Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1079 Gift

Chapter 1079 Gift

This nightmare made Chen Zhi's heart beat faster...

For a long time, Chen Zhi and the others traveled across mountains and rivers, and went to places that ordinary people could not even imagine in their lifetimes. Their hearts have long been calm and there is no sense of fear.

Now even if a female ghost appeared out of nowhere and appeared in front of him face-to-face, Chen Zhi wouldn't be too shocked...

If there is anything that would cause him extreme fear, it is probably something that he has been avoiding in the depths of his heart~~~~, that area that he has never wanted to touch~~~
The scene in the nightmare just now, like a silver needle, was stabbing into the only forgotten area in his brain, which made people think of that hazy face again~~~, the one crying alone in the underworld with the shackles Shadow~~~, Jiang Shang! ! !
Chen Zhi rubbed his eyes hard, then poured himself a glass of water, trying to keep his brain awake.

After all, dreams are just dreams, and reality is reality. You can't let a nightmare determine your judgment, and you can't interfere with your normal thinking. Without definite evidence, dreams can't be closer to reality~~~, Chen Zhi doesn't want to let himself become A delirious seer! ! !
However, the changes in reality were immediately reflected in front of his eyes...

On the other side of the cabin, Fat Wei was still flirting with the big-breasted stewardess, and the white clouds outside the plane window kept drifting by, and in an instant, there was lightning and thunder, dark clouds, and the sky changed... …

"Boom~~~, Boom———————"

In an instant, a thunderclap struck down, and the whole plane plunged into the dark clouds, and immediately began to vibrate~~~
"Boom~~~, Boom———————"

The plane shook violently under the roar of thunder, it felt like a kite that was off the line~~~
Immediately there were alarms in the plane~~~, warning all passengers to stay in their seats and fasten their seat belts~~~
Fu Yuanyuan cried in the rest cabin, and all the stewardesses ran around in panic~~~~, Chen Zhi hurriedly put his hand on the side wall of the plane, to let the air flow out of his body, and feel the storm outside.

In fact, this kind of situation is generally caused by the plane suddenly breaking into the dark cloud area, or encountering a rapid wind current. It is a normal natural weather. After shaking for a period of time, it will recover~~~~
But when Chen Zhi transported the airflow out of the plane, he was suddenly taken aback~~~
Now in the sky outside, someone is manipulating the "Wind Thunder Curse!!"

Chen Zhi's heart beat violently immediately. This "Wind and Thunder Curse" is very ancient. Because it is extremely violent and powerful, it is a technique of killing and attacking in the spell, so it has been hidden in the secret volume of spells in Jiang's Book Collection Pavilion. Inside, it is strictly forbidden to spread outside.

It is rumored that this was originally Jiang Shang's teaching technique, and it was passed down from generation to generation among his descendants. Except for the Jiang family, no one can control it, especially in modern society, it is impossible for anyone to even know …………

"Boom~~~, Boom———————"

The dark cloud rolled and spit out countless electric snakes, and lightning bolts mercilessly fell in the air, and the violent wind and rain raged~~~, they could knock down their planes at any time~~~
Chen Zhi wanted to try to manipulate the wind and cloud outside, but he happened immediately. At this time, the wind and thunder spell in the sky was too powerful, hundreds or even tens of thousands of times stronger than him, and he couldn't control it at all~~~
At the same time, in Chen Zhi's treasure bag, something is shining...

Seeing the light in the treasure bag, Chen Zhi's heart jumped completely. It wasn't that he was afraid of what was in the treasure bag, but that he could now be sure that the horrible nightmare just now was really different from the thunderstorm outside now. Adding is related...  

Chen Zhi knows that there are a few unusual things in the treasure bag, and they are all harvested from this visit to Mongolia~~~
First, it was the Gala gemstone given to him by Mr. Muert. It was a spiritual stone with a great golden light. Since this gemstone recognized its owner, the entire gemstone seal has changed.

Originally, there were some words engraved on the front of the seal, all of which were the names and taboos of the Jin family, but now it has disappeared automatically, and this seal has now become a brand new spirit stone.

In order to prevent the golden-yellow Lingshi seal from radiating attention, Chen Zhi and Mr. Muert specially wrapped the Lingshi in a reflective box before leaving, so that even the Lingshi No matter how strong the light the stone emits in the box, even a large light bulb with a temperature of several hundred degrees, it is impossible to reveal the treasure bag.

The second is the abandoned god-level spirit stone found in Genghis Khan's sarcophagus. The words on that spirit stone were scratched by a knife and have been invalidated. All the aura has been eliminated, and it is impossible to shine again.

So in the end, the only thing that could shine is the silver plate that was turned into the dust whisk on the sarcophagus...

Chen Zhi stared at the treasure bag for a long time, listening to the thunderstorm outside the plane, the wind and rain, the whole plane swaying in the air, and finally he took the treasure bag over calmly, and opened the zipper on it...

Immediately, an uncontrollable aura burst out from the treasure bag, the aura dazzled the eyes, the brilliance was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes~~~.

Chen Zhi saw that the silver-white disc had been distorted into a special shape at this time. The shape was very strange, like a spiritual card, and it was still growing in size. The whole body glowed with spiritual light, very eye-catching ~~~
Fat Wei was trying to comfort the stewardess not to panic, and immediately realized that the light here was wrong, and hurriedly persuaded and coaxed the stewardess with the big breasts into the service cabin, then ran over quickly, and held it down. treasure bag.

"Orange, are you crazy?
This is the airspace of Mongolia, what kind of law are you doing here?If these girls find out about it and spread the word to you, you will probably be on the headlines in no time! "

"I didn't cast a spell...",
Chen Zhi moved Pang Wei's hand away, and showed him the silver plate in the treasure bag.

"See? This hard drive has begun to deform, and it caused the climate change outside..."

Fat Wei's eyes widened in astonishment, holding the treasure bag, he poked his head inside to look at the shiny silver plate,
"This thing tmd belongs to Transformers, and it can transform itself...

In fact, I have long felt strange, what is this thing?It turned into a bow and arrow when it was underground~~, and now it is twisted into a twist, so can it turn into something else? "

"This metal is very complex...",
Chen Zhi put the radiant treasure bag back on his mouth, and said to Fat Wei,
"We don't know enough about control stones. In fact, some control stones are far more powerful than we imagined~~~
Just like the chain we saw underground, that kind of control stone obviously has a certain amount of intelligence, which is more advanced than all the control stones we have seen. They can not only cut iron like mud, but also change in a variety of ways.

I reckon that the origin of this silver plate is definitely not small..."

(End of this chapter)

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