Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1077 Leaving Mongolia

Chapter 1077 Leaving Mongolia
Now that the atmosphere has become like this, there is no need to stay any longer...

After Chen Zhi and the others bid farewell to Mr. Muert, Hu Meng drove them in person and took them away from the golden family's house~~
The old somersault has been in a chaotic state since he was drunk. He didn't know what happened that day. They went directly to the hospital, picked up Ghost Saber and Ji Ying, and then went to the house outside Humeng Stay here overnight.

Early the next morning, Chen Zhi and his party boarded the special plane of the Golden Family, preparing to return to China~~~
When parting at the airport, Hu Meng was very reluctant to leave. The short time together made him form a deep friendship with the two Chinese people. When seeing him off, Hu Meng's nose turned red and he even shed a few tears.

"Two brothers, I, Humeng, am a Mongolian. We Mongolians are not good at rhetoric, but we always keep our word...",
Hu Meng choked up when he said this,

"The experience with you at Kent Mountain is the eternal glory of my life, and I will never forget the experience of life and death with you~~
I know your world is big, maybe I'm just a passerby to you...

But for me, you will always be my good Anda, don’t forget me, don’t forget that I have a good brother in Mongolia, I’ll wait for you to come back anytime, as long as I need help, I’ll be there anytime~~~”

"What are you talking about...",
Fat Wei made Hu Meng a little excited,

"You are also a brother of life and death to us, let me tell you, if you hadn't shot the last arrow at the big moon, our brothers would have watched Lord Hades together long ago.

So you kid is the real Mongolian warrior, we are lucky to meet a brother like you~~~~
But it's your hobby..."
Fat Wei smiled and looked at the sexy nurse behind Hu Meng,

"You~~, learn more serious things from your grandfather and father in the future, don't always be around women and wine and meat, and be a decent patriarch in the future~~"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he also came over and patted Hu Meng on the shoulder.

"It is estimated that when we meet next time, you will already be the leader of the Golden Family, let's lead your family to the top..."

After reluctantly saying goodbye, Chen Zhi and the others boarded the private jet of the Golden Family.

The financial power of the Gold family is indeed well-deserved. The interior decoration of the private jet is decorated with glorious colored glaze, gold leaf and colored glaze everywhere, colorful, lest others will not know that they are nouveau riche~~~
However, the layout design of the plane is very comfortable, the rest room and wine room are perfectly set up, the bar is full of drinks, even famous wines like Louis XVIII, especially the stewardess, all tall girls with bright smiles, The translucent uniforms are absolutely seductive, and the meticulous service makes people feel comfortable.

After getting drunk that time, Old Somersault didn't seem to be as excited as before. He just kept yelling about having a headache. After entering the engine room, he went to the lounge to sleep.

The main injuries of Ghost Knife are on the skin. The level of medical treatment in Mongolia is limited. The burns are still inflamed and need targeted treatment after returning to China. Ji Ying took him into a special cabin and rested there.

Only Fat Wei, Chen Zhi, and Fu Yuanyuan were left in the cabin.

In such a weather, the old dress Fu Yuanyuan was wearing was obviously a bit flimsy. Fat Wei Sulai took pity on her and let her wear his coat.

Fu Yuanyuan's eye circles have been red since this morning. She crawled by the window, looking at the white clouds outside the plane, she couldn't help crying and sobbing non-stop~~~
"Oh~~~, I said girl, why are you crying!",
When Fat Wei saw the woman crying, he was a little dazed and said at a loss,
"We have agreed in advance, this is your voluntary return to China, don't make it like I kidnapped you, get off the plane and arrest us as human traffickers~~~"

"Of course I am voluntary!!",
Fu Yuanyuan sobbed and wiped away her tears,
"I'm so happy. It's been five years. I have never left Mongolia. The old man was afraid that I would run away, so he wouldn't even let me sit on the plane. I have been locked in that family like a prisoner. Now... ..., I can finally go back to my country. Huh~~~"

"Then what are your plans when you return to China?"
Chen Zhi looked up at Fu Yuanyuan and asked,

Fu Yuanyuan shook her head in tears, and replied softly:

“I don’t have any savings now, I guess I’ll have to find a job first after returning home~~~
But I have already figured it out, no matter what hardships I suffer, I will survive on my own~~~, I no longer care about those glorious and rich lives in the past.

But I don’t have a high degree of education, so I don’t think it’s easy to find a job. I don’t have parents or relatives, and I don’t have a place to live in China. Chen Zhi, I think you have connections... Can you help me find a job? "


Chen Zhi looked at her and nodded.

"I will help you find an easy job, and then arrange a place for you~~~
But as you said yourself, from now on you are an ordinary person, and ordinary people have the pressure of ordinary people's life. Since you have chosen this path, you must forget the past of the Mongolian princess and start living again..."

"Do not worry!"

Fu Yuanyuan said firmly:
"This is my own choice. I am not the kind of woman who can sacrifice dignity for money. I would rather support myself like an ordinary person than live with those beasts..."

"Okay girl~~, you have backbone~~", Fat Wei said appreciatively,

After a few people said a few words casually, the plane started to take off, and everyone became silent.

This distance is not close, and Fu Yuanyuan hasn't been on a plane for a long time, so she feels a little dizzy at the moment, after saying hello, she returns to the case to close her eyes and rest.

But Fat Wei fell in love with a stewardess with big breasts, and he kept chatting up and asked people to pour him drinks. Mongolian women are not rigid, and the stewardess was also very affectionate, with sexy lips giggling non-stop, and Fat Wei flirts and scolds~~~
Chen Zhi was a little annoyed by their quarrel, so he changed his seat in the corner and sat alone, closing his eyes and thinking about what happened during this period~~~
After a while, perhaps due to exhaustion, he fell asleep unknowingly.

And in the dream, he finally saw the figure he had been struggling with all this time...

(End of this chapter)

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