I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 201 So moved that she married on the spot

Chapter 201 So moved that she married on the spot

Huo Sicheng went to beg Mr. Huo for the first time when he heard the news of Sheng Xiaojiu's disappearance.

But the result brought back the news of the girl's death.

Until he found those photos and notes in Mr. Huo's study.

Only then did I know that the girl was brought back to Shencheng by the people sent by Mr. Huo, but as Uncle Zheng said, the boy at that time had a very strange feeling for the girl.

It just so happened that the girl injured her head in that accident and couldn't remember the past, so Mr. Huo arranged for someone to give her to a random family.

And this family is the Bai family.


When Sheng Rong left, she turned her head twice.

It seemed that he wanted to take the liquor with him.

After all, Baijiu still couldn't bear it, so he comforted the other party and said, "I will visit you with Chengcheng when I have time."

After she said this, Sheng Rong remembered that she and Huo Sicheng were married.

Sheng Rong pursed her lips, obviously a little unhappy.

She still remembered that Huo Sicheng hid her daughter before.

Watching Sheng Rong leave, Baijiu suddenly turned around and threw himself into the man's arms, and said softly, "I'm so sad, please coax me."

Huo Sicheng patted her on the back lightly, and frowned: "Why are you sad?"

Baijiu shook his head: "I never thought that there would be other people in my family."

Although she suspected that she might not be the biological daughter of the Bai family.

But most of the neighbors on Ping'an Street are kind people. If she was really carried by the Bai family couple secretly, there would definitely be some gossip among the neighbors.

Huo Sicheng hugged the girl, his voice hoarse: "You not only have them."

And I.

Hearing the man's implication, Baijiu immediately smiled: "By the way, do you still remember the surprise I told you about?"

Huo Sicheng nodded, naturally he remembered.

He casually lifted a strand of the girl's hair, and asked softly, "Do you want to tell me now?"

Baijiu put his index finger on his lips, and "shush" mysteriously: "You will know in a few days."

Time passed quietly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the Qixi Festival.

Zhao Manwei used to always talk about the fact that she and Huo Sicheng didn't wear rings.

She really didn't care about these things before, but now that she has decided to treat men well, of course she can't treat Huo Sicheng badly.

in the restaurant.

Baijiu and Shen Sheng got together like an underground molecular joint.

I looked around and found no suspicious person, so I took out the token of this meeting from my pocket: "Sister-in-law, are you satisfied with it?"

Baijiu looked at him speechlessly: "I looked at it when I went out, but no one followed."

Although Huo Sicheng was still reluctant to let her go out, he would not restrict her freedom any more stubbornly.

Hearing what Baijiu said, Shen Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

As far as his brother Cheng's terrible possessiveness is concerned, if he finds out that he is meeting with Baijiu in private, he will definitely torture him like last time.

Baijiu opened the small square box, and there were two exquisite and generous rings, one large and one small, lying inside.

Shen Sheng poured a cup of tea and tasted it unhurriedly: "I thought it would be Brother Cheng who proposed to you, but I didn't expect Brother Cheng to like to be passive."

"A marriage proposal is just a formality." Baijiu looked at the ring and felt quite satisfied, so he closed the velvet box and put it in his bag, "Have you prepared everything I asked you to prepare?"

"I'm doing business, don't you feel relieved?" Shen Sheng said confidently, "I promise to impress Brother Cheng so much that he will marry on the spot... No, we will marry on the spot."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

She still had to go get a ticket from Shengze.

Hearing Baijiu's request, Shengze said in astonishment, "Are you going to soak in a hot spring with Sicheng this season?"

Baijiu: "The point is not to soak in hot springs."

 #I think it can be finished tomorrow?Hahahaha, anyway, I don’t want you to think, I want me to think, with a small theater#

  A certain bodyguard: Master, my wife is with Young Master Shen

  Aunt: I suddenly feel a chill down my spine
  Brother Cheng: Heh
(End of this chapter)

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