Chapter 190

After half an hour.

The painting is completely finished.

Baijiu stretched his muscles and ran to the man's side, looked at the exquisite portrait on the drawing board, and exclaimed, "Is this really me?"

Huo Sicheng put down the brush, put his arms around the girl's waist, and rested his chin on the girl's shoulder: "Yes."

"I will definitely keep it well." Baijiu turned his head and kissed the man's face.


Uncle Zheng's skill in grilling fish is really good, Baijiu specially took a picture and posted it on Moments.

Shen Sheng's first comment: Happy honeymoon, early baby.

Followed by Huang Jie: Jiujie, where are you?

Sheng Ze: [Ha ha ^_^]
Gu Fanxing: […]
Looking at Sheng Ze and Gu Fanxing's comments, Baijiu didn't understand what was going on with Sheng Ze's eccentric tone.

Gu Fanxing has an opinion on Huo Sicheng, and it is understandable to be speechless about her behavior.

But Shengze...

Isn't he Huo Sicheng's friend?

Without thinking too much about the reason, Baijiu put away the phone, opened his mouth and took a bite of the fish in the bowl that the man helped remove the thorns from.

After playing in the sea for two days like this, when Baijiu was lying on a deck chair basking in the sun and returning to the voyage, a speedboat faintly sailed not far away.

Baijiu only took a cursory glance, then looked away, letting go of his thoughts and staring blankly.

At this time, Uncle Zheng came out of the cabin suddenly, and said with a smile: "Madam, the young master has something to ask for you."

Baijiu removed the hat covering his face, nodded lazily, got up and went back to the room.

When the girl's figure disappeared, the smile on Uncle Zheng's face also instantly disappeared, replaced by a chilling coldness.

He habitually touched his pocket, wanting to light a cigarette.

Uncle Zheng: "..."

That brat Zuoyou!

Baijiu pushed open the door of the room, and the man who was dressed in casual clothes these days changed into a mature and calm black suit.

Seeing this well-dressed man, Baijiu was slightly taken aback: "Are you going to discuss business?"

Huo Sicheng stood in front of the window, with a slender and handsome figure, and said in a sinister voice: "A guest has arrived."

"What customer?" Baijiu noticed that the man's tie was a little crooked, and went over to straighten it for him.

"Jiujiu..." Huo Sicheng put his arms around the girl's waist, bent down and whispered in her ear, "Stay in the room, don't go out."

Baijiu had doubts in his heart, but he didn't ask, but nodded obediently: "Okay."

Huo Sicheng hugged her tightly for a while before letting go.

In the next second, the sound of locking the door sounded.

Baijiu frowned, then turned around and changed into a set of light clothes, found the key from the drawer, opened the door and went out.

There was no one guarding the door, but Baijiu still tried to be as careful as possible, not daring to make any noise.

Just as she was about to go down the steps, someone seemed to come in from outside.

Baijiu quickly pushed open the door next to him and hid in.

In a blink of an eye, she seemed to see that they were heading towards her and Huo Sicheng's room.

Obviously, these people were looking for her.

Baijiu pressed against the door panel, and only came out when he heard the footsteps gradually receding.

She was even more curious about what she had found.

The light is getting more and more abundant, and you go out to the deck.

Baijiu faintly heard voices, she poked her head out to take a peek, and sure enough, she saw Huo Sicheng and Uncle Zheng.

Opposite Huo Sicheng sat a capable and smart man wearing glasses.

Who is this person?

Why has she never seen it?

The man seemed to glance towards her as if feeling something, Baijiu was startled, and hurriedly shrank back.

The man smiled calmly: "Young Master Huo, we didn't have any malicious intentions here this time, we just wanted to take Miss back."

Huo Sicheng said expressionlessly, "Where's Sheng Ze?"

 #littleorgasm is finally here! ! !The original outline of this plot was very long! ! !But since I cut the sub-line, the plot is expected to end soon, and this can be regarded as an important turning point in the relationship between Jiu Jiu and Cheng Ge! #
(End of this chapter)

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