Chapter 185
Huo Sicheng's gaze shifted from the computer screen to the girl.

Seeing the girl's white jade feet stepping on the carpet, the man frowned slightly, got up and walked over, and picked the girl up.

"Put on your shoes."

Baijiu put his arms around the man's neck, obediently allowing him to help her put on the shoes.

"Have you finished your work yet?"


The baijiu was lifted from the man's lap and bounced twice on the spot: "Then let's go out and play."

Huo Sicheng held her hand: "Dinner first."

"it is good."

The two went downstairs, thinking that the man's stomach was not good, Baijiu borrowed the kitchen from the hotel and cooked lunch by himself.

Seeing that the girl would not come back for a while, Uncle Zheng said, "Young master, the Sheng family is here."

"En." Huo Sicheng responded casually.

Uncle Zheng said with a stern expression: "I'll have someone stop them."

"No need." The man's eyes turned cold, "Sheng Ze has a sense of proportion."

To snatch someone from him, that happened once is enough.


"Brother, how did you find me?" The soft voice kept ringing in his ears.

The boy pulled the girl into his arms and wrapped him in a quilt: "You told me."

The girl arched like a silkworm chrysalis, revealing a small head: "I didn't tell you."

The boy rubbed her hair, pointed to her heart and said, "You told me here."

Hearing this, the girl's eyes lit up, and her little face brightened up: "Brother, can you hear what I'm talking about here?"

"Yes." The boy, who always looked dark and indifferent outside, would quietly soften his gaze when facing a girl.

Hearing the boy's answer, the girl hid under the quilt and giggled. After a while, the girl pulled down the quilt again and looked at the boy with clear eyes.

The boy leaned against the head of the bed and found the girl peeping, so he lowered his head and said softly, "If anyone comes in later, you will hide in the closet, you know?"

The girl nodded obediently: "Okay."

Boy: "Just tell me what you want to eat."

No matter what the boy said, the girl said yes obediently.

The little princess of the Sheng family is gone.

Because he disappeared from the Huo family, the Huo family also sent people to look for it together.

But no trace of Sheng Xiaojiu was found.

Sheng Ze went home first and sent someone to look for the little princess. Huo Sicheng still went to school every day, and stayed in his room when he came back.

Opening the closet door, the girl was sleeping soundly in the middle of his clothes.

Huo Sicheng picked up the girl carefully, and the girl was still holding on to one of his clothes.

Xiaozui muttered: "Brother..."

Huo Sicheng didn't grab the dress from her, and gently put the girl on the bed.

At this time, a servant knocked on the door: "Master, Madam has something to ask for you."

"Yeah." Huo Sicheng replied blankly.

As the servant walked away, the boy's slender fingers slid across the girl's delicate face.

He whispered: "Jiujiu, stay by my side forever, okay?"

The sleeping girl whispered, as if responding to him.

Huo Sicheng got up and went out, and went straight downstairs.

A noble and graceful woman is sitting on the sofa. Even though she is in her 30s, her facial features are still beautiful.

The young man lowered his head slightly and called out in a deep voice, "Mother."

The woman asked lazily, "How is your homework today?"


The woman looked at him with light eyelids: "A friend of mine gave me a pet, come and take a look with me."

The boy nodded without objection: "Yes, mother."


The boy opened the door.

"Brother, can you play ball with me?" The girl ran over holding a ball.

However, when she saw the wounds on his face and arms, the girl stopped in her tracks, and tears soon filled her eyes.

 #不能二更改,I overslept in the online class today and almost missed the sign-in. My roommate bombarded me with all kinds of phone calls, but I didn’t wake up (because my phone was on silent), and I will do the second update tomorrow#
  #small theater#
  Jiujiu: Are you done with work?

  Brother Cheng: Yes
  At this time, everyone who was left hanging on the other side of the video conference: ...

  Mr. Huo, would you like to take a look at us?We are still here!
(End of this chapter)

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