Chapter 158

Baijiu had never seen a man having a stomach attack in his previous life.

Huo Sicheng kept everything from her, he would rather avoid seeing her than let her know.

If it wasn't for the bodyguard, she might not know that this guy has a stomach problem until now.

"Shall I rub it for you?" Seeing that the man's lips were so painful that they lost their original color, she tentatively asked.

Huo Sicheng looked at her without blinking: "Yes."

Baijiu first put her hands under the dryer to warm them up. After she finished doing this, she remembered that rubbing someone with warm hands is a bit like her girlfriend's aunt coming...

Lifting the quilt and reaching in, the girl's warm little hands landed on the man's abdomen.

"Ahem." Baijiu blushed a little, "I seem to have touched your abdominal muscles."

Huo Sicheng tilted his head slightly, closed his eyes, as if he was suppressing something.

Baijiu didn't dare to hide anymore, so he hurriedly rubbed the man's stomach while talking to the man to divert his attention: "Let me tell you a story."

The man pursed his thin lips, and said lightly: "Okay."

Baijiu said enthusiastically, "What story do you want to hear? Green? Aesop? Or One Thousand and One Nights?"

Mr. Huo, who has never heard of fairy tales, said, "Anything is fine."

"Then let's talk about Andersen."

Huo Sicheng: ""

Baijiu: "The king's new clothes, have you heard of it?"


"A long time ago, there was a king who always wanted to wear new clothes. One day, two liars came to the king's city..."

Baijiu told the story without stopping the movement of his hands, but the man's face became paler and paler.

"Later the king..." Baijiu couldn't continue to finish the story, and looked at the man worriedly, "It hurts?"

"It's okay." The man's voice was extremely hoarse, apparently enduring the pain had consumed most of his energy.

When Baijiu was about to say something, Shen Sheng and others got the news and pushed the door open: "Brother Cheng?"

Zhao Manwei came in one step ahead of the two men, and asked anxiously before reaching the bed: "Brother Cheng, are you okay?"

Huo Sicheng didn't speak, just looked at the girl sitting on the edge of the bed.

Seeing this, Zhao Man's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't speak again.

"Little sister-in-law, what are you...?" Shen Sheng came over and asked curiously when he saw Baijiu's hands stuffed under the quilt.

Baijiu raised his head calmly: "Can't you see it?"

Shen Sheng thought for a while, then suddenly said in surprise: "Little sister-in-law, brother Cheng is a sick person now, no matter how hungry you are, you can't take advantage of others' danger."


What idioms are used in this?
However, looking at it this way, it seems a bit intriguing.

Baijiu pulled out his hand, and Huo Sicheng frowned imperceptibly.

He looked at Shen Sheng coldly: "Go out."

Shen Sheng: "?"

He has only just arrived.

Zuo You, who followed several people up together, clearly sensed the unhappy depression of his young master, he stood up and said, "Master needs to rest now, you guys should go out first."

Sheng Ze patted Shen Sheng on the shoulder: "Sooner or later, you will be killed by your mouth."

Shen Sheng: "?"


What did he say?

Shen Sheng wanted to ask Sheng Ze to clarify, so he went out with Sheng Ze.

Zhao Man looked at Baijiu calmly before turning around and leaving.

"Then I too..." Baijiu made a gesture to get up and go out, but the man grabbed his wrist in the next second.


"Huh?" Baijiu subconsciously responded.

"Don't go..."

Hearing the man's extremely low words, Baijiu was surprised but also mixed with some complicated emotions.

and so……

Is Huo Sicheng acting like a baby?
 #叶流有, then there will definitely be kisses and hugs!Cough cough cough... It's really hard to imagine Cheng Ge being "acting like a baby". I didn't intend to write this paragraph, but seeing how many Cheng brothers "acting like a baby" in your imagination, I will satisfy you~ Also, today Flashed to the waist, which made me realize one thing: I may be old#
(End of this chapter)

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