Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1007 Insect Face

Chapter 1007 Insect Face
It was a face beyond words...

The fourth aunt of Humeng was wearing a bright red turban, and her entire head seemed to have shrunk to 2/3 of its size, and all the facial features were gathered together, looking like a weird villain stuck on her neck.

Her face was full of criss-cross black spots, like pinholes all over her face, densely packed. If someone with intensive phobia took a look at it, they would probably be disgusted to death on the spot.

Moreover, the woman's eyes had all turned pitch black, and on this face full of black spots, orange-red pus kept bubbling, which looked like a honeycomb.

As her body swayed, there were countless small black dots in the honeycomb face that seemed to be alive, and they were also shaking for a while, making people get goosebumps all over their bodies!
"Wow, what is this...",
Even Fat Wei, who has experienced countless battles and experienced countless turbulent waves, can't spit it out at this moment.
"Oh, damn it, it's so fucking disgusting, I can eat hot pot next to the dead, but this face~~~, it really killed me! Ugh~~~~~"

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he really wanted to vomit! ! !
As the woman came over, the girl who was jumping around just now also rushed over quickly.

The girl's face was also full of dense black spots, and they were even denser. There were even more black worms than her mother's face, and all the facial features were twisted together!

She rushed over with a bang, like a headless insect, very anxious, looking around...

"Don't talk, they seem to have no vision!",
After Chen Zhi said something softly, he made a gesture and asked everyone to hold their breath.

Sure enough, Hu Meng's fourth aunt came over groping all the way, she was very close to them, and in the end she was even close to Chen Zhi's face, but she still didn't notice them!

As for Hu Meng's little cousin, she has a ferocious face and looks very scary. Her whole body is buzzing~~ bumping around, looking very anxious and angry. The shrunken face is like the face of an angry insect. It's the same, it's creepy at a glance!

Seeing the girl's expression, everyone was frightened, and everyone shrank in place, not daring to make a sound.

Hold your breath here for a long time, just when everyone is about to be unbearable, Hu Meng's fourth aunt seems to have given up here, turned around and left, and that girl also bumped and bumped all the way, running to elsewhere.

After seeing the mother and daughter walking away, Fat Wei let out a breath. He covered his mouth with his hand, put on the mask of his overalls, and said on the wireless:

"What is this tnd, it's so fucking scary~~~~
Oh my god, the black spots on my face are like a bowl of sesame seeds sprinkled on it, it makes me get goosebumps all over my body when I think about it, it's so disgusting~~, so disgusting~~"

Seeing what Fat Wei did, the others realized that their voices would not come out as long as they put on the masks of their overalls~~~
Since Mina's wireless device was installed in the overalls, the wireless communication in the overalls has been very smooth.

Moreover, the work clothes of the Indians themselves have the function of space isolation. After the hood is put on, it can be turned into a stereo headset, and the mask can be used as a microphone.

When they covered their faces with the masks of their work clothes, the voice they spoke entered another channel. It was completely inaudible outside, but it could be heard clearly on the wireless.

"Yeah, it's really disgusting~~~~",
Old Somersault still felt a little like vomiting at the moment, but he didn't continue talking, raised his hand to Fat Wei and pointed at Hu Meng, then shook his head.

Only then did everyone notice that Hu Meng's eyes had already turned blood red.

Holding the small dagger tightly in his hand, he looked at the mother and daughter in front of him with an angry face,
"What happened to my aunt? And my little cousin...

What's wrong with them now?Who harmed them, tmd, I fought with those things! ! "

Hu Meng was trembling as he spoke, all the blood vessels in his body were bulging, and he tried to climb up the slope and chase his fourth aunt.

"Hey, buddy, you can calm down, don't startle the snake..." Fat Wei desperately hugged Hu Meng.

At this time, I heard Chen Zhi calmly say in the wireless,

"Your aunt and cousin are gone, their bodies should be inhabited by foreign objects...

I can see that their faces are all distorted and smaller. It should be because all the brains in their brains have been sucked out~~~
Human bones are very brittle. After all the brains and fluids are pumped out, the head and face will be pumped into a ball, and the five sense organs will be squeezed together.

And the dense black dots on their faces are like the characteristics of flying insects.

If I'm not wrong, they should be stored in their bodies by some kind of flying foreign body, and then use their bodies to move!
In other words, they themselves have long since died, and now, the foreign objects stored in their bodies are using these corpses to wander outside~~"

"I want to go in and have a look...",
Hu Meng was still very excited at this time, his emotions were a little out of control, he gritted his teeth angrily,

"I heard last year that my aunt just gave birth to a boy, which is the blood of our golden family...

I want to go into that house and have a look. If my little cousin survives, I want to rescue him! ! ! "

"Oh~~, brother, do you think that's still possible?" Fat Wei persuaded from the side,
"You have to think about it now, don't be impulsive~~~"

"No!!! I want to go in and have a look, I can't turn them all into monsters..." Hu Meng was losing his mind at this moment, as if he could jump out at any time.

Seeing this, everyone quickly hugged him, then covered his mouth to prevent him from making a sound, and stayed in place waiting for the night to fall.

During this time, Chen Zhi used a telescope to count the number of people around him. There were about 300 people walking around in the village, and their movements were very fast.It should all be the sojourners I saw just now.

"We'll wait here until dark...",
Chen Zhi said softly on the wireless,

"It's impossible to avoid these things. After dark, let's go into the villa and take a look..."

The sky is getting darker and darker, the surroundings are quiet, only the sound of the wind and the walking of those monsters~~~
What Chen Zhi and the others have to do now is to hide their whereabouts and hide in the grass. During this period, they must not make any noise. Once they attract the attention of those things, it will be very troublesome!

After they had been hiding in the grass for several hours, it was finally completely dark.The surrounding darkness enveloped the entire village!
The lights in those villas were still flickering, and the villagers didn't seem to feel tired at all, and they were still walking quickly in the village.

At this time, Chen Zhi gestured to everyone, and made a forward gesture towards the big villa in front.

Everyone quickly lined up, jumped onto the mound one by one, and walked towards the big villa of the Fourth Aunt Hu Meng's house...

(End of this chapter)

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