Chapter 170
Huo Sicheng put his arms around the girl, stroked her hair, and said softly: "Well, no."

Hearing this, Baijiu was slightly taken aback, and looked up at the man's delicate and handsome face: "Will you not have children in the future?"

Huo Sicheng: "Yes."

Baijiu couldn't help asking, "Why?"

The man finally opened his eyes, and stared at her fiercely: "You don't want to."

Because you don't want to, I won't do it.

Hearing the man's implication, Baijiu suddenly felt her heart skip a beat, she lowered her head in a bit of embarrassment, and stopped talking.

A good night's sleep.

When he woke up the next day, Baijiu filled out his volunteers first, and then went to Huanyu to work.

Time flew by in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye it was the birthday of the old man of the Shen family.

The Huo family and the Shen family are family friends for many years, and Huo Sicheng is a junior, so he should go to the Shen family to celebrate the old man's birthday out of reason.

Baijiu knew that Huo Sicheng would not take her with him, so just as Gu Fanxing came back from other places, she planned to go back to Ping'an Street to accompany Gu Fanxing for dinner.

"Then you go shopping for vegetables first, and wait for me to cook something delicious for you." Baijiu sat cross-legged on the sofa, answering the phone while watching TV.

Mr. Huo, who was about to leave the house, heard the girl's words, and his footsteps stopped immediately.

Zuoyou at the back glanced at the man inexplicably: "Master?"

In the next second, the man suddenly walked back.

After Baijiu made the phone call, he was about to go upstairs to change clothes and go to Ping'an Street, but he saw Huo Sicheng going back and forth.

She asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Did you forget to bring something?"

Huo Sicheng nodded indifferently: "Yes."

Baijiu: "What?"

Huo Sicheng: "You."


Baijiu reacted in surprise and said, "Don't you want me to go?"

Huo Sicheng was silent for two seconds: "Think about it now."



Mr. Huo, when did you learn to change your mind?
Baijiu poked at the phone screen and whispered, "But, I've already made an appointment with Sister Fanxing."

Zuo You said at this time: "Madam, you and Miss Gu can make an appointment tomorrow, and then I will help you book a table at the restaurant to apologize to Miss Gu."

Baijiu smiled slightly, but his eyes shot at Zuoyou like sharp knives.

In the end, Baijiu had to call Gu Fanxing to apologize.

Hearing that she was going to attend the birthday of the old man of the Shen family, Gu Fanxing was silent for a moment on the phone, and then responded lightly, expressing his understanding.

After hanging up the phone, Baijiu went back to his room and changed into a dress, put on a light makeup, and then followed Huo Sicheng to Shen's house.

The old man of the Shen family is getting old, so he has been living in a small manor halfway up the mountain.

This birthday banquet was also held here.

They didn't come too early for Baijiu, but they weren't too late either.

The old housekeeper who has been serving the old man all year round greets guests at the gate.

Hearing the bodyguard's notification that the Huo family's car was coming, he beckoned for someone to call his young master.

In the past and present life, it was the first time to participate in this kind of banquet in the upper circles, but Baijiu didn't seem nervous at all, on the contrary, he was quite calm.

The car stopped at the door, and Bai Jiu made a gesture to get out of the car, but Huo Sicheng suddenly grabbed her hand.

Baijiu looked at the man blankly, and asked the man with his eyes: "Aren't you going to get out of the car?"
Huo Sicheng tapped on the partition, and Zuo You knowingly took a paper bag and handed it to him.

"what is this?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the top of her head suddenly sank.

Huo Sicheng put an aristocratic gauze hat on her.

Shen Sheng outside the car saw that the car had stopped, but the person didn't get out, so he raised his foot and walked over, wanting to knock on the window to remind the other party to get out of the car.

As soon as he stepped out, the door on the left opened. Huo Sicheng got out of the car first, and then reached out to the girl in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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