Chapter 177
Return to Jinzhu Garden.

Baijiu went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Zhao Zijun was taken back, Zuo You first threw him into the basement, and waited for Huo Sicheng to order him before dealing with him.

The two of them didn't eat much at the banquet, and Baijiu didn't let him eat whatever he wanted in consideration of his physical condition.

So, after Baijiu changed into his home clothes, he went to the kitchen to cook two bowls of noodles and a side dish.

"Today's soup." Baijiu served the hot soup to the man before sitting down and starting dinner.

Huo Sicheng glanced at Tang in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on the girl again.

Baijiu raised his head: "What's wrong? Is the soup a bit hot?"

Huo Sicheng: "Yes."

"Then drink it when it's cold." Baijiu lowered his head and took a sip of the noodles.

Huo Sicheng: "..."

After dinner, Baijiu went upstairs to read the script, while Huo Sicheng went to the basement to deal with Zhao Zijun.

Zhao Zijun was still drunk, Huo Sicheng didn't see him directly, but stood outside and asked Zuo You to wake him up first.

When Zhao Zijun woke up, he found himself sitting on the dark and damp floor, and was startled.

"What kind of place is this?" Zhao Zijun looked around, feeling a sudden chill down his spine.

Zuo You looked at the other party condescendingly, and said expressionlessly: "The Huo family."

"What, what?" Zhao Zijun was stunned, "Why am I at Huo's house? You brought me here? What do you want to do?"

"The Zhao family and the Huo family have been family friends for several years." Zuo You squatted down and handed the phone to the other party, "I'll give you a chance to call for help."


What help?

Could it be that Huo Sicheng wanted to attack him?
This is not impossible.

The grandson of the Zhao family almost died at the hands of Huo Sicheng.

As a result, the Zhao family still dare not let their only grandson return to China.

Zhao Zijun hurriedly took the phone and dialed Zhao Manwei's number.

"Sister, save me!"

Zhao Man frowned slightly: "Zijun, where have you been?"

"I'm at Huo's house, and Huo Sicheng brought me back, sister, come and save me."

Hearing his words, Zhao Manwei was silent on the phone for a moment, and then said softly, "Brother Cheng won't hurt you."

Zhao Zijun said anxiously: "Sister, don't you know? Huo Sicheng is a lunatic, and his subordinates are threatening me."

"Zijun, brother Cheng is not that kind of person." Zhao Man sighed slightly, "Is the subordinate you are talking about Zuo You?"

Zuo You on the side heard Zhao Manwei's guess and couldn't help but slightly raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Manwei knew his young master quite well.

However, I don't know much about it yet.

Zuo You took the phone over with a smile: "Miss Zhao, hello."

"Zuoyou, did Zijun do something wrong? Did you make Brother Cheng angry?"

"Young Master Zhao made some mistakes." Zuo You's tone was extremely calm.

Zhao Manwei: "Tomorrow I will personally come to the door to apologize for Zijun."

Zuo You: "Then Mr. Zhao will stay at Huo's house for one night today."

Zhao Manwei thought that she had already pleaded with Zhao Zijun, and Huo Sicheng would not touch Zhao Zijun again for her sake.

So, she had no choice but to say: "Then bother."

After hanging up the phone, Zuoyou turned around and went out.

"Master, the Zhao family has already informed you."

The man hidden in the darkness responded without any emotion: "Yes."

After half an hour...

Huo Sicheng left from the basement with a trace of blood.

In the room, Baijiu was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, his two tender legs were exposed.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she turned her head to look at the man, and said with some hesitation: "Sister Fanxing will come over tomorrow, if you are busy, you don't have to..."

The gloom around the man's body has not completely faded away, and his face darkened when he heard the words: "Not busy."

 #I really think Brother Cheng is about to be written as perverted and insane by me =_=, but Brother Cheng is really not... Forget it, I won’t wash him, he won’t be white anymore! ! ! #
(End of this chapter)

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