Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1088: The Legendary Weapon

Chapter 1088: The Legendary Weapon

Jian Di's eyes glowed faintly, and her delicate face like a girl was very pure and beautiful under the moonlight. She stared at the silver plate for a long time, her two eyeballs remained motionless, as if she was afraid that if she blinked, then The silver plate will disappear! !

But she quickly regained her composure, and looked at Chen Zhi coldly,

"Bastard, how dare you forge an artifact~~~ You know it's a great crime to destroy the ancestors!!!"

"It seems that you really know this thing..."
As soon as Chen Zhi flipped his hand, the silver plate disappeared from his palm again~~~,

"Why do you think I'm a fake? It's best not to talk nonsense..."

"This artifact cannot be in your hands!!" Jian Di said angrily,

"It has been 5000 years since Jiang Shang Shenzun died, and this artifact has never reappeared in the world!!! Generations of Jiang family patriarchs have dreamed of owning this weapon, but no one can get it. Xiqi King City has been deeply rooted for thousands of years shame on you!!!
No one in the demigod knows about this matter...

Since there is no such thing in Xiqi King City, the one in your hand must be fake~~~"

"You are such a self-righteous little bird...",
Chen Zhi smiled lightly, flipped his hands over again, and took out the silver plate. The silver plate instantly became larger in Chen Zhi's hands, with flashes of aura~~~, and finally turned into a longbow.
"Have you ever thought that this may be left to me by Jiang Shang himself? It was delivered to me just now!!!

I think, he probably guessed that you demigods must be disobedient, so leave it to me, let me control you self-righteous descendants of gods~~~
How is it, little bird?
Is this thing... the legendary weapon? "

Seeing the sudden flash of inspiration, the bow and arrow spun quickly in Chen Zhi's hand, and then turned into a disk again, Jian Di seemed a little afraid, and stopped arguing~~~
She lowered her head slightly, and her face no longer had the arrogance just now, but was like a submissive girl. She lowered her head and thought for a long time, and finally said softly,
"The reason why our mysterious bird knows everything is because it can transmit sound on the ground, and earth, rocks and trees can become our eyes and ears, and our memory can be inherited up and down,

In other words, what my ancestors saw, I will also see in my mind~~, and it becomes my memory, this is the ability of our mysterious bird~~~
However, because of my humble status, the things my ancestors saw, especially some famous battles in ancient times, are basically very blurry~~~~, most of the scenes have been fragmented, like passing clouds~~~
When King Wu defeated Zhou, I was not born yet!

But I did know this thing before, but I'm not sure at this moment, and I dare not talk nonsense! ! !
But I guess...",
When Jian Di said this, she seemed a little scared and shivered all over,
"I wildly speculate that this thing may be the thing that the god respected Jiang Shang commanded the gods in the nine heavens during King Wu's crusade against Zhou..."

"Do you think so too?",
Chen Zhi looked at Jian Di and said:

"If I want to confirm the identity of this thing, and even more want to know how to use it, who should I ask!"

"This, huh...",
Jian Di smiled faintly,
"If Patriarch Chen wants to know the true identity of this thing, he will naturally ask those ancient demigods who have experienced King Wu's defeat of Zhou~~~,

Now that five thousand years have passed, those ancient demigods have long since fallen. As far as I know, there is only one god race in the human world...

Patriarch Chen has already seen them, so why ask me? "

"You mean the God of Time?"

Jian Di's words immediately reminded Chen Zhi of what happened some time ago. The three old men in white clothes who could control time once met Chen Zhi from the gap in time when Chen Zhi was hospitalized. Their ancient and proud figures have always been It is the power that Chen Zhi wants to recruit the most...

Jian Di smiled lightly, with a look of disdain still on her face,
"You have lived among humans for a long time, and you don't know the world of demigods~~~
The Giants of Time are like the sun, the moon and the stars among the demigods. They are very ancient. They lived on this land as early as the time when King Wu defeated Zhou. No demigod in the world can control them...

The current god of the underworld has invited them many times, but they can't even find their shadows! ! !

It was also a miracle that they could show up to see you by themselves at that time..."

"The god of time..." Chen Zhi said silently,

"Are you sure they can recognize this thing?"

"Of course!!" Jian Di sneered,
"As far as I know, the time giant once helped Xiqi during King Wu's conquest of Zhou, and met Jiang Shangshengzun with his own eyes, and made friends with him!!! It seems that your ancestors didn't tell you about this bastard!! !
If Patriarch Chen wants to confirm the identity of this thing, he might as well ask them. Of course, first of all, if they are willing to see you...

But if..."

When Jian Di said this, she glanced at Chen Zhi with an indescribable expression,
"However, if this thing is really the weapon of Lord Jiang Shang, the sky and the earth will change color~~, the sun and the moon will be duller~~
That proves that you, Patriarch Chen, do have the ability to inherit the Jiang family, and you are the heir approved by the Jiang Shang god! ! !

At that time, the giants of time and the descendants of the gods of the world will definitely support you..."

"how about you?",
Chen Zhi clenched his fist, put away the silver disc in his hand, and looked at the delicate and stubborn little girl in front of him with a smile.

"If this thing is really that weapon!! Then what are you going to do?"


When Jian Di said this, she couldn't help shivering, and immediately took a step back, her eyes flashed, and she looked at Chen Zhi stubbornly,

"The lower gods are just vulgar birds with ugly words and no manners!

If this thing is true, it is really the artifact of Jiang Shang, who commanded the gods in the past! !
With such a humble status, the lower god offended the upper god and the artifact, and there is no way to atone for his sins. He is willing to be burned by the fire, and he will die to apologize for his sins, and he will have no complaints! ! ! ! ! "

 [Thanks to Snow Cat Girl for rewards and updates]

  Today, Snow Cat Girl's big debt has finally been paid off, tears streaming down her face~~, the subsequent sporadic debts, slowly pay off! !

(End of this chapter)

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