Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1070 Fu Yuanyuan's Choice

Chapter 1070 Fu Yuanyuan's Choice
"What choice?",
Fu Yuanyuan immediately widened her watery eyes and looked at Chen Zhi when she heard the words.
"Until now, all I have to do is escape my life, what choice do I have?"

Chen Zhi looked at Fu Yuanyuan indifferently, "I'm letting you choose whether you really decide to leave here completely and live your normal life~~~~"

"How could you say such strange words...",
Tears flowed from Fu Yuanyuan's eyes immediately,

"Who do you take me for, am I someone who betrayed me for money?
Did you think I was really willing to marry here?Have you forgotten everything I told you?
I met my husband online and was tricked into coming here by this old man who used a fake photo, otherwise who would want to marry someone older than their father? "

"You may not understand what I mean...",
Chen Zhi still looked at Fu Yuanyuan indifferently,
"What I mean is, I can take you away, but you can't take away anything that belongs to the Golden Family. This is my condition..."

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Fu Yuanyuan was stunned immediately, she didn't seem to expect Chen Zhi to say these words suddenly, her lips began to tremble.

"Are you saying that you can't have everything from the gold family, including the inheritance my husband left me? Then..., what about my personal jewelry! Those were all bought by my husband before his death~~~, no Use the family money~~~"

"It doesn't work either...",
Chen Zhi looked at Fu Yuanyuan and shook his head affirmatively.

"After you come to Mongolia, you can't take away anything you get~~, even if it's a leather bag, an earring, everything you get from the Golden Family, you can't take away a little bit! You can only get rid of one People come back to China with us~~~”


Fu Yuanyuan's emotions suddenly became agitated, and her body was trembling.

"You said it lightly, Chen Zhi, do you know how much I have suffered these years?

I have been married here for five years, and all my youth has been thrown away in this foreign country. I live with that old man who can only half communicate.

As for his uncles, they thought I was just a woman from the Golden Family, and they never regarded me as a human being.

do you know?My husband is a psychopath at all, do you know what he did to me after drinking?People like him should go to hell, even if they are all dead, I can't forgive them!

I have suffered so much, shouldn't you give me some compensation?This is not fair to me at all! "

"Stop talking about these meaningless things..."
Chen Zhi looked at Fu Yuanyuan, his eyes were as cold as knives,
"I don't know about the things you said, but those are all in the past...

But as far as you broke the seal of the Golden Family and killed your husband, if those Mongols know about it, you will definitely not be able to live, so don’t tell me what is fair, because your husband is dead, but you are still alive ..."

"What! You..., you know all about it?",
Chen Zhi's words seemed to be of great importance, and they hit Fu Yuanyuan's body heavily. Her face immediately turned pale, and her body trembled even more.

"Chen Zhi..., you, you didn't tell them~~~"

Chen Zhi looked at her indifferently, and shook his head slightly.

"Ah~~~~~", Fu Yuanyuan suddenly collapsed, she grabbed her hair with both hands, grabbed Chen Zhi's trousers, and knelt down all at once.

"I didn't mean to do this on purpose, really~~~, he forced me..., woo woo woo~~~~"

Speaking of this, Fu Yuanyuan couldn't help crying for a while, her pale little face looked very pitiful.

"I was deceived by that old man to come to Mongolia with a fake photo, and I was ruined by him that day~~~
I was only a teenager! ! !I wanted to go back but couldn't go back, woo~~~, my passport and documents were all confiscated by him.My parents are gone, do I have any relatives or friends? The Golden Family is very powerful in the Mongolian family. I, a woman, cannot escape at all, so I was forced to marry him like that, and live my life~~~~ ~~"

During that time, I really would rather die than live, I wanted to commit suicide several times~~~, and then I thought, if I commit suicide, I might as well kill him first~~~",
Speaking of this, Fu Yuanyuan gritted her teeth and continued,

"At that time, I suddenly received a letter, which told me to use cinnabar to tamper with the charms in the family altar, and my hated husband would die slowly without any trace. All property can be inherited.

There was a piece of paper in that letter with a pattern drawn on it, let me draw this pattern with cinnabar, secretly mix it into the charm of the altar, and then wipe off a corner of the original old charm, it will be fine~~~.

I thought at the time that this was not a big deal, and it was basically a trick to deceive people, so I followed suit. Unexpectedly, my husband died suddenly, and such a big thing happened to Mount Kent. Terrified~~, didn't expect to lead to such a big result~~~~
But later I comforted myself, thinking how could I have such great power, all of this was just a coincidence, and my husband is a beast, and he deserved what he deserved.

But what I never expected was that after my husband died, my husband's younger brothers still refused to let me go. They were greedy for my beauty and pestered me in every possible way. Old Mongolian men are really disgusting~ ~~~~
During this time, they often broke into my room at night, but their patriarch didn't care at all, thinking that the widows of the golden family were the property shared by the men of their family.

Do you know what they did to me?They have ruined me... woooo~~~"

After Fu Yuanyuan finished speaking, she hugged her shoulders and cried loudly.

Chen Zhi silently looked at Fu Yuanyuan on the ground, looking at this former school belle, kneeling on the ground and shivering, like a lovely lotus flower, which made me feel pity~~~
"Okay~~~", Chen Zhi said after a long silence.

"Don't say what you said just now. I'm not interested in verifying whether your past is true or not. It's all your past choices, and now I'm letting you choose again...

I promise you, I can save you this time, but if you go back on your word later and what happens, I won't care anymore..."

(End of this chapter)

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