Chapter 138

Baijiu knew that someone was following her, and that the Huo family's bodyguards had taken her away.

Unexpectedly, the next day, I heard that something happened to this editor.

I don't know what happened to the other party. His arm was bitten beyond recognition by a vicious dog raised in the village, and he was blinded by a tree branch. He was sent to the hospital in the town overnight.

There was a vacancy for a director in the program group. Under Mu Jing's strong recommendation, Baijiu temporarily took over the job of this director.

After the end of each episode of the program "Love Life", the guests will also have a live broadcast, first answering the questions set by the program group, and then answering the audience's questions.

Baijiu is responsible for writing questions that can be asked during the live broadcast.

This task must be well communicated with the guests first, otherwise it is easy to cause gaps and conflicts between the guests and the program group.

The first door Baijiu knocked on was Mujing's.

"Teacher Mu, is it convenient to discuss something with you?" Baijiu asked with a modest smile.

Mu Jing recognized that the person who came was the girl whom Mr. Shen had greeted and asked him to take care of.

"Come in." Mu Jing opened the door a little wider, and let the liquor in sideways.

"Thank you." Baijiu's attitude was very humble, and he advanced and retreated well.

Mu Jing is well-known in the circle for his good temper, and Baijiu is someone the boss of their company has specially entrusted to take care of him, so Mu Jing has no airs of seniority in front of her.

"Mr. Mu, this is a question that may be asked to you during the live broadcast after this episode is over. See if there are any questions that you cannot ask." After speaking, Baijiu handed over the document in his hand.

Mu Jing glanced roughly, crossed out two more personal questions, and left five related questions about Mu Jing's next new movie.

The two personal questions written by Baijiu were not too personal, but they asked about Mujing's criteria for choosing a spouse.

However, it is clear that Mu Jing does not want to talk about his personal affairs at all.

"Teacher Mu, I'm sorry to bother you." Baijiu took back the document and walked out of Mujing's room with a smile.

Mu Jing reminded her: "The next door is Yuanyuan."

"OK, thanks."

After Mujing closed the door, Baijiu walked towards the next door.

He Muyuan is still in the development stage of her career, and she doesn't want the program team to mention her personal problems.

After the last exchange, only Qian Tong left a personal question.

Baijiu re-edited and printed the document and handed it to the director. After reading it, the director frowned: "Why don't other people have any personal questions?"

"These questions are left behind by the guests after I discussed them." Baijiu didn't think he would take the blame by himself.

After hearing Baijiu's words, the director couldn't say anything more, so he asked Baijiu to arrange a few people to pretend to be audience members to ask the guests some personal questions during the live broadcast.

Baijiu is not the kind of rookie who has just entered the industry. He knows that there are often cases of buying navy in the entertainment industry, so he agreed without even half a moment's hesitation.


"Director Zhang, the money to buy the navy..." Baijiu said with a polite smile, "Will it be reimbursed?"

Director Zhang scolded with a smile: "You are a clever girl."

Baijiu chuckled twice, looking pure and kind.

Director Zhang: "Reimbursement."

Baijiu came out of the program group, but he didn't expect to hear her gossip.

"As expected of someone from Huanyu, this backstage is really strong." The speaker laughed while spitting out melon seeds.

"Isn't it? It's only been a few days since I've been here, and I've assumed the position of director Wu. If there's no one behind the scenes, who will believe it?"

"I see, even the unexpected incident that the editor Wu introduced may have something to do with her."

 #我是真实想结束做了,但看到了一些宝贝的长句话, and felt a little sorry for the unfinished words, so I was very entangled, alas#
(End of this chapter)

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