The President's Favorite Stunning Beauty

Chapter 103 Tangled, Caring Young Master

Chapter 103 Tangled, Caring Young Master (3)
"Well, you're finally on the right track." For the first time, Liang Shaochen took pride in not rolling his eyes at him.

In fact, he himself felt the same way. These days, their former president, who always came in early and left late, came late and left early every day.

Even at work, he is often out of state. Although the quality of work has not declined, the number of his work has indeed decreased by not a single star.

Of course, the anonymous big celebrity group still has to operate as usual, and the extra work of those presidents will naturally fall to these two poor assistants...

Thinking about the past and now, even though it is the same overtime work, it can be a completely different workload.

I just feel that compared to the hard-working and proud president, they are the extremes of Hong Guoguo's cups and washing utensils.

Seeing Wei Jian and Liang Shaochen walking out with the same faces of dead parents, Wenren Yuxuan's mouth curled into an indistinct smile.

He reached for the phone on the desk and dialed the number of the financial office.

"From this month, we will give Assistant Liang and Secretary Wei an extra three percent of their annual salary."

Well, only when the company takes good care of him can he take care of his little girl wholeheartedly, right?

After speaking, he dialed the phone number of his villa.

Zhang's mother, who was cleaning the table, heard the phone ringing in the hall, and hurried over to answer it.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Mother Zhang, it's me." Wenren Yuxuan said indifferently when he heard the call connected.

"Master, it's you. Long time no see. Are you looking for your wife? The wife is in the garden, do you want me to call for you?" Zhang Ma heard that it was her young master's voice, and her tone immediately became loving and happy.

No, it's really rare to be able to hear the young master's phone call at this time. Since the young master moved out, this is the first time he called home.

The wife kept talking about it every day, and she would definitely be happy if she received a call from the young master.

If the host is happy, the servants are naturally happy too.

"Mother Zhang, is Mother Wang there? I have something to do with her." Wenren Yuxuan cut directly to the topic in a cold voice.

"Master, I heard you right, are you looking for Wang Ma?" Zhang Ma's tone was full of doubts.

"Well, I'll find Wang Ma and ask her to come over to answer the phone." Wenren Yuxuan's voice became a little colder.

"の, yes, Mama Wang is here. She is preparing dinner in the kitchen. I'll call right away." Mama Zhang heard her young master's voice getting colder, and quickly answered and ran into the kitchen.

The servants in the kitchen saw Zhang Ma rushing over with the expression of seeing a ghost, they all stopped what they were doing, and looked at her for no reason.

Mama Zhang rushed into the kitchen, ran directly to a kind-hearted aunt in her 50s in a white coat, grabbed her hand and dragged her into the living room.

She dragged the aunt out and said loudly.

"Wang Ma, hurry up, the young master asked you to answer the phone."

"What, you said the young master asked me to answer the phone?" Wang Ma has not figured out the situation since Zhang Ma rushed into the kitchen and dragged her out. Now, hearing Zhang Ma's words, she became even more dizzy.

At this time, they had already reached the phone, Zhang Ma took the phone receiver and put it in Wang Ma's hand.

"Hurry up and pick it up, don't make the young master wait too long, the young master is still at work." Zhang Ma is indeed a good servant who always considers her master.

"Master, hello, what do you want from me?" Wang Ma answered the phone, followed her intentions and quickly answered the question to the Wenren Yuxuan over there.

"Wang Ma, do you know any nourishing medicinal food and soup for girls?" Wenren Yuxuan said to the phone with a serious and indifferent face.

In the other hand, he held a pen with a piece of white paper under it.

What he asked was straightforward and calm, but Wang Ma turned petrified after listening to his question.

Seeing Wang Ma not talking for a long time, Zhang Ma quickly pushed her arm and reminded her anxiously.

"Why are you in a daze, why don't you speak?"

"Oh, young master, yes, just take a note, and I'll tell you right away." Wang Ma came from a family of Chinese medicine practitioners, and she is also very good at cooking. If the old lady from Wenren's family didn't invite her personally, the reward would be very generous.

It is also very difficult for Wenren to move her, which is why Wenren Yuxuan made a point of calling back to his family's villa to ask her.

"Well, I'm ready, tell me." Wenren Yuxuan said coldly, holding the phone receiver to his ear, holding the paper with his other hand.

"The first one: Babao chicken soup: ingredients, angelica, white peony root, rehmannia glutinosa, Chuanxiong, Atractylodes macrocephala, licorice, Codonopsis pilosula, Poria cocos. Method: 1 Wash and soak the medicinal materials until soft, wash and cut the chicken into pieces, 2 After boiling water , Put the chicken into the water and then remove and wash. 3 Put all the medicine and chicken into the pot, add ginger, put in water, after boiling with high heat, turn to low heat and cook for two hours, add seasoning and eat. The second : Lily Seabed Coconut Soup: Ingredients: Lily, seabed coconut, sand ginseng, almonds, candied dates. Slowly simmer for 30 minutes and then 90 minutes. The third: Angelica Astragalus Black-bone Chicken Soup: Ingredients: 250 grams of black-bone chicken, 15 grams of angelica, astragalus 20 grams. The method is similar to the first one. The fourth one: Shiquan Dabu Decoction: Ingredients: Eucommia, Beiqi, Codonopsis, Wolfberry, Angelica, Atractylodes Rhizoma, Chuanxiong, Rehmannia, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Poria, Licorice, Cinnamon, Da Jujube. Method: Add water to decoct twice, and you can also add pork chops. Fifth: Medicinal Black Chicken Soup; Ingredients: Mingshen 50 grams, Angelica 20 grams, Astragalus 50 grams, Codonopsis 30 grams, lotus seeds 20 grams, yam 50 grams , 30 grams of lily, 50 grams of coix seed, 30 grams of red dates, 10 grams of wolfberry, all washed. The sixth: ginseng and jujube soup: 10 grams of ginseng, appropriate amount of jujube. Soak in water for half a day, add jujube, and cook for about 1 hour Serve. These six typical herbal soups are all aimed at delaying aging, nourishing blood and qi, anti-fatigue, nourishing the skin and calming the mind, and are very suitable for girls to drink. Do you think these are enough, young master?"

Zhang Ma carefully said some soup ingredients that are more representative and effective.

"Well, let's do this first, and I will call you later if I need it, thank you." Wenren Yuxuan was instantly satisfied when he saw those things about anti-fatigue, anti-aging, beauty and tranquilization.

Po Tianfang thanked Wang Ma politely for the first time, and his voice was no longer indifferent, but gained some popularity.

"の, you're welcome, you're welcome, next time you have any questions about this, young master, please feel free to bother me." Mama Zhang stammered a bit when she was shocked by Wenren Yuxuan's never-before-seen polite and soft tone.

Until Wenren Yuxuan hung up the phone, she didn't put down the phone, unable to recover for a long time.

"Hey, what's wrong with you. Why did you tell the young master these things, the young master asked you?" Zhang Ma who was next to her was twisting the dishcloth tangled up since Wang Ma started talking.

(End of this chapter)

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