Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1005 Gemstone Village

Chapter 1005 Gemstone Village

At this time, the valley is completely surrounded by green vegetation, because many trees are very lush and tall, and the sunlight outside shines in mottled mottled. As the sky darkens, the valley is almost completely dark.

But the scene in Gemstone Village is not what Chen Zhi and the others imagined just now...

In their prediction, this place has become a valley of death, with corpses everywhere, and they have imagined even more terrifying scenes~~~
But what I didn't expect was that the lights in the village were flickering at this time, and it was full of life~~~
And looking from a distance, there are villagers in twos and threes walking on the small road in the village, walking in the fields.

"How is this going?",
Fat Wei widened his eyes and looked forward, then turned his head and asked Chen Zhi in disbelief:

"Didn't you just say that the barrier has been broken, but look ahead, aren't those villagers still walking around?

Could it be... that we are thinking too much... there is no dark thing breaking in, and the villagers are still living here..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Zhi was also a little surprised. He looked at the villagers walking freely in the field, thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

"This is impossible!!

If they are not violated by anything, it is impossible for them to be cut off from the outside world.

Half a year is not a lot of time, they didn't come out to call for help, and they didn't come out to contact the mountain, which proved that these people must be imprisoned by something outside!Or kill~~~~"

"Then what's going on now?",
Fat Wei pointed to the village ahead,

"The facts are right in front of you, everyone is walking around alive and kicking now~~~, the few of us squatting in this grass pit are sneaky, like thieves..."

What Fat Wei said was indeed true. Facing the scene ahead, Chen Zhi took out his binoculars and looked forward.

Their telescopes have long-range observation functions, and they can have night vision, and can explore a long distance forward~~~
Under Chen Zhi's binoculars, those walking in the fields and villages are indeed some villagers. They are all wearing coarse cloth clothes that are often seen in Mongolian villages, and some are wearing mining caps and mining lamps. It can be seen that they are indeed Workers in the Gem Mine~~~
And judging from the public environment in this village, the living conditions of the villagers are very good.

Most of the villages are single-family small villas, some even imitate the western architectural model, and there are very convenient public facilities outside, gardening and flowers are very sophisticated, the public greening in the village is very beautiful, it can be called a paradise ~~~~
"what to do……",
Fat Wei looked back at Chen Zhi,

"Look, the fellow Mongolians are all fine, we're still hiding here like thieves..., this is too stupid~~~
If you want me to say, we should go into the village to meet the folks, maybe they are ready to grab the mutton and wait for us! ! !Let’s talk about the rest slowly~~~~”

"Don't worry..." Chen Zhi was still a little worried, after thinking for a while, he turned to look at Hu Meng beside him,
"Hu Meng, take a look through the binoculars, is there anyone you know in the village? Look carefully~~~"

After hearing what they said just now, Hu Meng couldn't bear it any longer. He took the telescope in Chen Zhi's hand and hurriedly looked forward.

"I know..., I know...",
Hu Meng pointed to the largest house in the field ahead and shouted.

"The person sitting in front of that big house is my fourth aunt~~~, the youngest daughter of Grandfather Muerte. She married into this village ten years ago, and married the son of the village chief. She is standing here now. It's at the door of the house, let's go there quickly!

My fourth aunt must be very happy to see me~~~~~" After Hu Meng finished speaking, he put down the binoculars and was about to rush forward.

"Wait!!!", Chen Zhi stopped him immediately, and then asked seriously,
"Can you see clearly?

Is that indeed your aunt?Is it possible... that it was someone else in disguise?Or..., is it something else? "

"Oh! Can't be wrong..."
Hu Meng replied eagerly:

"My own aunt, can I not know her?

Look at her, she is still wearing a long bouquet skirt made outside, it is the craftsmanship of our own tailor of the Golden Family~~~
And look at the child next to her, that's her daughter, my little cousin!Can I still admit my mistake?"

When Fat Wei heard this, he also took over the binoculars and looked forward.

Sure enough, there was a middle-aged woman standing in front of the largest villa in front of her.

The woman is slightly fat, wearing five red and big green clothes, and exaggerated jewelry, which is a typical Mongolian woman's attire. Beside her is a three or five-year-old girl with two braids. Running around the door...

"If it's really your fourth aunt, then you can't be wrong~~~~",
Fat Wei put down the binoculars, turned around and said to everyone,
"Oh~~~, we may have really thought too much, and we have been acting suspiciously all day long, thinking that something happened, but in fact, isn't he living a good life?
Alright, let's stop hiding here, let's all go, let's go to the village if we have something to say~~~~
Take a look at the fourth aunt of Prince Humeng, what delicious food to entertain us with! ! ! "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, everyone was no longer worried, and everyone relaxed their nervousness, and stood up to follow Hu Meng into the village.

Chen Zhi said something sharply to stop everyone's actions.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Chen Zhi with strange eyes~~~
"Chengzi, what's the matter..., is there something wrong?

If you want me to say, don't think so much~~~~, people can see it clearly, it's their relative fourth aunt, can they be wrong?

I know what you are worried about?You are afraid that they will all become that thing! ! !
But don't worry, that kind of thing walks wobbly, how can it walk smoothly like them~~~
Besides, if those are really big rice dumplings with hair, how can they escape my eyes?

Do not worry!Look, that little cousin of Humeng is also there, look how lively that child is bouncing around..."

Chen Zhi didn't respond to Fat Wei's words, he still raised his binoculars and carefully observed the fat woman and little girl in front of him.

The little girl is indeed very active, jumping up and down, running around her mother~~~~~, everything looks very normal~~~~~
But Chen Zhi always felt that something was wrong......

 [Thanks: Haseoyy Wan Reward Plus Update]

(End of this chapter)

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