Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1021 Horror Journey

Chapter 1021 Horror Journey
Chen Zhi wanted to open his eyes wide so that he could see the dark building in front of him clearly...

However, just as he was about to turn his body vigorously, he suddenly felt a churning in his stomach, and his throat became hot, and he vomited it out with a sound of "Wow~~~~".

Originally, the work clothes completely covered their heads and bodies in order to protect them, but this time, the vomit was completely vomited into the hood, and he had to take off the hood, otherwise he might be choked by his own vomit die.

Chen Zhi's nerves had just recovered at this time, he tried several times with trembling hands, and managed to take off the hood, and at that moment, an unbearable heat wave rushed straight at him, it was too hot here, It's so hot that it breaks down~~~
If the heat in the Egyptian desert is painful and unbearable, then the heat here should be the bottom line for human survival. Faced with this heat for a long time, human beings will soon collapse completely~~~
Chen Zhi gritted his teeth, tremblingly cleaned all the vomit in the hood, then lowered his head again, vomited painfully, and cleaned the vomit in his stomach~~~~
After tidying up, he quickly put the hood on his head. The hot air made it impossible to breathe just now, but after the cool air in the hood passed in, he felt that everything had returned to calm again, and his brain had returned to normal again...

When the pea pod barrier fell to the ground, because Chen Zhi was in a coma and couldn't control it, the cover automatically burst open.

But the few people inside the Pea Pod were all ejected, Shu Pangwei bounced the farthest~~~~, crawling on the ground, his body trembling slightly, seemed to have woken up~~~
And Hu Meng and Lao Somersault fell not far away, they were still near the Pea Pod, but the Ghost Knife had disappeared...

"Where's Ghost Knife?",
Seeing that the Ghost Knife disappeared, Chen Zhi's heart tightened and he looked around quickly.

I saw a dark area around me. In this area, the concept of sunshine does not exist. Looking around, it was pitch black.

The air outside is in a distorted state, and the temperature is obviously very high. Their current breathing is mainly maintained by the oxygen made by their work clothes.

The Indians’ miniature technology is not given for nothing. In addition to the strong anti-collision function, their work clothes can also use the surrounding gas elements to produce oxygen. The biggest technology of this work clothes lies in the automatic detection of the surrounding situation, which includes The detection of living matter, as well as the detection of non-biological geographical environment.

Since Chen Zhi was in this place, the detection equipment on his overalls has detected all known elements around, and reported the detection results to the system of the overalls.

The system in front of him showed that the composition of the air here is very complex, the temperature is extremely high, and it is not suitable for human survival.But there is still a meager amount of oxygen in the air, that is to say, if a person stays here, he may be extremely painful, he may be maddened by heat, but it does not mean that he will die immediately~~
The surrounding geographical environment is very complicated, and the main mineral ions that can be detected on the scanning device of the overalls are basically not detected here.

Most of the LCD display is,

【No fresh water resources】

【Appearance of inanimate body】

【Unknown geographic situation】

【Mineral element unknown】Wait...

But there is a kind of element on the ground that exists in large quantities here, that is pure carbon element!

It can be seen from the LCD screen that there are a lot of carbon substances everywhere.And they are all crystalline carbon elements, in other words, there are rough diamonds everywhere~~~
Chen Zhi immediately glanced at the darkness to the left and right, and sure enough, there were dots of light in the darkness, like stars twinkling in the night sky.

Under their feet and in front of them, there are diamond crystals of different sizes. This kind of crystal is very pure, all of which are transparent, and contain a very high carbon content, which can emit a faint brilliance by itself. This is the only lighting in this deep underground layer. point……

"Oh shit, I fell to my death~~",
At this moment, Fat Wei's voice suddenly came from the wireless.

Chen Zhi looked ahead, and found that Fat Wei was walking slowly limping from the front, clutching his buttocks.

Pang Wei's physical strength is really good, he has been sitting at the front of the pea pod, after such a long time of collision, and after such a long fall, his physical strength recovered much faster than Chen Zhi.

He also took off the hood, lowered his head and vomited for a while, then stood up and looked at Chen Zhi~~
"Could it be too bad, Xiao Chengzi? Your legs are numb..."
After Fat Wei finished speaking, he extended his hand to Chen Zhi,
"It's only at the critical moment that it depends on the real ability. You fat man, I have never seen such a big storm. Don't look at the spells you usually know. It looks awesome. After coming here, your physical strength is still not as good as mine..."

Chen Zhi held Fat Wei's hand, trying to stand up.

But immediately felt the pain in both legs as if they were split, and then went numb all over, and almost sat back down again.

Fortunately, Fat Wei pulled him up with all his strength, and Chen Zhi finally stood still. After he stabilized in place for a while, the two of them walked towards the pod together~~~
The ghost knife must have disappeared, the current environment does not allow them to look for it everywhere, and there is no response to calling him on the wireless~~~
But in terms of Ghost Saber's skill, it's not him who should be worried now, but Lao Somersault and Hu Meng who are still unconscious next to the pod.

Chen Zhi looked at the time on the screen, they fell from the sky for more than three hours, that is to say, this road is unimaginably long.

They should have reached the mantle below the surface layer by now, that is, the middle zone of the earth~~~
We usually talk about the earth very simply. We regard the earth as a circle, and the mantle is the center between the core and the surface of the earth. We think that the surface layer of the earth is soil, so the mantle in the middle layer should also be soil.

But in fact, this is a completely different concept. The mantle is very far away from the human world. Human beings have never left the surface layer to live. Even if technology develops for another 500 years, they will not be able to enter the mantle layer. Therefore, the mantle is completely different. world...

At this moment, after falling from high altitude for a long time, Old Somersault and Hu Meng were both unconscious. They were lying beside the pea pods, their lips were tightly closed, their faces were blue, and they were in very bad condition~~~
And Hu Meng may be due to the strong nature of the Mongols. Although he is in a coma now, he is still tightly grasping the edge of the pea pod, while the other hand is still tightly grasping his dagger …………

(End of this chapter)

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