Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1042 Divine Seal

Chapter 1042 Divine Seal ([-]) [Thanks: Snow Cat Ten Thousand Rewards Plus Updates]

Chen Zhi looked at this gray stone seal carefully, it was square and neatly carved on all sides, it was quite different from the Gala stone seal that he saw at Papa Mult's place.

After Chen Zhi came to Mongolia, he was lucky enough to see two legendary spirit stones. One was the Gala gemstone seal in the vault of Mr. Murt, and the other was this gray stone seal.

The Gala gemstone seal is dazzling, but this gray stone seal is dull and devoid of spirituality, as if it has been used before and then used again~~~
There are some divine characters engraved in the middle of the stone seal, but the characters don't match up very well.

"Supreme Feng Chan... is the God of Slaughter!" These words are relatively small, and the inscriptions are very neat, which seems to be the original words on the stone.

However, the name "Borzigit, Temujin" was added later.

Moreover, the last stroke of "Temujin" was erased before it was finished~~~~~~, that is to say, Qiu Chuji repented at the last moment, and for some reason, he stopped this conferred god Behavior! ! !

"What the hell is this?",
Hu Meng, who was a little dazed from just now, finally couldn't hold back anymore, and asked Chen Zhi,

"Brother Xiaozhi, what did you mean by what you just said?

Why..., why do you say that my ancestors should live forever and be treated as sinners? "

"This is a divine seal!!",
Chen Zhi weighed the gray stone in his hand, turned his head and stared at Hu Meng,

"Your ancestor, Borzigit Temujin, was conferred as the God of Slaughter before he died, and he was given an eternal body so that he could pay for his sins~~~"

"This..., this is too ridiculous~~~",
Hu Meng smiled awkwardly. He knew nothing about this strange world, but the pride of the Jin family made him unable to bear it any longer.
"People are already dead, why bother to say such heavy words?

And..., and this is how long ago, the Mongols and the Han people have already become friends, and the Han people have already forgiven him?Also call him the hero of the prairie~~~
Besides, Genghis Khan had regretted it at the time, didn't he issue a stop killing order? ! ! "

"What happened before the killing order?"
Chen Zhi suddenly looked at Hu Meng coldly, his gaze was like a knife,
"Did thousands of people die in vain before the killing order? Will those dead forgive him? Is forgiveness so easy?

The reason why the current descendants of the Han people can forgive him is because they don't know what happened on this land at that time..."

Hu Meng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Chen Zhi would suddenly lose his temper with him, and it was because of such a long time ago, so long ago that it was ridiculous~~~
"Hey~~, hey~~~, don't don't!!!",
Fat Wei immediately sensed that the atmosphere was not right, he hurriedly leaned over, and smiled at Hu Meng,

"Oh, awesome!!! Your ancestors were indeed conferred gods! In the future, your highness, the prince, will have more background, the descendants of the gods, awesome, really awesome~~~"

After Fat Wei finished these few words, he pulled Chen Zhi aside,
"Chengzi!! What are you doing?" Fat Wei said with wide-eyed eyes,

"I don't care what you saw in Mr. Qiu's whisk just now, you have to remember that this is the 21st century, and those shitty things have been in the past for more than 1000 years~~~No one wants to mention it anymore~~~~~
We still have to rely on the golden family to take care of us when we go out, and now you are making the prince cry, it is not good for us... ",
Fat Wei is here to persuade Chen Zhi, and the old somersault also comforted Hu Meng, saying that Chen Zhi is under too much pressure now, after all, this is a deep underground layer, and it is difficult for everyone to keep calm, so we must unite even more. Don't cause internal conflicts~~~
After Fat Wei and Chen Zhi muttered a few words, they turned their heads to look at the shriveled corpse in the coffin.

"But having said that~~~, this matter of conferring gods is not reliable...

After Genghis Khan was made a god, he didn't live forever, did he?The corpse has become like this, only these pieces of skin are fresh, what's the use! "

"There is nothing immortal in this world..."
Chen Zhi looked at the charred and dry corpse in the coffin, and said softly,
"And this god-conferring ceremony was not completed in the end!!! Temujin may have got the chance of eternal life, but he was not conferred as a god!!!

Qiu Chuji must have temporarily changed his plan for some reason~~~~, and terminated Temujin's punishment! ! ! "

"Hey~~, don't talk about this!!! Look at your old skin, is it from this?",
Old Somersault is a meticulous person. He has been observing all the positions of the corpse since just now. He found that there was a circle the size of a fingernail on the living skin of the corpse's shoulder blade, which was similar to that of Fat Wei's old skin. The shape is exactly the same.

This sentence reminded Fat Wei, he hurriedly took out a sealed bag from his treasure bag, inside was the old leather that Anbu sent him~~~
Fat Wei gently took out the old skin, and aligned it with the notch on the shoulder blade. It fit perfectly, and this old skin was indeed cut from this corpse!

"Damn, his grandma is so cowardly~~~~"

Fat Wei was so angry that he immediately cursed,
"Yama, the son of Fengdu, is a fucking pyramid scheme~~~
You can't believe what you said, and you told me that this is the skin of immortality, and that it was taken from it, what do you think this corpse will turn into?Still live forever.Pooh! !It's the god of the underworld, it's really tm capable of deceiving people. "

Fat Wei complained, wanting to pull back the old skin and put it back in his treasure bag, but accidentally, the whole living skin with the tattoo on his shoulder was pulled up~ ~~
"Hey~~, I'm going~~~, I'm sorry!",
Fat Wei was taken aback, and hurriedly put the piece of skin on the corpse's shoulder again,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I accidentally peeled off your old skin~~, children are ignorant, for the sake of your great-grandson, don't blame it~~~~"

Fat Wei muttered, and smoothed the piece of skin with his hands, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at the joint of the piece of skin, like seeing Like the most incredible thing in the world~~~
"Cheng..., Cheng Zi, come and see here!"

Pang Wei shouted hastily through the wireless, and then used his hands to lift off the tattooed living skin on the corpse's shoulder.

"This, this piece of skin is fake, it was sewn on the corpse!"

Fat Wei's words made Chen Zhi's brain buzz immediately, and he quickly lay down on the coffin to look at the corpse.

I saw that the fresh skin on the corpse had turned up. There were indeed some very thin lines between the mummy and the fresh skin.

But these connections should have existed for a long time, and they were completely fused with the corpse. It was estimated that they had been stitched together before the corpse died.

"The skin was sewn back, this corpse is fake!!",
Chen Zhi shouted in a low voice,
"This is a well-thought-out subterfuge, the person in this coffin is not Genghis Khan at all.

In order to escape punishment, the real Genghis Khan cut off three pieces of his tattooed skin and sewed them on the man's body, using this method to hide the truth from the eyes of those earth immortals.

And the real Genghis Khan escaped punishment 1000 years ago~~~~~~"

 [Thanks: ♀Snow Cat Wan Reward Plus Update]

  It's three o'clock today, good night

(End of this chapter)

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