Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1017 Handed down Gem Mine

Chapter 1017 Handed down Gem Mine ([-])
What they saw in front of them has subverted all previous perceptions of gemstone mines, and even perceptions of beauty~~~~
In front of Chen Zhi and the others was a very long mine, surrounded by some rough wooden frames, which had obviously been artificially developed.

Most of the rocks on the wall have been excavated, exposing huge rough gemstones that have been half mined.

Those rough stones are covered with a light film, revealing the extremely gorgeous seriousness inside...

Some gemstones contain a stream of blue water, bluer than the sky, some gemstones emit bright golden light, which shines brighter than the purest gold, and some are colorful, like a galaxy of stars~~~
Every piece of rough gemstone is very complete, the small one is as big as an apple, and the big one is as big as a pineapple. Above those gemstones, there are also colorful mist rising up, and the rays of light are filling the air. It looks like a sky-filling stone above the nine heavens , so graceful that people can't look sideways...

Seeing this wonderful scene, everyone opened their mouths wide, as if their souls were attracted by these gems, unable to extricate themselves~~~
"Oh my god, I completely understand now, why these people stay up in the middle of the night and come here to mine..."

Fat Wei pouted, looked at these rough gemstones and exclaimed:
"Such a beautiful thing, not to mention digging 1800 meters underground, even digging to the old man's house on 8100 meters of land, is worth it!!

If these treasures can be taken out, they will definitely shock the whole world~~~~, then the Queen’s scepter is far behind~~~”

"It's really beautiful..."
The old somersault was obviously also attracted by these magnificent and huge gemstones, walked over to caress those colorful treasures,
"But there is one thing I still can't understand. You said just now that the sales of these gems are all in a unified way, that is to say, even if the villagers dig up these gems, there is no place to sell them!
Since they have no value, these gemstones are just beautiful stones that can never be turned into cash, so why take the risk..."

Chen Zhi touched it with his hand, and found that light blue gemstone like the blue sky and sea...

The gem seemed to feel the temperature of Chen Zhi's fingertips, and immediately began to change color on the surface. It was actually divided into several blue levels, with a gradual transition from dark blue to light blue~~~.An aura of aura flows and changes constantly in the gemstone. When the hand touches the gemstone, it is like touching the whole sea.

"This is a rare treasure that can seduce people. Human beings' desire to possess treasures is written in DNA!

Maybe in the beginning, these villagers dug up these gems just for money~~~~
But as time goes by, money can no longer satisfy their desires. When they face these treasures for more and more time, they begin to have a morbid possessive desire for these gems!And start peeking at the gems in the deeper strata~~~
In some famous museums, some of the thieves are often old employees of the museum.

They don't want to take out the treasures in the museum and sell them for money, but looking at these cultural relics all year round, they have an uncontrollable possessive desire in their hearts, and they can even take these things for themselves even at the expense of violating the law. have.

Just like these miners now, they would rather risk violating the family rules, but also dig such a deep mine, wanting to dig out the deep treasures here~~~~"

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, everyone sighed! !
After lingering in this dreamlike mine for a while, they continued to walk forward.

On the next journey, they would see some corpses on the side of the road from time to time. Those corpses still held chisel tools in their hands, and their faces were covered with chilblains. gem.

The mine tunnel was sloped downwards, and Chen Zhi and the others walked down the road for a long distance, getting more and more angry. After an hour, they finally reached the end of the mine tunnel.

The rock walls around here have basically not had time to be mined, but through the rock walls, you can feel the brilliance inside the rock walls, and this passage has finally come to an end after arriving here.

The land here is obviously different from the above. The soil is very soft, like matsutake~~~, and there are many crystals mixed in it. It feels like mud with a lot of glass slag.

"This is the end..."
Fat Wei looked around again, and then said:
"To be honest, I have dug out the sand for so long, and I rarely see it in such a deep place~~~~~
There is very soft soil everywhere here, which cannot be squeezed into pieces. It belongs to the polycrystalline soil in the underground layer. This is what happens in places like the underground. It gets colder as you go down, and it feels like an icehouse. Let’s go down, it’s not sure how cold it will be…”

"You are talking about the situation on the surface layer...",
Chen Zhi squatted down, twisted the polycrystalline soil on the ground with his hands, observed carefully, and then said slowly:
"The interior of the earth is divided into three parts, the crust; the mantle; and the core.

The part of the earth's crust belongs to the surface layer, which is the place that our human technology can reach. In the surface layer, the deeper the place, the colder it is.

But the part of the mantle is different. The mantle belongs to the middle layer of the earth, which is a place that human beings cannot reach with modern technology.However, many scientists have predicted that the mantle belongs to another physical space, and after arriving there, the surroundings will be very hot..."

"Do you mean that Genghis Khan's tomb has reached the middle layer?",
Fat Wei asked in disbelief:
"This is unlikely. If it is true, then how did the people at that time build the cemetery there? Didn't you just say that it is a place that modern technology can't go to? Then how did the Mongols at that time Who sent Genghis Khan's body there?"

"Don't underestimate the ancients...",
Chen Zhi looked at the soil on the ground and said in a deep voice:
"The ancients created many miracles, which cannot be replicated by our modern people.

We don’t need to imagine what happened in that era now, we just need to use the same method to go back there~~~”

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he rolled up the sleeves on his arms and exposed the circular totem he carved on his arms. When his skin was exposed, he suddenly felt a bit of biting coolness. The temperature here is already very high. low~~~~
Chen Zhi tapped the healed wounds with the tip of the knife, and blood immediately overflowed down his arm.

Chen Zhi closed his eyes.Silently read the mantra.


After the cloud of smoke dissipated, several black shadows strung up from the loose soil.

I saw that Wujia was covered in white smoke, his face was flushed by the heat, and he was kneeling there with a few earth celestial beings~~~
"Tell the master, we have dug a passage leading directly to the depths of the ground.

As the master expected, there is indeed a dark tomb hidden deep under the stratum..."

 Thanks for the reward: make2007;
(End of this chapter)

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