Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1056 Discovered

Chapter 1056 Discovered

[Thanks to Hao who gave the big reward: Roaming DNA vest, 50000]

This fragmented silence is very cautious~~~~
At this moment, it seemed that the Mongolian soldiers who were fighting in the distance were no longer important, and the old Kutu who was lingering on the wooden platform was no longer important. .

The situation in front of me is very obvious, everything is exactly the same as before, but where are those green earth immortals?Did you find them?Hiding somewhere ready to attack them?
Chen Zhi and Fat Wei didn't dare to act rashly, they just lay on the ground motionless, carefully guarding everything around them.

Chen Zhi wanted to make another hidden barrier to hide him and Fat Wei, but he soon discovered that the air flow in his body was completely disrupted, and it was no longer possible to create that advanced barrier .

When Chen Zhi quickly created the rebound barrier just now, his body suffered a lot of damage. The air flow in his body was like an uncontrolled storm, hitting his internal organs crazily. A mouthful of blood, but resisted not to spit out.

He knew that those earth immortals must be hiding now, they were waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei have been completely exposed to the outside now. After all, those earth immortals hiding in the dark are afraid of Chen Zhi's spells and dare not attack easily, but once they see him injured, they will immediately jump out and tear them apart. There is not even a slag left after the bite.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Chen Zhi looked around vigilantly, and tried his best to organize the air flow in his body~~~, the more time the better for him, it is estimated that there are still two or three minutes before Chen Zhi's air flow can restore order~ ~~
And at this moment, the familiar sound of metal clashing sounded again~~~~
Like a snake running through the desert, with the sound, those shiny silver metal chains soon appeared in their field of vision.

I don't know why, this time the chain movement is faster~~~, and they are extremely excited like metal snakes, and soon gather around Chen Zhi and Fat Wei.

Chen Zhi saw that the Mongolian warriors who were fighting in the distance had fallen to the ground in disarray since he did not know when, their bodies were emitting white smoke in the desert, motionless, as if they had been trapped Like a corpse thrown in the desert...

As for the old Kutu on the wooden shelf, he no longer struggled at this moment. He lay on the table in despair, staring at the night sky, motionless, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered...

The surroundings of Chen Zhi and Fat Wei were completely surrounded by such dense chains.

This kind of chain can be stretched freely, one is divided into three, three is divided into nine, and it continues to expand infinitely. In a few seconds, their surroundings are already densely packed with chains.

And those iron claws at the front of the chain, like the heads of snakes, all stood up, tilting their heads towards Chen Zhi and Fat Wei...

"Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~",
A burst of extremely sharp and weird laughter resounded in the darkness, that sound was creepy~~~
Chen Zhi's whole body tensed immediately, he always felt that the source of the laughter was very close, as if it was coming from beside him, not in front of him, nor behind him, but under the ground where he was lying on his stomach .

At this point in his thoughts, Chen Zhi hurriedly looked down~~~~, and at this moment he saw...

On the pitch-black ground, an extremely ferocious face appeared. At this time, the ground was like a mirror. The green face like a devil was pressed against his face. He wore a crown on his head and grinned at the corner of his mouth. When he reached the base of his ears, his eyes were red and sunken, and there were old Kutu's intestines and blood stains on his sharp teeth. He smiled sinisterly at a position close to Chen Zhi...

"Welcome to the underground, bastard..."

The moment Chen Zhi saw the green face, his body instantly turned upwards, and he jumped out of that place far away.

At the same time, countless green shadows shot out from the ground around them. The speed of those earth immortals was extremely fast, like green bullets. The underground attacked upwards.

An Earth Immortal flew over first, with a hiss~~~, a paw was aimed at Chen Zhi's left arm!

Its claws had metallic lightning, leaving a deep mark on Chen Zhi's overalls.

Chen Zhi immediately felt a sting of heat, the strong fibers on the overalls had been scratched~~~
Seeing that the grasp was unsuccessful, the Earth Immortal quickly rushed up again. With this strength and speed, just one more grasp could completely destroy the left sleeve of the overalls and completely remove Chen Zhi's left arm.

But at this moment, a "bang~~~" was heard, and the earth fairy fell to the ground in response, screamed and rolled on the spot, and got into the mud...

Chen Zhi hurriedly covered his left arm, and took a few steps back.Looking forward again, it turned out that it was Pang Wei who took out the control stone phone and shot the earth fairy just now.

Fat Wei took off his mask without hesitation, and suddenly, hot air came over his face. He held a gun in both hands, and shouted to the surrounding earth immortals:

"Fuck you, let me tell you~~~, this is a control stone bullet~~, you little green men raised by dog ​​B, do you know what a control stone is?
If you want to lose an arm or a leg, just come here, even if you can't kill you, you can still maim you..."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he leveled his pistol, pointed at the nearest earth fairy, and raised his hand to shoot!
Pangwei's marksmanship was very accurate, and it hit the earth fairy right in the middle of the head. The bullet spun on the green skin and went in. The green earth fairy immediately screamed in pain, rolling all over the ground covering the wound~ ~~~
After seeing this situation, the other Earth Immortals all stood where they were, not daring to act rashly...

During this time, Chen Zhi immediately covered his injured left arm, and quickly ran to Fat Wei's side, protecting his back.

The two of them stood back to back, and both took out their rock-controlling pistols and pointed them forward...

It is very unwise to use a machete in such a time when the enemy is outnumbered, and the speed of these earth immortals is extremely fast, only the stone control pistol can take advantage, after all, no one wants to be the first to rush up scapegoat……

"Aww~~~~~", the injured earth fairy was still rolling all over the ground, kicking up dust on the sand, and the scene was very chaotic.

And at this moment, a green shadow suddenly flashed and landed on that Earth Immortal, and the injured Earth Immortal suddenly stopped moving~~~
When Chen Zhi saw it clearly, he found that the crowned old earth fairy got up from the green corpse. It had just bitten its own kind to death with its fangs! ! !

The leader of the earth fairy with the crown, gritted his teeth fiercely, his tongue was very long, dragging on the ground, it looked like a big lizard~~~
"You, human!",
The leader of the earth fairy looked at Pang Wei with lizard-like eyes,

"Leave this bastard and let you live..."

 [Thanks to Hao who gave the big reward: Roaming DNA vest, 50000]

  Thanks for the reward: 1000 on the first day of February; Tang Xiaoyin 007; Tang Xiaoyin 007;
  On the last day of 2017, Peacock wishes you all a happy new year, and you will gain wealth in 2018; love; career; studies; health, all wishes come true, your happiness is my happiness~~~~
  I want to make something first, announce in 2018, let's spend New Year's Eve together, come on! ! ! 2018! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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