at the exit."

Just as Xiao Ye was meditating, there was a sudden fluctuation in the jade tablet, and it was Donggeer Sairuo who sent the news.

Counting the time, Donggeer Sairuo seems to be quite attentive this time, and judging from his tone, it should be almost the same.

There was a knock on the door, no doubt Huangpu Jiang Li got the news and came to inform Xiao Ye.

Pushing open the door, Huangpu Jiang Li was already waiting there. Regarding the disappearance of the magic weapon, Huangpu Jiang Li didn't ask any more questions.

"Senior, Sai Ruo has sent a message, let's go and have a look." Huangpu Jiang Li said.


Xiao Ye nodded. The moment he opened the door, he had already suppressed his aura into his body. It was no different from before the breakthrough. Naturally, Huangpu Jiang Li didn't know that Xiao Ye was no longer what he used to be.

At the entrance of the alien creature activity area, Donggeer Sairuo is waiting here, and there is a growing dragon beside him, which is more than ten times the size of Donggeer Sairuo.

Standing beside this giant dragon, Donggel Sairuo was very cautious. The giant dragon was condescending, and its level of arrogance was by no means comparable to that of Donggel Sairuo.

Even the dragon clan passing by all around respected this giant dragon very much. It is conceivable that the status of this giant dragon must not be low.


Donggeer Sairuo saw Huangpu Jiang Li and Xiao Ye coming from a distance, took a breath, pointed to Xiao Ye on the right and said, "Senior, that human being, he claims to be a genius doctor. But I said that the flame saint When the pharmacists are helpless, he is still full of confidence, maybe he really has the ability to help the elders."

Donggeer Sairuo has been busy running around these days, expending a lot of energy, and finally gained something today, so he naturally wants to brag about Xiao Ye, otherwise, with the arrogance of the Dragon Clan, how could it be possible for no-name human beings to To see a doctor for the dragon elders?
"Stop talking nonsense, and you'll know if it works. If it works, our dragon clan will naturally reward you a lot. If it doesn't work, these two humans don't have to leave."

The dragon's tone was gloomy, which made Donggeer Sairuo's heart tremble. There was no such statement before. It seems that the trouble this time is not small, but it has reached this point. Life and death depend on Huangpu Jiang Li and Xiao Ye. , Donggeer Sairuo can't help at all.

"You two come and meet the dragon guards, Master Dongta."

When Huangpu Jiang Li and Xiao Ye arrived, Donggeer Sairuo immediately said in a commanding tone.

Regarding this, Huangpu Jiang Li clasped his fists and showed respect, but Xiao Ye just smiled and nodded lightly without making a sound.

"What's your attitude?" Donggeer Sairuo was furious.

"Hey! Since you're a miracle doctor, you can avoid it if you're reliable, so hurry up and come with me."

Saying that, the East Tower Dragon has risen into the sky, he came here to lead the way, it is absolutely impossible for a mere human to sit on his back, if Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li think that he is a mount, they are wrong.

"Hurry up, both of you, I've done what I can, and the rest is up to you. Also, Huangpu Jiang Li, don't come to me again."

Under the urging of Donggeer Sairuo, Huangpu Jiang Li and Xiao Ye had already shot into the void and followed.

The dragon's speed was so fast that even Xiao Ye couldn't keep up at this moment, but the other party was here to lead the way, so naturally he slowed down.

Along the way, the East Tower Dragon had no intention of communicating with the two of them. He led the way arrogantly. Without him, Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li would not be allowed to fly in the East Pavilion interface.

And the arrogance of the dragon clan made the giant dragon not even want to talk to the two humans, and he wouldn't come here if the elders of the dragon clan didn't allow him.

An unknown human being in the universe, what ability does he have to heal the elders of the Dragon Clan?
During the flight, more golden colors on the Dongge Answer interface came into view. You can see that there are bigger ancient forests, bigger trees, and bigger dragons.

It has already been said that the dragons are advocates of nature. They will not destroy nature, and they also oppose any creature destroying nature in their east pavilion. Their residence is a big tree, and they can rest on it.

Of course, powerful giant dragons will find the cliffs and occupy them directly in the cliffs, or there are some super huge caves, and the dragon clan will also regard them as their home.

Along the way, we saw even more powerful dragons.

I thought that the number of dragons was rare, but now it seems that the dragons are still in their heyday, their number is large, and there are many types.

