Chapter 166
After breakfast.

Huo Sicheng still has to go to the company, and she is also planning to return to entertainment.

Before leaving, Uncle Zuo gave her a small ball.


Is this a gift?
Uncle Zuo explained with a smile: "Young Madam, this is the toy that the Young Master used when he was a child. You can take it back."

Huo Sicheng's childhood toy?

Baijiu looked at the man waiting aside in surprise.

It is really difficult to connect the ball, which symbolizes vitality, with the tall, indifferent and handsome man today.

"This ball, I take it back, is it appropriate?" Baijiu hesitated.

Uncle Zuo: "Appropriate, this is what the young master meant."

Baijiu thought about it too. Without the man's permission, how could Uncle Zuo dare to give her the childhood toys of the other party.

Therefore, Baijiu had no choice but to carry the ball, which is said to be Mr. Huo's childhood toy, into the car.

Baijiu put the ball on the empty seat, squeezed to the man's side and asked, "Did you like playing with the ball when you were young?"

The girl looks like a gossip.

Huo Sicheng had noticed the ball a long time ago: "I don't like it."

As the heir of the Huo family, Huo Sicheng never played with such ordinary children's toys.

The ball is not his either.

"Then what did you do when you were a child?" After the resistance and fear of men decreased, Baijiu could chat with him naturally.

"Drawing, playing the violin, studying." Huo Sicheng said concisely.

Baijiu blinked: "No more?"

Huo Sicheng glanced at her, and stroked her face with his slender fingers: "Yes."

Baijiu: "Do you do the same thing every day?"

Huo Sicheng: "Yes."

Baijiu pursed his lips and muttered softly, "Isn't this a bit too boring?"

Huo Sicheng didn't speak, his gaze fell on her as if in shackles.

Uncle Zheng and Zuo You in front heard their conversation.

Zuo You recalled the life of his young master when he was a child, and felt that it was a bit boring.

Uncle Zheng put one hand on the steering wheel, and reached into his pocket to feel twice.


Almost forgot.

All the cigarettes he hid were confiscated by Zuo You.

Zuo You, who was inexplicably stared at by Uncle Zheng: "?"

Uncle Zheng first sent the baijiu to Huanyu.

"I can go back by myself after get off work, and I don't need to trouble Uncle Zheng." Baijiu stood in front of the car door and said to the man inside.

"No trouble." Uncle Zheng said with a smile, "It's my honor, Old Zheng, to be able to take my wife home from work."

Huo Sicheng also looked at her and said, "I'll pick you up."

Huo Boss has said so, how can Baijiu have room to refuse?
Can only succumb to the power.


As soon as Baijiu sat down at the screenwriting department and read half a page of the script, Cheng Xu, who was asked by Shen Sheng to come over and be his assistant, came to look for her.

Cheng Xu lowered his voice: "Madam, Mr. Shen has something to tell you."

Everyone in the screenwriting department knew that Baijiu was airborne to study, and Cheng Xu, the chairman's assistant, brought her here that day.

So although they knew that Baijiu had an extraordinary relationship with Mr. Shen of their company, those in the entertainment circle were all smart people who knew what to ask and what not to ask.

There was nothing uncomfortable about Baijiu, he put down the script he was reading, and followed Cheng Xu away.

Shen Sheng just came back from a meeting, and met Baijiu at the door of his office.

"Sister-in-law, how is Brother Cheng?" Shen Sheng pushed open the door and let Baijiu in first.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Baijiu said lightly, "What do you need from me?"

"It's okay, I just want to ask Brother Cheng about his health."

Baijiu nodded: "Very good."

"By the way, sister-in-law, next Wednesday is my father's birthday. Are you coming?"

The birthday of the old man of the Shen family means that many people will be there.

 #Although this book is not long, the plot of the main story will not be short. At most, some trivial things will be cut off, so really don’t say that I am not responsible to you, have I not done anything well?Although I am called a "scumbag" by some babes, I promise, I only lie to my heart and not my body!And there are so many babies, can I be responsible_(:τ」∠)_#
(End of this chapter)

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