I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 154 You Are My Hidden Beauty

Chapter 154 You Are My Hidden Beauty
Uncle Zheng came in to get a kettle to water the flowers and vegetables growing in the yard, just in time to hear Baijiu's words.

His young master really dressed like this to receive liquor.

But besides that, there is another reason.

Seeing that the man didn't speak, Baijiu sighed softly, didn't hold on to the question any longer, and changed the subject: "What did Auntie do to upset you?"

The man's fingers hanging on the side of his legs clenched and loosened, repeatedly, and his voice was low: "Someone wants to see you."

Baijiu was stunned: "Who? Your friend?"

Huo Sicheng's eyes were filled with a layer of chill, looking at the girl's eyes filled with exclusive lust: "Yes."

Looking at the man's appearance, Baijiu didn't understand anything.

She walked up to the man, stood on tiptoe and gently stroked the non-existent dust on the man's shoulder: "You don't want me to see them?"

Before the man could speak, Baijiu said again: "But, if you hide it like this, they will want to see me even more, and am I not your legitimate wife? Then it's okay to see your friends, you won't let them Seeing me, they may still think that I am your Jiaojiao hiding in the golden house, it is shameful."

Huo Sicheng suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, his voice hoarse: "You are."


Huo Sicheng patted her on the back lightly, but his tone was very calm: "You are my wife."

"I know." Baijiu felt that Mr. Huo had said something nonsense.

Huo Sicheng: "It's mine alone."


So it's the last sentence that matters, doesn't it?

into the night.

When Baijiu was about to enter the kitchen to greet the chef to prepare dinner, Uncle Zheng came over and said, "Ma'am, don't be so busy, the young master said that he will take you out for dinner tonight."

"Where to eat?"

"The old house."

The last time I went to the Huo family's old house was to pay homage to Mr. Huo, and Huo Sicheng didn't seem to like the old house, or in other words, he didn't regard the old house as his home at all.

Then why did you suddenly want to eat in the old house on a whim this time?
Baijiu went upstairs to change clothes and came down, Huo Sicheng came back at some point, sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

"Why go to the old house for dinner?" Baijiu walked over and said while bowing his head and tying a bow around his waist, "If you want to go on a date, you should go to a high-end restaurant or an amusement park, right?"

Huo Sicheng's eyes fell on the girl's slender and fair fingers, and his eyes gradually darkened: "You like to eat barbecue."

Hearing this, Baijiu couldn't help being startled, and smiled instantly: "So you held a barbecue party in the old house?"

The man's eyes as deep as the night softened a bit: "Uncle Zuo's barbecue skills are good."

"Then since I'm going to have a barbecue, I can't wear this."

Baijiu thought that the man might have prepared some kind of candlelight dinner, so she changed into a white dress to suit the occasion, and put her hair down, loosely draped over her back, looking like a lady from a famous family.

Huo Sicheng got up and held her hand: "It looks good."

Baijiu deliberately teased the man: "Is it only good-looking?"

The man's hot eyes swept over every inch of her face: "It's cute, I want to..."

Baijiu intuited what shocking words the man would say, so he quickly covered his mouth with his hand: "Needless to say, I understand."

Baijiu would never do this move in his previous life.

She didn't realize that, unconsciously, she was not as fearful and hostile to men as she was in her previous life.

Huo Sicheng took her hand away, a rare trace of doubt flashed across his eyes: "I think..."

Baijiu interrupted him: "You don't want anything."

Huo Sicheng: "..."

 #Tell everyone a sad thing: I will have an online class tomorrow! !Is this the loss of morality or the annihilation of humanity? #
(End of this chapter)

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