I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 198 Surprise

Chapter 198 Surprise

Baijiu didn't want to pay more attention to the matter of the Sheng family.

What's more, with Zuo You's assistance, if Sheng Ze can't solve these trivial matters, then he doesn't have to be the head of the Sheng family.

After staying in the hospital for a week, Bai Jiu tried every means to tease Huo Sicheng every day.

There were even a few times where the gun almost misfired.

Huo Sicheng had to stay away from her.

On the one hand, Baijiu thought it was interesting to see the man's forbearing expression, but on the other hand, he seriously considered the future relationship between her and Huo Sicheng.

After getting along for this period of time, she has long since lost any resentment towards Huo Sicheng.

Abandoning her previous stereotypes, she finds that men are quite cute occasionally.


Baijiu held his chin in both hands, his eyes seemed to have fallen stars, and he looked at the man who was working opposite him without blinking.

Huo Sicheng stared at the computer screen expressionlessly, and the high-level executives on the other side of the video suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

At the same time, the high-level executives also discovered that in this video, Mr. Huo said less, and he was distracted a few times.

Everyone: Mr. Huo is very wrong today.

Baijiu also thinks that the man pretending to be calm is a little...cute.

With a light cough, Baijiu suddenly stood up.

The man's body visibly stiffened for a moment, and he sat upright.


Is she so scary?

Lifting his feet and walking over, Baijiu naturally sat on the man's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck.

She said softly, "Mr. Huo, do you need some special service?"

The senior executives over the video saw a woman sitting on Mr. Huo's body: "??"

I heard the woman say again: "???"

President Huo actually has a woman by his side?

and many more……

Could this be their Mrs. Huo's wife?

Before they could see the woman in Mr. Huo's arms clearly, the video was disconnected suddenly.

Everyone: "..."

Huo Sicheng put his arms around the girl's waist after turning off the computer, and said in a deep voice, "Don't make trouble."

Baijiu shook his two fair legs, rubbing his toes intentionally: "Mr. Huo, don't you like me?"

The man's long, bony fingers picked up a few strands of her hair, and buried his head in her neck: "I like it."

Baijiu: "Mr. Huo, you don't follow the script."

Huo Sicheng cast a puzzled look at her: "?"

What script?
Baijiu took out his phone, flipped out the content of the script that Shen Sheng had sent her, and showed it to the man.

After glancing at the plot roughly.

Mr. Huo: "...you wrote it?"

"Of course not." Baijiu shook his head, "How could I have written such...a sand sculpture script?"

Mr. Huo, who had never changed his face before the Taishan collapse, let out a breath of relief calmly.

"By the way, when shall we go back?"

"the day after tomorrow."

Baijiu said mysteriously: "After I go back, I have a surprise for you."

Huo Sicheng thought for a while: "Is there an admission letter from Shenzhen University?"

Hearing the man's words, the smile on Baijiu's face disappeared instantly.

In the next second, Baijiu stood up from the man's lap and walked away angrily.

Huo Sicheng realized later that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly chased over to grab the girl: "Jijiu, I..."

"Huo Sicheng!" Baijiu turned around suddenly, reached out to pinch the man's ear, "Can't you just pretend you don't know?"

Huo Sicheng: "...Yes."

Baijiu also knows that men are a little confused at certain times, but it's the first time they're in a relationship, and they can't ask the other party to be able to handle these things with ease.

If the other party is particularly comfortable with these things, it means that he has already dated many girls.

With rich experience, of course, you can also know how to make girls happy.

Baijiu snorted softly: "Fortunately, the surprise I'm talking about isn't this."

 #Tomorrow I will visit my best friend, maybe I will update it earlier, I will try my best! ! !Then it is expected that the book may end next week, possibly! ! !It's easy for me to set up a flag, so I don't dare to set up a flag casually_(:τ」∠)_#
(End of this chapter)

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