Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1058 Planning

Chapter 1058 Planning
[Thanks to the big reward: CX Yaohan 100000; Royal God 10000]

Fat Wei opened a corner of the tent, and looked out cautiously from the inside, only to see wind and sand blowing up outside the tent, and everything was darkened, but those dense chains had spread all over the surrounding area of ​​the tent. Come here, like countless silver snakes~~~
On the chain, the iron claws standing upright, like a cobra seeking revenge after being injured, swayed at a high frequency, and the sharp claws opened and closed, provocatively touching the thick wall of the barrier.

Chen Zhi's enchantment is woven with the Wind and Thunder Curse. The Wind and Thunder Curse is very powerful and very strong. The moment those metal chains touch the enchantment, they will be hit by the electricity of the Wind and Thunder Curse immediately, and then the current will pass Go to the surrounding chains and bounce them straight away.

After these chains tasted the power of the Wind and Thunder Curse, they became even angrier. Not only did they refuse to leave, but they went even more frantically to test the surface of the barrier in an attempt to destroy it~~~~
Under the ebb and flow, it is only a matter of time before the barrier is broken~~~~
After discussing in the tent, several people decided that the only way to survive now is to use this time to find an exit and leave here.

Chen Zhi's magic energy is limited, the longer the time, the more magic energy will be consumed, and the barrier will become thinner and thinner. Once this barrier is broken, the consequences will be unimaginable~~~, they will think about it at that time Take action, it will be difficult~~~
Fat Wei and Old Somersault were running around in a hurry, while Chen Zhishi was very calm as if he had lost his memory. In fact, from just now, all his attention was focused on the small disc that the whisk turned into.

In the battle just now, when the air flow in his body was beaten into chaos and he was running around, Chen Zhi felt that the little disc became very restless in the treasure bag, running around and bouncing up and down~~ ~, as if wanting to jump out by myself.

After entering the tent, Chen Zhi took out the small silver disc from the treasure bag.

This disc is only the size of a cup mouth, and it was transformed by Qiu Chuji's whisk left on the sarcophagus~~~~~
After shrinking, the small disc has now turned silvery white, very bright and transparent, and every delicate pattern on it begins to emit a faint luster, which feels as if it can change at any time.

And the most important thing is that Chen Zhi can now confirm that the material of this silver disc is exactly the same as that of those chains, and they are both living control stones~~~~
"If this disc can be turned into floating dust~~~, can it be turned into something else?" Chen Zhi looked at the disc, thinking silently in his heart,

"And why did Qiu Chuji put such an important thing on the sarcophagus at that time? To protect the sarcophagus? It's completely unnecessary~~~, there is an enchantment outside the sarcophagus~~~ It's obviously superfluous, don't you mean? It's on purpose Leave it to me?"

Chen Zhi thought silently in his heart, and put this small disc in his palm.

And at this time, he could clearly feel that the disk had the effect of controlling the aura, and the airflow in his body that was chaotic and bumping around just now began to move regularly~~~
That kind of feeling is like putting the scattered sand in the model, and it is sculpted into an orderly image~~, one by one, it is sorted into countless airflow lines, and then molded into various shapes, the reaction On this disc, the power of the fierce curse is more varied~~~~
"Hey, I said it's already time, so stop messing around with this crap!",
Seeing Chen standing beside him in a daze, Fat Wei was so anxious that he jumped up.

"I said Cheng Zi, why are you so big-hearted?
You don't even listen to the sounds outside, they are all the voices of ghosts, after those iron chains come in, we will all be pierced through, and we will all become toothpicks by then~~~
You tell me what to do..."

"That..., not necessarily...",
Hu Meng has been sweating profusely since just now, watching Fat Wei and Lao Somersault talking, but he has been unable to get in, and now he finally has a chance to say something.

"I don't think those chains are that smart, and they may not be able to attack me. Don't forget that Uncle Jin and I were hiding behind a rock just now, but they have already discovered them. Didn't they also turn around and leave?"

"Yeah, what happened just now..."
The old somersault was reminded by Hu Meng, and he also reacted,

"Hu Meng and I were completely exposed to them just now. The iron chain was less than half a meter away from me at that time. If they attacked me at that time, it would probably have pierced my head at that time~~
But why did they turn around and leave? "

"Hi~~~~, that's because they don't see us...",
Fat Wei shook his head helplessly and said:

"Only us mortals are not high enough to be caught once. What they are looking for are oranges~~~"

"So they are looking for Brother Xiaozhi..."
Hu Meng immediately widened his eyes and said:

"That is to say, if they have caught Brother Xiaozhi, they won't come to trouble us again, right! Then this matter will be simple~~~"

"I'll fuck you..."
Fat Wei jumped straight up, and went up to look at Hu Meng as a brain cover.

"Well, you Mongolian stick, I didn't see it before~~~, you boy is still a traitor, are you going to sell your brother Xiaozhi? Let me tell you, it is impossible with me here !Even if you run away by yourself, do you think you can get out alive? The magma outside will burn you to death~~~~"

"Look at what you said, am I that kind of person? We Mongolians never betray our brothers~~~",
Hu Meng's face was flushed from the beating, and he was half dead with anger.

"What I mean is, maybe we can use the method of dividing the army into two groups, let Brother Xiaozhi attract those chains here, and then we will find a way to find a way out. This is called "striking from east to west" in your China..."

"Oh, that's simply impossible..."
Fat Wei immediately shook his head,

"Are you fooling those earth immortals? They can't see rabbits, they don't know how to release eagles...

And now that the knife is injured, no one can save someone from the chaos~~~, if Chengzi stays here, he won’t be able to get out, and none of us have the ability to go back to save him.

Besides, even if we run out, will we be able to find the exit?The position of the glass luminous film is too high, what can we do to smash it?Even enough are too fucking out of reach!Unless we have bows and arrows in our hands now, we can shoot the moon above to pieces! "

"It's not unreasonable to say what Hu Meng said..."
At this moment, the old somersault suddenly nodded beside him and said:
"In the current situation, it is impossible to fight recklessly. Keeping Chen Zi here is the only way for us to escape..."

 [Thank you for the 100000 reward: CX Yaohan 10000; Royal Family God [-]]

(End of this chapter)

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