I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 196 Will Be Good To You

Chapter 196 Will Be Good To You

The dream finally stopped at the scene of the boy frantically looking for her.

Baijiu woke up dizzy and subconsciously rubbed against the pillow next to him.

However, there seems to be something wrong with the touch of this pillow.

She opened her eyes and met a pair of deep eyes.

Baijiu suddenly came to his senses, and anxiously reached out to pick off the man's clothes.

"Jijiu...?" Huo Sicheng was stunned.

Baijiu, who didn't see any scars on the man's body, breathed a sigh of relief.

She fell back on the hospital bed, rubbed her face and rested her head on the man's chest.

Seeing the girl's sad little expression, Huo Sicheng touched the top of her hair, his voice hoarse: "Did you have a nightmare?"

Baijiu nodded: "Yeah."

She raised her eyes and said seriously: "In the future, I will definitely treat you well."

Huo Sicheng was stunned for a moment, and his heart couldn't help but soften a little: "Okay."

Baijiu touched the man's abdomen twice with itchy hands, and it even tended to gradually go down.

The girl sighed, "It's really hard."

Huo Sicheng: "..."

Grabbing the girl's treacherous hand, Huo Sicheng patted her waist gently.

The man scolded in a deep voice: "Don't make trouble."

His tone didn't sound like he was angry.

Baijiu was even more unscrupulous, turning over and sitting on the man's body, ordering the man like a bully: "Beauty, kiss me once, and I will let you go."

Huo Sicheng's eyes suddenly darkened, and he directly put his palm on the back of Baijiu's head, and then pressed down...

At this time, Zuo You knocked on the door twice and walked in: "Master, the Sheng family..."

The voice stopped abruptly when he saw the indescribable scene on the bed.

Zuo You hurriedly lowered his head, and there was a little panic in his usual calm tone: "I'm sorry, young master."

Sorry to bother you and your wife.

Baijiu straightened out her clothes calmly. If it wasn't for her blushing, people who didn't know would have thought they were just chatting under the covers.

Huo Sicheng's gaze was as cold as a sharp knife, and he shot towards Zuoyou sharply.

Zuo You: "..."

I am so difficult.

"Butler Zuo, what can you do?" Baijiu asked with a smile.

Zuoyou looked at his young master hesitantly, and saw that Huo Sicheng did not show any expression that refused to let him speak, so he said truthfully: "The Sheng family wants to see the wife."

Baijiu raised his eyebrows: "The Sheng family? Isn't it Shengze?"

Zuo You: "Master Sheng said that your body has not recovered yet, so you can't see people for the time being."

So now Shengze is dealing with the Sheng family.

But even so, the people sent by the Sheng family still insisted on seeing her.

Baijiu sneered and said, "It seems that Shengze is not a very good patriarch."

Huo Sicheng got out of bed, and slowly arranged his shirt and coat, as if he planned to deal with the Sheng family himself.

After fastening his tie, the man turned to her and said, "You have a good rest."

Baijiu tilted his head to look at the man, suddenly smiled, and then stretched out his hand towards the man: "Hold me."

Huo Sicheng leaned over and hugged her for a while, then wanted to let go.

Baijiu refused to let go, she leaned into the man's ear and said, "Let's go together."

Speaking of it, this should be regarded as her family business.

Huo Sicheng didn't like Sheng's family, if he went alone, he would probably break up unhappy.

Of course, she went in person, and the scene was not much better.

When Huo Sicheng appeared in front of everyone with liquor in his arms, except for Sheng Ze, the expressions on the faces of the others could be described as varied and wonderful.

Sheng Ze cared: "Xiaojiu, you are not in good health yet, why..."

"Don't they want to see me?" Baijiu turned his head to look at the people behind Shengze, his smile didn't reach his eyes, "It just so happens that I also have some debts to settle with them."

 #woc! ! !This chapter is stuck! ! !I'm a little afraid that I will be blocked, although I feel that I didn't write anything, but if it is deleted or blocked, it means...it's not easy to drive, please don't drive without a license :)#
(End of this chapter)

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