Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1054 The Real Punishment

Chapter 1054 The Real Punishment ([-])
[Thanks for the reward: g55amg, 10000]

In the following time, Chen Zhi and Fat Wei saw a brutal torture, the cruelty of the punishment could no longer be described in words.

Those Earth Immortals don't have the slightest bit of human compassion, and they don't understand fear at all. They seem to enjoy this process of causing pain to others.

The earth immortals first used an ax to open up old Kutu's belly little by little~~~
During this process, old Kutu was always alive, and he was in great pain. The pain was beyond words. Because of the pain, his whole body convulsed, and his body arched in pain.

However, after the old Kutu had his intestines pulled out and suffered all kinds of pain, he still did not die~~~, and it didn't take long for his stomach to recover as before!
In this way, those earth immortals began to repeat the torture just now, and tortured him again. At the end, they seemed to feel that old Kutu had become an animal, like a pig pressed on the chopping board Same, very interesting~~~, that kind of cruelty is not comprehensible to human beings at all...

During this process, Chen Zhi and Fat Wei were covered in cold sweat. If they hadn't experienced many battles, they would probably have passed out from shock by now.

However, this cruel scene is still going on, and these immortals are enjoying it, and they seem to never want to stop...

"Mlgb's, fuck you, too! Too! Too fucking perverted..."

Fat Wei's voice was already trembling, his body was shaking excitedly,

"Eighteen hells are better than here, these dead gods are so fucking..."

"This is the punishment!! For those who committed heinous crimes, the punishment of immortality!!!", Chen Zhi said indifferently in the wireless.

For some reason, Chen Zhi suddenly thought of a sentence said by the Buddhists. "The Sutra of Viewing Infinite Life" says: "A person should fall into the evil way with evil. Those who come to welcome~~”

"Okay, let's not punish or not~~~",
After Fat Wei said something on the wireless, he turned his head away and stopped looking at the inhuman scene.
"Cheng Zi, let me ask you, can we save this old Kutu?

If it can't be saved, let's stop wasting time here, and quickly find a way to get out.

Take one less look if you can! ! !It also saves you from having nightmares in the future... Otherwise, we will be the ones who will be on the chopping board later..."

"Save him? Hehe~~~, why?",
Chen Zhi glanced coldly at the painful old Kutu, then turned around and said to Fat Wei,

"There is no exit here...

After I walked in, I let out a probing airflow, and now the airflow has returned. This is a pocket-shaped structure.

The horizon seems far away to you?In fact, they are all false, just like a three-dimensional movie~~~, in fact, this is an underground space, a square box, with virtual scenes below, and we are like little people standing on a sand table.

The surroundings of this space are closed, that is to say, there is no exit at all around, and the exit can only be on the top! "

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Fat Wei raised his head and looked up, only to see that the sky above was pitch-black except for the moonlight, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Where can I find this tnd?

It's pitch black everywhere, with such a big moon, you can't even see a tmd shadow around, so how do you know where the door is? "

Chen Zhi shook his head gently,
"We have been trapped in a prison. If we can't find the door and want to get out, it will be difficult to go to the sky..."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he stopped looking up at the sky. He still ignored the group of Mongolian warriors who were fighting in front of him, watching them cut off the arms of their comrades in arms, then climbed up from the hot sand, and then joined in the madness. battle~~~
"Let's go!!", Chen Zhi finally said,
"It's impossible to find the exit now, and this enchantment is too expensive!!!
In this situation, we have to find a way to save energy. Once there is no barrier protection, those earth immortals will find us immediately, and we will be in trouble!Let's go back to the tent first, and then make plans~~~~"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he pulled Pang Wei, but he didn't pull Pang Wei.

I saw Fat Wei continue to look up at the night sky, his eyes fixed on the bright moon above, it felt like he saw something~~~~
"What's wrong with you? Go away~~~", Chen Zhi called Fat Wei on the wireless.

Fat Wei still raised his head in a daze, looked at the moon above, then pointed to it and said softly: "Cheng Zi, I see the big moon above? Why is there something wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Chen Zhi replied, "It's all a virtual scene, what's so strange..."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he still raised his neck and looked at the moon~~
"Let me tell you, before we found an imperial tomb of an ethnic minority called Yunding Dragonstone Palace. There was a skylight in it. Strange, I wonder if there is electricity in this underground palace or something?
Later, I heard from others that the skylight with bright tiles is called glazed sapphire and emerald stone, also called night bright piece. It is a very rare treasure. Since ancient times, even the emperor has not seen a few pieces~~~~, it is as bright as a stone at night. The bright moon~~~~ hangs far above the ceiling, like a big moon~~~
How do I feel, feel...",
When Fat Wei said this, he couldn't believe it, and it took a long time before he came to the conclusion.

"Why do I feel that the big moon above my head is actually a huge luminous film?"

 [Thanks for the reward: g55amg, 10000]

  I'm fine, don't worry, I know it well, I'm insisting on taking the medicine to nourish the nerves, and I was a little anxious two days ago, now I'm fine, don't worry~~~, if it really doesn't work, I will definitely rest! ! ! !I am not stupid! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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