Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1037 The Cruelty of the Past

Chapter 1037 The Cruelty of the Past

"Really? This is the enchantment laid by the Jiang family~~~",
Old Somersault looked at Fat Wei with both eyes, and asked in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

"[-]% sure~~~~",
Fat Wei moved his waist, clutched his buttocks that hurt from the fall just now, pointed to the stone coffin in front of him and said,

"I don't dare to say anything else, I have learned about Orange's enchantment several times~~~~
Their Jiang family's enchantment is like a big bubble~~~~, transparent and invisible, but sticky like chewing gum, and it makes the whole body numb when touched, scarier than electric current~~~"

"Is there such a thing?",
The old somersault turned back to look at Chen Zhi,
"Chen Zi, in fact, I have suspected one thing for a long time, do you think that this old man named Qiu Chuji has a mysterious background?

If he is just a Taoist with some magical powers, or if he is a demigod with magical powers, then what he does is a bit too powerful~~~
You can see that the things he did are not something ordinary people can do~~~
He can seal the You Chong clan of the Selling Gold Cave into the mountain, and can skin her descendants and hang them on the mountain. How powerful is that?
Also, what kind of character is Genghis Khan?That is a person who kills invincible hands all over the world, how can he be frightened like that?This Qiu Chuji is by no means an ordinary person~~~
As far as I know, since ancient times, only Jiang Ziya can command the gods and punish these demigods.

Could it be that Qiu Chuji is related to your Jiang family? "

"There must be a source...",
Chen Zhi has been staring at the sarcophagus in front of him since just now, and said softly,

"This Taoist from the Song Dynasty who calls himself Qiu Chuji may be an anonymous descendant of the Jiang family, or the head of the Jiang clan who hides his identity, or...",
When Chen Zhi said this, he had already walked in front of the sarcophagus, and waved his hand lightly.

The transparent barrier in front of the sarcophagus fully emerged.

This enchantment is not big, and it neatly surrounds the entire sarcophagus one meter away.

Although the enchantment is not big, but this enchantment is the most complete and rigorous enchantment Chen Zhi has ever seen in his life~~~
Every thread of airflow in the enchantment can no longer be described as slender, even if it is one percent of a hair, it cannot be compared with this slenderness.

And that kind of criss-cross weaving technique is estimated to be unable to be calculated by the current large-scale computer. Countless airflow filaments gather together and weave into a complete square barrier, forming a powerful protective cover!
It can be said that if this enchantment does not want people to enter, then even the Nine Heavens Divine Soldiers will not be able to attack it.

"Jiang Shang has been dead for 5000 years...",
Chen Zhi put his hand on the enchantment as thin as Zen wings, and said softly in his heart,

"There is no immortality in this world, even the gods are nothing more than creatures with a longer lifespan.

Jiang Shang is just a son of God, not a god, he is already dead..."

When Chen Zhi's hand was attached to the enchantment air model as thin as a cicada's wings, his air flow was slowly introduced into the enchantment along his fingertips.

His aura penetrated into this layer of enchantment very softly and naturally, and then slowly unfolded in the texture of the enchantment, just like fresh blood dripping into the original blood.

After a while, I saw this layer of enchantment, which was as thin as a chandelier's wing, but extremely strong, peeled off layer by layer in front of Chen Zhi, and in the end, it completely disappeared!
At the same time, the fly whisk on the coffin suddenly burst into light, completely illuminating the dark room.

Everyone present was so shaken that they couldn't open their eyes. In the spiritual light, an incomparably powerful force flew out of the sky~~~
That kind of power is very delicate, like a large criss-cross airflow net, rushing towards him, accompanied by waves of ancient mantras, completely imprisoning Chen Zhi's mind.

The sound of this mantra is all chanted in divine language, like reciting a ballad~~~
Chen Zhi didn't hear clearly at the beginning, but after being in this environment for a long time, his ears gradually got used to the sound, and finally he could understand the meaning of these mantras. An old story.

The grammatical structure of Shenwen is very strange, it is a circular structure, and it is not comprehensible to human beings, but the general meaning of its description is:

A tyrannical Mongolian king has won countless victories in this life. There is no general in the world who can resist him, and there is no city he cannot conquer~~~
One nation after another was exterminated under his iron hoof, one king after another was cut off by him, mothers hugged their children and wailed in pain, old people held the soil of their hometown in their hands, gnashing their teeth in hatred~~~~
Everyone cursed the sky together, why did they give birth to such a cruel person?Everyone cursed the earth together, why turned the world into a purgatory~~~~~
The sky is enraged, the plague is raging in the world, and all living beings will be turned into ashes~~~~~~
But this monarch does not know fear, his honor comes only from his scimitar, every day when he drinks, he cuts off the flesh of the enemy for fun~~, every night, he wants to insult the enemy's wife and daughter for joy~~~~
He likes the enemy crying and begging for mercy under his scimitar, that is his favorite sound~~~~
One day, an old man in ragged clothes came to King Khan.

The old man was full of white hair and claimed to be a sinful son of God. In the name of the gods, he asked King Khan:

Stop killing, have mercy on all beings...

King Khan laughed when he heard the old man's request. He laughed at the white-haired old man, who was old and faint, and asked for mercy from a generation of heroes~~~, but he never knew what mercy was~~~
King Khan said: "My greatest joy in this life is to conquer the enemy, to chase them, to rob their property, to see their family's tears, to ride their horses and to possess their daughters and wives~~~~~ "

After hearing this, the old man closed his eyes, ignored the Mongolian Khan in front of him, and asked:

"You are afraid of heaven~~"

The Mongolian Khan still laughed loudly after hearing this:

"Cowards are afraid~~~, but I am not a coward~~~
If the way of heaven blocks my way in front of me, I will destroy the way of heaven, and if the gods persuade me to cherish my life in front of me, I will kill the gods!

Everything in the world is mine, and the land where the sun shines is my territory. Even the land thousands of miles under the sea is my galloping territory~~~
I want to massacre all enemies, slaughter all the cowardly and incompetent Han people, pigs and dogs, and turn the Semu people with colored eyes into my subjects~~~, everywhere in this world, become my thousands of miles of grassland.

If anyone wants to persuade me to give up, come and talk to my scimitar! ! ! "

After the Mongolian King of Han finished speaking, he cut off the iron pillar next to him to show his determination~~~~~
Seeing that the Mongol Khan was determined, the old man stopped admonishing him, but………………

(End of this chapter)

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