amazing stories

Chapter 32 The End

Chapter 32 The End (1)

There is a strange female colleague in the company. I have been following her secretly for nearly a year.

Xiaoxuan is a very beautiful and very withdrawn girl.Xiaoxuan came to the company last fall and was a standard good employee. She came very early and left very late.It's just that she is too withdrawn, her face is always cold, she is busy with her work every day, she has no colleagues who get along well, and she is always alone when eating and commuting.If she could keep silent, she would never speak; if she could avoid contact with others, she would definitely stay away.

This is not too surprising, we can see similar people in every company.But have you ever seen a beautiful female colleague who wears silk long gowns and wraps herself tightly every day?Silk long sleeves, silk trousers, silk gloves, every day.When there are more people in the office, she puts on a silk mask and big-frame glasses, and she doesn't take off the mask and glasses until almost all the off-duty people are gone.Only then could I fully see Xiaoxuan's face.

But summer is slowly coming, and it seems too weird for her to still be like this every day.

There is another strange thing, which I discovered soon after Xiaoxuan came to the company - she often looks very tired, unusually tired.Countless times I saw her dragging her exhausted body from get off work.

This is even more strange.Xiaoxuan's work is not heavy, even if she comes in early and leaves late every day, how tired can she be?What's weird is that no matter how tired Xiaoxuan is, she doesn't show it on her face, she still has a icy look on her face.

Do you think this is already weird?That's because you didn't observe her carefully, and I also discovered a secret of her - as an older single young man, it is impossible for me not to pay attention to beautiful female colleagues.

In fact, Xiaoxuan's facial features are very beautiful and exquisite. The only drawback is that her complexion is a little dark. Of course, this small flaw can't stop me from paying attention to her.I discovered her secret by chance.That day, I met Xiaoxuan coming out of the bathroom, only to find that Xiaoxuan's hands were as white as jade, completely different from the complexion of her face, I was suddenly puzzled.When Xiaoxuan saw me, her expression remained motionless, but a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, she immediately took out her gloves and put them on.

Why is there such a big difference in skin color between the two places?

Sometimes I think, is she a spy, wearing a human skin mask to cover up her true colors?But the spy is dressed so exaggeratedly, what kind of spy is he?I even thought maliciously that someone had performed an evil head-changing technique on her, and someone was using her body.But is there really a head change?I don't even believe it.

In short, this is a woman full of mysteries.

In fact, I followed her several times for the same reason.I admit that this is very immoral, and it also reveals the filth and filth in my heart, but I swear, I have only followed her a few times from a distance, and I have never done any further illegal things.

There are many things that I can't help thinking about, but I will never do them.Some people may laugh at my hypocrisy, but I think this is the principle of my life.

It's almost summer today.For the first time in the past year, I saw Xiaoxuan in a good mood. Although she still doesn't speak much today and is still tightly wrapped, I can still see that she is in high spirits.

She got off work early today.I was very curious, and followed her from a distance, wondering why she was so happy.

I thought my "stalking skills" that had been tested by time and practice were not bad, but not too far away, Xiaoxuan stopped, turned around and walked towards me.I was suddenly embarrassed, after all, I really care about maintaining the image of a gentleman.

Xiaoxuan smiled and said to me: "I'm very happy today, do you want to go to my house? Today I have finished my resignation, it is my last day in the company."

I was taken aback, Xiaoxuan is leaving the company?She was so happy, so it was because she left the job?

Originally, I didn't dare to agree. I was alone, and it was night again, so I would feel very uncomfortable.But Xiaoxuan has resigned today, and I may not have the chance to see her again in the future, so I justified myself, so I agreed.

Being invited to my home by a female colleague at night, I still have a trace of longing for an affair in my heart.

The decoration of Xiaoxuan's home is also strange—it is extremely simple, no, it is too simple, and it is spotless.

After returning home, Xiaoxuan didn't change her clothes, but took off her gloves, glasses and mask, brought two glasses of water and handed me one.So we sat opposite each other on the chairs, I didn't know what to say for a while, I just stared at her pair of white hands, the atmosphere suddenly became a little dull.

It was Xiaoxuan who broke the embarrassment:
"Actually, I know that you followed me several times, but I won't be angry. I also know that you have always been curious about why I dress up like that every day. Today I can actually show my true colors, but I'm used to it. My whole body is wrapped like this, and I even feel that this is my true face.

"You know, I don't have friends and I can't tell my parents about me. If you are interested, I can tell you my story. This is the first time in five years that I have told my story. You may find it difficult Believe me, but I want you to believe me, I'm telling the truth."

I found out that something was wrong in the summer five years ago, when I was just 20 years old, cheerful and lively, with a handsome and considerate boyfriend who was willing to spend money on me, I think happiness is nothing more than that.

However, I don't know why God treats me like this.

At the beginning, I gradually felt that I was very dirty when I came back from the outside every day.Sometimes when I go out with my boyfriend, I will be dirtier than him when I come back.So I wash my hands and face frequently, take a shower every morning and evening on weekdays, and take a shower five or six times a day on weekends.But it’s useless, my body is getting dirtier and dirtier, it seems that when I go out, all the dust is brought back home, and I can’t hide it even if I stay at home.

I thought there was too much static electricity on my body, so all the dust came to me.I also tried many methods, soap, shower gel, I heard which one has strong detergency, so I bought it, and then I even used dish soap, but it didn’t work, and the dust still came to me every day.

Have you ever thought that there will be a black human figure on the bed sheet every morning?Have you ever thought that your boyfriend looks at me more and more disgusted, and pretends to care about me even though he wants to avoid me?I was the focal point when I went to the streets before, and I am still the focal point now, but the two focal points are completely different, like heaven falling into hell.

That's when I started wearing silk clothes.I accidentally discovered that the exposed skin would become very dirty, while the place wrapped in silk clothes would be fine, and clothes made of other materials would not work.So, in the scorching heat, I just wore silk long clothes every day, becoming a monster in the eyes of everyone.I also know that my boyfriend wants me to take the initiative to talk about breaking up, so that he can avoid the notoriety of abandoning his girlfriend.But I didn't want to talk about breaking up. At that time, I was very scared and helpless. I still had a little fantasy, hoping that my boyfriend could care about me and comfort me by my side, and wait for my recovery.However, the boyfriend couldn't wait any longer, so he took the initiative to speak.I don't blame him, I lost my beauty in his eyes, and it's normal for him to leave me.In this day and age, how many people talk about feelings?
I couldn't stand being judged and pointed at every day, so I had to quit my job and find another company to work in when the weather was cooler in autumn.I became a weird, withdrawn woman with no friends, no close colleagues, and being by myself every day.The way you saw me this year has actually been four years apart.

I endured this torment for nearly a year.One day in the early summer of the second year, suddenly, I found that I no longer attracted dust, and the dust let me go.I was so happy that day, like a newborn, I cried so much - don't be surprised, if you live in dust for a year, you will also collapse.

I lived a day and a night in comfort. I have never had such a good night's sleep in a year.

Early the next morning, I got up, washed my face and brushed my teeth, thinking that I would dress nicely and go to the company to ask for leave, and then go out for a good shopping, and I hope I can meet my ex-boyfriend.Thinking of his stunned and regretful look when he saw me, I couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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