Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1048 Rapid Evacuation

Chapter 1048 Rapid Evacuation

Seeing that Ghost Knife suffered such a serious injury, everyone immediately panicked, Fat Wei and Lao Somersault rushed over~~~~
The ghost knife has always given them the feeling that it is too strong, so strong that there is no need to worry too much about the safety of the ghost knife, but the ghost knife is seriously injured at this time, and many wounds are almost fatal, which makes everyone feel scared~~~
The most important thing right now is to stop the bleeding, and then repair the work clothes, otherwise the high temperature air here will quickly infect the wound and kill the ghost knife~~~~
Since the work clothes were damaged in the Tomb of the Drought God last time, they have experience, and it is impossible to repair the work clothes in a short time, but the madman asked the Indians for a quick repair work clothes patch.

The work clothes they are wearing now are originally made of a high-strength metal fiber. The work clothes are completely sealed, and the inside can maintain a normal temperature, but once there is a breach, the airtightness of the work clothes will be broken. The automatic temperature device It will also fail~~~
The Indians later developed a kind of fiber gel, which can quickly glue the cracks on the work clothes with fiber patches to maintain the airtightness of the work clothes ~~~, which is the so-called quick repair~ ~~~
These patches are made of the same material as work clothes. They are soft in texture and easy to cut. They can be made into any shape. Just like the patches sewn on when the clothes are torn, they can urgently repair the holes and cracks on the surface of the work clothes. .

Although the repaired work clothes are not as perfect as the original work clothes, the internal air conditioner can be restarted, which can completely resist the high temperature outside~~~
Ghost Knife is in a very dangerous state at this time. He has suffered deep wounds on his body and thighs. His bones have been injured in many places, and even the tendons in some places have been bitten off!

Old Somersault dug out clean water from the treasure bag, took out the emergency medical kit, wiped the wound of Ghost Knife clean with alcohol cotton, cleaned the blood around it with clean water, and exposed the clean wound.

Chen Zhi put the hemostatic powder mixed with elixir that Bao Ping gave him on Ghost Knife, allowing his muscles and bones to heal slowly inside. The scars glowed like an elixir.

Then, Fat Wei helped Ghost Knife wrap the bandage. At this time, it is impossible to wrap it so carefully through the work clothes, but it can still be fixed and hemostatic~~~
In the end, everyone worked together to sew up all the damaged parts of Ghost Saber's work clothes with those fiber patches.

The internal air conditioner was activated, and when the work clothes were cooled again, Ghost Saber's physical condition was obviously much better.

His breathing in the hood began to be even, his heart was not beating as fast as before, and his temperature gradually dropped...

Fat Wei checked the wireless system of Ghost Knife. The hood of Ghost Knife was scratched and bit by gravity just now, and a large piece of the throat of the overalls was torn off. The wireless system is now completely paralyzed, and he wants to talk to him wirelessly It is impossible.

"Daozi~~~, are you okay..., tell us if you're okay~~~~", Fat Wei took off a small piece of Ghost Dao's hood, and shouted loudly into Ghost Dao's ear.

Ghost Dao was woken up by Fat Wei, opened his eyes and glanced at everyone, and moved his mouth slightly, "It's okay..."

"How did you get hurt like this? Are those little green men just now? Can they catch you like this?" Fat Wei continued to ask.

"It's them...",
After Ghost Knife resumed his steady breathing, his complexion was still pale,

"After we fell from above, those earth immortals were guarding below. They are very difficult to deal with... We must leave immediately..., go now!!!"

Fat Wei's face turned blue when he heard what Ghost Saber said. He knew that with Ghost Saber's character, he would never say these words lightly.

If it is really possible to injure the Ghost Saber like this, then it proves that those Earth Immortals are indeed very difficult to mess with~~~
After Ghost Saber finished speaking, everyone fell silent. After glancing at each other, they all looked at Chen Zhi in unison~~~~
"Are those demigods very strong?",
Chen Zhi looked at the ghost knife on the ground,

"Stronger than me?"

"Yes!!!", Ghost Knife replied without hesitation,
"Let's go!!"

Ghost Saber's answer has already explained everything. Although everyone still can't understand how these little green men who are about the same height as themselves can be so strong, but judging from Ghost Saber's performance, it is urgent now~~~
"Okay, let's go back the same way...",
After Chen Zhi made his decision, he waved his hand, and Pang Wei and Old Somersault immediately helped to set up the ghost knife, crawled out of the hole, and prepared to leave.

At this time, Hu Meng said nonchalantly beside him:
"Well, I..., I want to say something!"

When Hu Meng said this, he was obviously a little apprehensive, and looked at others nonchalantly~~
"That old Kutu..., shall we leave him alone? Let him be captured by those monsters?"

"Yeah, I wanted to talk about this just now..."
Fat Wei immediately said,

"It's a bit too dishonest to see death without help!!

Or... Knife, you lie here for a while, I will go ahead to explore the way, see what is behind the black hole, and then come back to find you!

Don't worry, I have two guns with me, which are full of stone control bullets~~~, those demigods are most afraid of these things~~~",
After finishing speaking, Fat Wei drew out his pistol and went to the entrance in the darkness.


Ghost Saber grabbed Fat Wei's arm, and said firmly:

"We can't save anyone, now we can only be ourselves~~~, we can't stay here for a minute, we must leave immediately!

If we meet those earth immortals, we will all die!Walk! ! ! "

Although separated by a hood, Ghost Saber's voice is sonorous and powerful, and the serious tone is beyond doubt~~
Through these words, Chen Zhi can even imagine what kind of cruel battle Ghost Saber has experienced in the past few hours~~~
"let's go!",
After Chen Zhi was silent for half a second, he said firmly.

Then he set up the ghost knife, waved his hand, and ordered everyone to walk the way they came~~~
The path ahead was very clear, and the temperature inside the tomb was much lower than outside.

There is no shelter in front of it, only two rows of dark gray rock walls, and the peridot murals on the top have a green luster, and the front can be seen at a glance.

Just like that, the three of them carried the ghost knife all the way, and walked quickly towards the loop.

According to the way they came, there is Huangsha Waterfall in front of them. After going out from there, you can go back to Wangcheng~~~, the outside of Wangcheng has been marked by Fat Wei, with Chen Zhi's enchantment bubble protection, it is very easy to walk ~~~~
I don't know why, everyone is very nervous at this time, their hearts are pounding, and although there is no one around, they feel as if something terrifying is chasing them. They walked faster and faster, and in the end, everyone was running silently~~~~
And Hu Meng is obviously still thinking about the matter of old Kutu, Hu Meng is indeed a rather affectionate person, although in this case, he has been looking back, hoping to see the figure of old Kutu...

What's strange is that after they passed by, there was no light behind them, and those shimmering peridot stones also lost their brilliance, and there was only endless darkness behind them besides darkness.

They quickened their pace and ran forward desperately, and the remaining time became very fast. When everyone was out of breath, they finally reached the entrance when they came, Huangsha Waterfall.

But at this time they discovered that the Huangsha Waterfall, which was flying down just now, was no longer there...


(End of this chapter)

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