In front of him, a huge waterfall came into view. The size of the waterfall was definitely something that Xiao Ye had never seen before, and even dared not imagine.

It can be said that it is endless, even if you look up, you can't see the edge of the waterfall.

He was like a stone wall, blocking all the way. The incomparably huge waterfall made a huge sound, hitting the pool below the waterfall, and the splashing waves exceeded a height of more than ten feet.

The impression of this waterfall is that it is majestic, and its bust is boundless, which is shocking.

Even Xiao Ye took a deep breath seeing the scene in front of him, such a huge waterfall, probably only the Dragon Realm owns it in the entire universe, right?
There are many giant dragons hovering over the waterfall, and there are also a lot of giant dragons in the pool, most of them are playing.

However, when the east tower dragon brought Huangpu Jiang Li and Xiao Ye closer, the dragons obviously became more cautious.One of the silver-white giant dragons flew forward: "Uncle Dongta, why did you bring two humans? Who are they?"

The voice of this giant dragon is sweeter. It is a female oriental dragon. It looks like a platinum necklace as a whole, shining and beautiful.

"They are here to treat the Sixth Elder," said the East Pagoda dragon.

"Cure for the Sixth Elder?" The silver dragon's eyes brightened, and his eyes immediately fell on Huangpu Jiang Li and Xiao Ye, and began to scrutinize him: "I don't know what the names of these two masters are?"

You must know that for the illness of the Sixth Elder, the Dragon Clan invited almost all the famous alchemists in the universe, but they were all helpless. It has been a long time since no alchemist has been invited.

Now that two humans have been invited, and they are still so young, it is no wonder that the female dragon is interested.

Speaking of Master, Huangpu Jiang Li and Xiao Ye were silent, while the East Pagoda dragon showed a contemptuous expression.

"I don't know about that. They call themselves miracle doctors, but they are not masters." The East Pagoda dragon replied.

"Not a master? Then why invite them?"

The female Shenlong was slightly annoyed at the moment, and the surrounding dragons also came together one after another, surrounding Huangpu Jiang Li and Xiao Ye, and they seemed very angry.

Don't you dare to come here even if you are not a master?This is simply looking for death. How can humans enter the place of their dragon clan casually?
"Uncle Dongta, these two humans cannot go to see the Sixth Elder, they are not qualified."

"That's right, how can ordinary human beings be qualified to meet the Sixth Elder? Even if they die, humans cannot be allowed to meet the Sixth Elder at will."

"The Sixth Elder has a very high prestige in our Dragon Clan, and ordinary humans must not go to see him."

The giant dragons around immediately roared, which made Xiao Ye frowned completely. This dragon clan is really proud, and things that were agreed can still change here.

Their sixth elder was about to die, and they should have tried everything possible to treat the sixth elder, but they refused to treat him because of the so-called pride of the Dragon Clan.

"This...isn't that good? After all, the Sixth Elder has already agreed." The East Pagoda Dragon hesitated.

"Even the Sixth Elder agrees, he can't lose the dignity of the Dragon Clan just to survive." The female silver dragon seemed to use all her strength, and even the Sixth Elder dared to reprimand her.

"Princess, I can't decide this matter." The East Tower Dragon was obviously very embarrassed.

"I'll make the decision!" Princess Yinlong said very domineeringly.

Now that the matter has come to an end, the so-called sixth elder is about to be seen. After the matter is resolved, he can go to the Tianwang interface. Who would have thought that he would be blocked by the so-called princess here.

This Silver Dragon Princess obviously has a lot of power. With him being so tough, the East Tower Dragon seems to have nothing to do.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect the dragon clan to be so ridiculous." At this moment, Xiao Ye laughed suddenly, the laughter was full of mockery, and instantly made all the dragons blush.

It is a great humiliation for mere human beings to dare to laugh mockingly in front of them.

"Human, what are you laughing at?" Princess Silver Dragon was angry.

"Laughing? I laugh at the ridiculous arrogance of you Dragon Clan. The arrogance you think is worthless in my opinion. On the contrary, it is your low self-esteem that makes you so lonely. You want the universe to see you. The proud dragons, but in fact, you are just a race with low self-esteem!"

Xiao Ye's voice became louder and louder, every word was like a bronze bell ringing, making the Dragon Clan furious.

"A poor race, but when he forgets how to respect others, they have already abandoned their self-esteem! A race without self-esteem, what arrogance does he have, you are a race of inferiority!"

(End of this chapter)

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