Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1003 Ready to go

Chapter 1003 Ready to go
Chen Zhi smiled and nodded,

"Now that you've made up your mind, go with us!!! You wear one set of overalls yourself, and lend the other to Prince Humeng!"

"Okay!!!!" After hearing Chen Zhi's promise, Old Somersault was overjoyed on the spot, and dragged Hu Meng to another room to explain the clothes.

Meanwhile, Fat Wei's face turned blue. After seeing Old Somersault and Hu Meng go out, he hurriedly turned his head and said to Chen Zhi at close range:
"What's wrong with Cheng Zi? You are serious, this is not a joke~~~. If this old man really has troubles, how are you going to explain to Bao Ping?"

"No need to explain anything..."

Chen Zhi looked at the excited back of the old somersault and said,
"Everyone has the right to choose to do what they like to do in their limited life. Lao Somersault is a sensible person, and his decisions are all carefully considered. I guess Bao Ping can understand this~~~"

"Then what will he do after he goes down?"

Fat Wei said with a complicated expression:
"After all, he is so old, who has the spare energy to take care of him, you forgot, when we were in the Tomb of the God of Drought..."

"Like I said, I'm not who I was back then..."
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he touched the Jiang's mark on his tiger's mouth,

"I will do my best to protect you, as will Ghost Saber and Ji Ying. If we are powerless in the end, we can only let nature take its course..."

"Hey~~~, I don't know what you guys think..."
After hearing what Chen Zhi said, Fat Wei nodded a little lonely, and then stopped talking.

Then it's bedtime...

Although it was almost dawn at this time, the task of entering the mountain this time was no small task, and it was very important for them to preserve their complete physical strength.

After all, human physical strength is limited, and energy is also limited. In the face of sudden danger, machine response is very important.

Only those who have good energy and physical strength can carry out tasks. Those who don't sleep for days and nights and have invincible baff only exist in unrealistic novels and fantasies...

After taking a comfortable hot bath, Hu Meng found some edible things in the warehouse. Hu Meng was very excited at this time, cutting bread and ham for everyone, very diligent~~~~
Everyone simply ate some, and then all went back to the room to sleep...

Chen Zhi ordered everyone to get enough sleep this time, don't care about time, everyone should sleep until they wake up naturally...

Although Chen Zhi said so, because of the excitement, everyone woke up around 12:[-] noon, but everyone had enough sleep and was full of energy.

Especially Hu Meng, ever since he knew that he could go to the grave with Chen Zhi and the others, his eyes were red with excitement. He even tore off a cloth belt from his lapel, and wrote a suicide note on it with blood, and asked the pilot to pass it on to him. To Papa Mult.

He stated in his suicide note that he has now put life and death aside, and is only going through fire and water for the golden family~~~
He is willing to use his own life to regain the glorious past of his ancestors. If he dies unfortunately, he also asks the members of the Golden Family not to be sad, as long as his father and grandfather make a golden statue of him and place it in the statue of Genghis Khan Next to him, let the descendants of the golden family remember him forever...,
Then there is the rhetoric and so on, the words are so nasty that people get goosebumps~~~
Hu Meng recited the newly written blood book with tears in front of all the old miners, which made the blood of the old Mongolians swell and tears filled their eyes, making Chen Zhi and the others feel like they were about to go to the execution ground~~~~
After this exaggerated practice ceremony was over, Chen Zhi asked everyone to change into work clothes, and then started to head up the mountain.

The work clothes made by Indians are really not covered. Although this high-fiber material belongs to alloy metal, its texture is very soft, and the details of joints and other places are as thin as silk~~~
And the wireless system that Mina gave them is really not bragging~~~, the moment they put on the work clothes and hats, an LCD screen will appear in front of them, the location of the companions around them, the state of the heartbeat, and the status of various body indicators. A bird's eye view.

And the voice in the wireless is very clear, there is no barrier at all for them to communicate with each other, with the help of this wireless system, Chen Zhi and the others are really even more powerful.

On the way, Hu Meng told everyone that the colored gemstone mine is located deep in the mountain. Although some foreign tourists would enter Kent Mountain in the past, the location of the colored gemstone mine has never been discovered by others. In this regard, the Golden Family is very confident, because they know that there have been many protective barriers passed down there since ancient times~~~
This kind of enchantment can make the things inside the enchantment transparent and protect this precious gem mine. It looks like nothing on the outside, but people from the Golden Family can enter freely~~~
Therefore, although this colored gemstone mine produces very expensive gemstones every year, since ancient times, Mongolian colored gemstones have always existed in legends and are the most important secret of the gold family.

Only a few direct descendants can know the specific location of this colored gemstone mine in the mountain. Hu Meng's uncle, that is, Fu Yuanyuan's husband, is one of them. It's a..., few people know about it~~~
For so many years, even though Hu Meng spent his life outside, wasted, and made a fuss, even when he was drunk, he never revealed a word to outsiders...

Under the leadership of Hu Meng, Chen Zhi and the others went all the way into the mountain smoothly. The road in the mountain is extremely difficult, and the animals in the mountain have disappeared, the water source is unclean, and it is difficult to replenish food~~~
But because Hu Meng led the way, the diet problem that he had been worried about was no longer a problem.

It turns out that there is an underground storage room underground for every part of the journey in the mountain. In order to facilitate people to come and go, the Jin family has stored durable food and water in the underground storage room, and there are also convenient bedding~~~ for them to spend the night ~~~
They have been walking in the Kent Mountains for the past few days. Everywhere they go, Hu Meng can accurately find out those underground storage rooms, and then find the food and water inside to replenish everyone.

This greatly reduced the trouble for Chen Zhi and the others to hunt and find water sources, and they also had a safe place to sleep at night.

Although the Kent Mountains are very wide and steep, on the fourth day they finally reached the depths of the mountains, which is the center of a large rocky valley.

And here, Chen Zhi finally saw the treasure of the legendary gold family, the Mongolian colored gemstone mine...

(End of this chapter)

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