I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 123 Aunt's Rumored Boyfriend

Chapter 123 Aunt's Rumored Boyfriend

Shen Sheng said calmly: "Twice the salary."

Cheng Xu closed his eyes and said silently in his heart: hair is important, hair is important...

Shen Sheng: "The year-end bonus is 50."

Cheng Xu: "Mr. Shen, I think I can work under your hands for another two years."

With money, are you afraid that you will not be able to grow your hair in the future?

So, when the baijiu came, what he saw was Cheng Xu's hard work while rubbing essential oil on his hair.

"Where's Shen Sheng?" Baijiu bent his fingers and tapped on the table.

Cheng Xu, who was so busy that he almost used his female colleague's makeup remover as hair growth essential oil, raised his head irritably. The moment he saw the person coming, the impatient expression on his face disappeared instantly: "Madam? Why are you here?"

"Familiarize yourself with the working environment in advance." Baijiu glanced around.

Although Huanyu has just been established, after all, it is a company jointly established by the Huo family and the Shen family, and the site selection and decoration are the best.

Shen Sheng's office alone is decorated very flamboyantly.

"Take me around." Baijiu said.

"Okay." Cheng Xu temporarily put aside his work, got up and led the liquor to the company for inspection.

When I walked to the practice room, I suddenly heard the sound of music coming from inside.

Baijiu stopped in his tracks, and glanced inside through the unclosed door.

I saw a few teenagers practicing dancing.

"They are the company's trainees." Seeing this, Cheng Xu explained.

"That's Luo Xuan?" Baijiu raised his chin, motioning him to look at the boy on the left in the second row.

Cheng Xu has so many things to do every day, how can he remember the names of these artists under the company.


"How do you know his name? Do you know him?"

Baijiu looked away, and smiled faintly: "I don't know."

I only saw this boy on the screen a year later.

In addition, the news about Luo Xuan's drug use was exposed on the Internet at that time, so Baijiu had some impression of him.

Universal Entertainment currently doesn't have many artists signed, according to Shen Sheng's thinking, the expensive ones are not expensive.

Therefore, if one wants to sign a contract with Universal Entertainment, one must go through various interviews before becoming a signed artist of Universal Entertainment.

When he came down from the practice room on the top floor, two people walked towards him from the other end of the corridor.

"Assistant Cheng." The person who spoke was an agent in the company, and everyone called her Sister Xia.

Sister Xia saw the liquor beside Cheng Xu: "This is...?"

Is the company a new artist?

The appearance is very nice.

Without waiting for Cheng Xu to introduce, Baijiu took the initiative to say, "I'm a new screenwriter, Bai Xiaojiu."

Cheng Xu had no choice but to choke the words "This is Mrs. Huo's wife" back in his throat.

"Hello." Hearing that it was just a screenwriter, Sister Xia's attitude was a little cold, "I have something to do with Yuchen, so let's go first."

Gao Yuchen, who hadn't said a word the whole time, nodded towards them indifferently, and then left.

Baijiu looked back at the young man's back: "Does he like men?"

Cheng Xu didn't react for a moment: "Who?"

"Gao Yuchen."

"The company doesn't pay attention to the sexual orientation of artists." Cheng Xu's answer was very businesslike, "Why do you think he likes men?"

Baijiu tilted his head slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up: "Isn't he the one who had an affair with Shen Sheng not long ago?"

Cheng Xu: "..."

That's just the media's speculation!
"Madam, Mr. Shen has to go to Lanmei every night."

Lanmei, the largest nightclub in Shencheng.

"That's why I said that Gao Yuchen likes men, not that my aunt likes men."

Cheng Xu said "..."

You are the fairy wife, you have the final say.

Baijiu laughed softly: "Okay, take me to the screenwriting department."

 #早流了,I wrote this chapter because I spelled it with them. It’s really hard#
(End of this chapter)

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