Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1091 Night Meeting Light Second God

Chapter 1091 Night Meeting Light Second God ([-])
[Thanks to Snow Cat Girl for the rewards]

"The patriarch of the concubine of the Jiang family, how dare you use magic to summon us and other gods. Could it be that the ignorance of human beings has made you arrogant and conceited, have you forgotten your identity..."

The voice of Guangmiao God is distant and ethereal, and it is transmitted in the deep mountains, and the streamers flying all over the sky on their bodies unscientifically cross the high snow-capped mountains and fly to the sky above their heads~~~,

Chen Zhi looked forward, and saw that the whole snow mountain was like a fairy world, everything was so unreal. There was a faint silver moon in the sky, and the snowflakes everywhere were as white as jade. There is no variegation at all~~~
And the three Light Second Gods were dressed in light gauze, and the ribbons on their bodies flew into the air, flying all over the sky, a hundred times more mysterious than the most beautiful picture of immortals, and everything in the world here is born for them~~~
At this time, I heard the old man in the middle of the three light-second gods speak~~
"Say it!!! The Patriarch of the Bastards~~~
What is the reason that makes you have such arrogant behavior?Do you think that you are the patriarch of the Jiang family, and treat everything as nothing, and regard us as your slaves?
Do you know that on this snow mountain, even if Jiang Shangziya is still alive, we can make him come and go..."
This voice is not as ethereal as just now, it is very real, calm but not angry, it makes people feel awe!
"I didn't mean to disturb the three elders!!!!!!",
Facing the cold wind, Chen Zhi yelled loudly in the snow, trying his best to use the airflow to transmit his voice forward, hoping to let the God of Light on the top of the snow mountain hear clearly!
But he soon discovered that in this snow-capped mountain, his airflow was no longer as sharp as outside. The time in this world was completely different from the outside, everything was very slow, and Chen Zhi's sharp airflow became limp.

"The younger generation took the liberty to come here today~~~~~~~~, I didn't intend to disturb the three elders~~~~~~~~
The status of the three elders is noble, how dare they summon them easily if they are complete~~~~~~~~~
But this matter is not trivial, I have doubts in my heart~~~~~~~~, I also ask the three elders to enlighten me! ! ! ! ! ! "


Another Light Second God began to laugh loudly:

"The son of an arrogant human being has lived in the world for more than a hundred years~~~~~, why do you have any doubts? And if you have any doubts, what do you have to do with me?

Could it be that you think that you are the patriarch of the Jiang family, and you can let all the gods be at your disposal, the world is absurd~~~~~~~
Don't forget that nothing in this world is inherently impermanent, only time lasts forever~~~~, any powerful thing, in front of time, is fleeting!

As soon as the God of Time's words fell, the snow in the mountains became more intense. Chen Zhi suddenly noticed that his air flow was cut into countless sections by the snow here. In fact, since he came to this snow mountain, all his abilities had been blocked. Restricted, this snow-capped mountain is like a huge energy field that absorbs the airflow. If he sends out the airflow at this time, it is probably not as strong as it is outside!

"I dare not offend the elders...",
Chen Zhi shouted loudly in the wind and snow with all his strength, and let the big ball of snow like cotton wool slap on his face, the cold wind howled and swept away all the sounds~~~,

"The last time the three elders came to see me, it was nothing more than the matter of the new Underworld God~~~~
Now Yamo, the son of Fengdu, succeeded Hades as the son of God, and captured many demigods to join him, and many demigods were beheaded by him, since the new Hades is now a disaster among the demigods! ! ! !
Are you elders not afraid that one day you will be enslaved by him? "

"Hahahahaha~~~~~~~~~~~", the three light second gods immediately laughed, and one of them seemed extremely angry, and said in a contemptuous tone,

"What new god~~~, but a self-righteous son of god~~~~, even if the war starts in the future, it will be a battle between you two gods~~~, what have you got to do with us!!!

Do you know where your feet are, this is Wenxue Holy Mountain, which came out from the beginning of heaven and earth, and is not bound by all worlds, and no living beings can be infiltrated in it~~~~
As long as we stay in this snow-capped mountain, even if the outside world collapses, it has nothing to do with us. No god can hurt us, even if the three ancient gods are reborn, there is nothing we can do. How can we be afraid of a little son of God? ~~~~~~~~"

Standing in the middle is the God of Light, with a high plain crown on his head. The last time Chen Zhi saw him, he is the giant of time among the Gods of Light, the most honorable one among Gods of Light, He coughed faintly, and the old man next to him immediately fell silent.

"Go~~~, patriarch of the bastard~~~~, it's not that we don't want to help you~~~~~
But from ancient times to the present, we and the Protoss have never been involved in disputes, let the situation change, time never stops, time is fair to everyone~~~~~"

"Is it? Is it fair to all?",
Chen Zhi shouted in the snowstorm,

"But there are secret records in our family tree~~~~~
King Wu was defeated at the beginning of his crusade against Zhou~~~~~~, God is not helping~~~~~~, everything is waiting for prosperity~~~~~~, Xiqi's army urgently needs a year to cultivate and grow~~~~, Otherwise, the country will be destroyed~~~~~
For this year's time, Jiang Ziya once personally invited the giant of time~~~~~~, asking for a year's grace to let Xiqi recover his vitality~~~~~~, Xiqi also took this time to recuperate and grow stronger, and then conquered Shang~~~~
At that time, you helped Jiang Ziya~~~~~~~, but when facing his descendants, did you stop helping him?
If this world is engulfed by the fire of Fengdu and reduced to a sea of ​​flames, then no one will be able to stay out of it~~~~"

"Cough~~~~~~", that misty time giant coughed heavily again,
"It's really persistent!!! You are just like the old Jiang Shang, you are so persistent in this world!!!!!!

Tell me, what doubts do you have?Why do you have to travel thousands of miles to ask me to wait for the old man? "

After hearing the words of the giant of time, Chen Zhi hurried forward a few steps, using the airflow on his body to bounce the flying snow away, barely forcing a clean barrier~~~
"No one can answer this question except the time giant, because now there are only time giants in the world who have experienced that era!!!!

I also invite the three seniors to look away..."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he directly put his hands together and then opened them, and a thin cloud of smoke was released, and the silver plate with flashing spiritual light emerged from his palms.

As soon as the silver plate came out, the surrounding area was instantly radiant, reflecting the snow-capped mountains with colorful brilliance, as if the god of the nine heavens had fallen to the mortal world!
In the howling wind and snow, Chen Zhi shouted loudly to the figure on the top of the mountain ahead:

"Please tell me, the giant of time, this weapon is the thing that Jiang Shang once commanded the gods,
Hit the magic whip! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

 [Thanks to Snow Cat Girl for the rewards]

  Let’s make an update today, a little messy, a little sleepy, a little want to rest~~~
(End of this chapter)

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