I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 132 Someone Has Hounded Brother Xing

Chapter 132 Someone Has Hounded Brother Xing

Uncle Zheng stubbed out the cigarette, and instead of throwing it into the trash can beside him, he wrapped it in a paper towel and planned to throw it away when he left.

That brat Zuoyou is shrewd, if he finds out that he has hidden another pack of cigarettes, he will definitely sue the young master again.

He is half buried in the ground, what happened to smoking a few puffs of cigarettes?
Baijiu turned a blind eye to this matter, but if Uncle Zheng told Huo Sicheng about her again...

She doesn't mind using her own way to treat her body.

But she didn't realize at all that Huo Sicheng cared more about her than about Uncle Zheng smoking secretly.


Six pm.

Baijiu arrived at Crown KTV on time.

Uncle Zheng glanced at the brightly lit signboard, and couldn't help but lit another cigarette.

Baijiu took the bag and got out of the car. As soon as he walked to the door, a waiter came up and asked, "Miss, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes." Baijiu took out his mobile phone, and found out the information about the private room that Huang Jie had sent her.

The waiter took a look and then led the way.

"Miss, this is it."

"Thank you."

Baijiu opened the door and went in, and everyone was almost there.

"Sister Jiu." Seeing her, Huang Jie hurriedly stood up, "Brother Xing will arrive in a while."

"En." Baijiu nodded lightly.

Huang Jie hurriedly pushed the people around him aside, and Baijiu occupied a sofa by himself.

"Huang Jie, you are not righteous." Someone teased, "Brother Xing hides people like treasures, why are you guarding against us like the plague?"

"Go, go." Huang Jie kicked over, "Before Brother Xing comes, none of you are allowed to attack Sister Jiu."

At this time, a boy with a flat head said mysteriously: "Hey, I heard that someone is coming too."

The person next to him immediately patted him and signaled him with his eyes: Brother Xing's real girlfriend is still here, who did you mention?
But Baijiu had already heard what they said, and raised his eyes to look at the boy with flat hair: "Who is that?"

"No one, no one." Huang Jie quickly changed the subject, "Sister Jiu, you eat fruit."

"Is someone stalking Brother Xing?" Baijiu guessed after thinking about it.

Huang Jie looked at her hesitantly: "Sister Jiu..."

Baijiu reached for a bottle of wine, and opened the bottle cap empty-handed: "I won't talk about it today, and I don't need to say it again in the future."

Everyone: "..."

What the hell!

She really deserves to be Brother Xing's girlfriend, isn't this force value too scary?
Huang Jie swallowed his saliva, and smiled apologetically, "Sister Jiu, it's not that we didn't tell you, it's Brother Xing..."

Baijiu raised his eyebrows: "Brother Xing won't let you talk?"

Huang Jie nodded furiously: "It's the school belle of the vocational high school next door. Brother Xing once helped her, and she fell in love with Brother Xing. She kept telling Brother Xing that she would be his girlfriend."

Baijiu commented: "Rotten peach blossom."

"Who said no?"

"What are you talking about?" Gu Fanxing opened the door and came in at this moment, just in time to see Baijiu and Huang Jie talking together.

She frowned immediately: "Jiu'er, stay away from him."

"Oh." Baijiu obediently responded, and moved to the side.

Gu Fanxing walked over with a cold face, kicked Huang Jie, and warned him not to be distracted by Jiu'er.

Huang Jie was so wronged: "..."

How dare he think wrongly about the wine sister?

He just wants to be a fan of CP.

"Yo, it's quite lively." There was also a girl who came in with Gu Fanxing, wearing increasingly thick makeup, with a rebellious smile on the corners of her eyes.

Saying that, before everyone could react, the girl sat down beside Gu Fanxing carelessly, and glanced at Baijiu with a provocative smile on her lips.


 #Everyone is still reducing going out recently, and wearing a mask when going out, good night#
(End of this chapter)

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