I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 102 Let's talk about 5 cents

Chapter 102 Let's talk about fifty cents

Baijiu hoped that Huo Sicheng would have a little lover.

But apart from her, this man really has no feelings for other women.


Where does this sense of inexplicable pride come from?

"Little sister-in-law, Brother Cheng really has no second thoughts about you." Shen Sheng was still worried that Baijiu might misunderstand Huo Sicheng, so he almost swore to the sky.

Baijiu nodded dispensably: "I know."

Shen Sheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and instantly regained his demeanor of a noble son: "Since Brother Cheng is not here, then I will leave first."

"Wait." Baijiu sat back on the sofa and waved at him, "Come here and let's talk about fifty cents."

Shen Sheng, who had no sense of crisis at all, didn't want to go to work in the company so early, so he sat beside Baijiu very naturally: "Sister-in-law, what do you want to talk about?"

If there is a picture for Shen Sheng at this time, it must be: sexy aunt, chat with me online.JPG.

"Huo Sicheng and I..."

Baijiu's words were abruptly interrupted by Shen Sheng: "Little sister-in-law, why are you still calling Brother Cheng's name?"

Baijiu had no choice but to change to a more intimate title: "I have discussed with Chengcheng, and I will go to work for you in a few days."

Shen Sheng: "??"

Who is going to work for him?
His little sister-in-law?

Shen Sheng said in horror: "Little sister-in-law, is there a financial crisis in the Huo family?"

Sometimes Baijiu had to convince this Young Master Shen's mind of wandering out of the universe: "With Huo Sicheng here, what crisis do you think the Huo family can have?"

Shen Sheng crossed his legs, and smiled mysteriously: "That's not necessarily true."

Baijiu cast a probing look at him, but Shen Sheng stopped talking.

At this time, Baijiu, who seemed to be thinking of something, changed the subject and said, "By the way, does Chengcheng have a psychiatrist?"

"You mean Song Heting?" Shen Sheng really deserved to be Huo Sicheng's childhood friend for more than ten years, and he immediately realized it.

Baijiu raised his eyes, looked at Shen Sheng seriously and asked, "Why does he need to see a psychiatrist?"

In her previous life, she had never seen Huo Sicheng's personal doctor.

I only met several top experts in the medical field who treated Huo Sicheng for gastric cancer in the hospital.

Shen Sheng laughed jokingly and said, "Of course I see a psychiatrist because I'm mentally ill."

"What disease?"

"Severe cleanliness and a strong desire to control are considered diseases?"

Shen Sheng was just joking, but unexpectedly, Baijiu would nod his head very seriously: "Forget it."

Shen Sheng: "..."

Shen Sheng felt that this was not about fifty cents, but five hundred million.

He moved his lips, originally wanting to make a fool of his brother Cheng, but when he thought of Huo Sicheng's handsome and stern face, he suddenly couldn't say anything.

Song Heting, like Zuo You, was an assistant trained by Mr. Huo for Huo Sicheng when he was alive.

According to the old man's plan, Song Heting is the master and Zuo You is the master.

But unexpectedly, something went wrong, and Song Heting had to change the path that the old man had arranged for him before, and instead devoted himself to psychological research.

Before liquor appeared, Huo Sicheng would receive psychotherapy every other month.

Later, Huo Sicheng found the "suicide note" written with the character "girl" in Mr. Huo's belongings. For some reason, he sent Song Heting abroad, and then married Baijiu into the family.

Shen Sheng still doubts whether the "suicide note" exists or not.

He thought he understood Huo Sicheng quite well, and he didn't believe that he would marry someone in by any means based on a suicide note and a piece of paper left by the old man.

When the old man was alive, he wanted to marry the Huo family and the Zhao family, but what did Huo Sicheng do at that time?

He tied up the only son of the Zhao family and threw him into the sea to feed the fish...

 #城哥’s mentality is really sick, it’s not just paranoid, as for why he kicked Song Heting out of the country, it’s probably because:#
  Brother Cheng: No cure, I found my medicine
(End of this chapter)

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