Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1082

Chapter 1082
But the witches also found that every time the wound heals, it will shrink a little bit compared to the last time, which proves that the skin is still slowly healing~~~
Therefore, the ghost knife can only be healed repeatedly like this many times, and after suffering many times of pain, it will finally recover, there is no other way.

Considering that Ghost Knife is still guilty, he cannot stay in the organization to recuperate, so Bao Ping arranged for him to heal his wounds in a secret base outside the organization, and strictly blocked the news to protect the safety of Ghost Knife~~
The mental state of the old somersault has gradually calmed down since returning to China. At the beginning, he would still talk nonsense, but then he became silent~~~
The Bao family invited a famous psychotherapist for him to diagnose and treat his condition...

The result of the expert consultation is similar to that in Mongolia. It is said that the excited state of the old somersault is a kind of abnormal paranoia, but as his mood becomes more and more stable, his sanity will gradually recover, so there is no need to worry about it. too worried.

During this period of time, Chen Zhi followed Fat Wei; Ding Ning went to the nursing home to see him a few times, although the old somersault was not very talkative.But it can be seen from his eyes that he has begun to regain his sanity...

In comparison, Fu Yuanyuan's affairs have become very troublesome...

Under Chen Zhi's introduction, the Bao family arranged for Fu Yuanyuan to work as a secretary in the branch company.

According to people from Bao’s family, this is a very easy job. I usually just answer the phone, type documents, and take two days off on weekends. The company arranges board and lodging, and because she is related to Chen Zhi, so in terms of salary and benefits Very special treatment.

But Fu Yuanyuan couldn't adapt to this nine-to-five life, and even double the salary was not enough for her.

In her words, even ten years of this kind of work is not enough to buy a pair of earrings like her original ones, and the high-end clothing and cosmetics she used to like are completely unaffordable now~~~, compared to It used to be the days of spending money like dirt, but now life is too difficult~~~
Later, Bao's family changed several jobs for her in the company. Fu Yuanyuan tried actively at first, but later, he was not satisfied with these jobs, and finally stopped going to work altogether.

According to people from the Bao family, she hides in the company's dormitory and surfs the Internet every day, and she doesn't know what she is busy with.

And Chen Zhi became very abnormal during this time, he always liked to close himself up and stay alone, in Qu Pangwei's words, he basically had autism.

For nearly a month, Chen Zhi locked himself on the second floor of Fate Hall, then locked the door from the inside, drew the curtains, and made the room dark.

This kind of darkness makes him feel safe, allowing him to immerse himself in thoughts and ideas alone...

And Chen Zhi put the silver disc under his pillow, and if he slept, he would make a 17-layer tight barrier outside.

Chen Zhi knew what he was worried about. He was afraid that someone would break into this room and take away this silver plate...

Because since he came back from Mongolia, an unprecedented power gradually poured into his body through the silver plate, which caused a subtle change in his body and mind, and gave him an unprecedented sense of strength! ! !

Now, his desire to own this silver plate is getting stronger and stronger. This desire makes him excited and worried. During the day, he plays with this little silver thing by himself, staring at the exquisite patterns on it, It seems that as long as there is this silver plate, the whole world is in his palm~~~
He really wants to figure out one thing now, that is, what is this thing that makes his strength expand countless times and makes his spirit extremely excited...

Of course, Chen Zhi had already made a guess in his mind...

Looking at the shining silver plate in front of him, he thought of those folklore about Jiang Ziya countless times, and remembered that in the myth, Jiang Ziya was sitting on a cloud and commanding the gods of the nine heavens!

But if it really came to the truth, Chen Zhi really couldn't associate this sacred image with himself. He didn't dare to imagine what it would be like sitting in the wind and clouds to guide thousands of troops and command the gods...

In fact, one of the biggest shortcomings of human beings is self-doubt. People always imagine how powerful they will be when they stand in the clouds.

But if this day really comes, the first thing people will feel is not the pleasure of staring at the world, but fear, endless fear...

During this time, Chen Zhi had the same nightmare over and over again.

In the dream, there was still the old figure in the wrinkled white clothes, with his back facing him like that, motionless like a clay sculpture, pointing at the dust whisk and the abandoned seal on the sarcophagus, without saying a word.

But several times afterwards, the figure in white seemed to be about to turn his head around.

And whenever such a critical moment came, Chen Zhi would be woken up by his dream. When he woke up, he would always be sweating profusely, and he could still hear the thunderous voice in his ears.



After a few days like this, Bao Ping called Chen Zhi. He had been very busy some time ago and dealt with many external affairs~~, and now he wanted to inquire about the details of Mongolia, and it would be best to meet and talk.

Chen Zhi explained everything that happened in Mongolia in detail...

These include the matter of him getting the silver disc and the abandoned seal, and the matter of the Gala gem presented to him by Mr. Mult.

However, when Ji Ying saw Ji Yang in the mine tunnel and received the news about the yama wooden box, Chen Zhi didn't mention a word~~, and shirked that he was not feeling well, and refused the invitation to meet Bao Ping back to the organization.

After Bao Ping heard Chen Zhi's tone, he didn't ask any more questions, but said calmly, "Got it~~" and hung up the phone.

The following days were repeated like this day by day, and Pang Wei and Ding Ning still went to see Lao Somersault every day.

Every time Fat Wei sees Old Somersault, he will mention the money, saying that he is a man, and once he says something, it is hard to follow. Now that he knows the account number and password, he will go abroad to cash it when he has time.

But the old somersault pretended to be deaf and dumb, pretending not to understand, and cleverly changed the password secretly, no matter how fat Wei tried to squeeze him, he would not say a word.

And on this day, Hu Meng, who was far away in Mongolia, called suddenly. In the phone, he told Chen Zhi an unexpected news...

"Fu Yuanyuan has returned to Mongolia..."

 Thanks for the reward: I finally met 1000; Wei Tuo

(End of this chapter)

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