Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093
"Small..., can be placed in the hand..., easy to carry, such as what...

ring! !
Yes, it's a ring, just like this silver plate, it's a silvery white metal, it doesn't have a special shape, it's just a simple ring~~~~~"

As the image of the ring was outlined in Chen Zhi's mind, the silver plate in his hand also quietly changed!
Sure enough, it is the same as what the time giant said, this kind of magical iron can change according to people's thoughts, and change into thousands of appearances~~
Chen Zhi has already experienced the concept of the so-called divine iron. He saw the power of the divine iron from the chains under the Kent Mountain~~~
He has been in contact with control stones before, and control stones can be divided into three types according to their accuracy: primary, intermediate and advanced. The higher the level of control stones, the greater the damage to the gods and creatures!

The essence of the control stone is actually a kind of mixed metal, which can be obtained through metallurgical forging~~
It's just that the forging method is too complicated and the materials used are extremely cautious, so now only primary control stones and intermediate quality control stones can be produced. As for advanced control stones, it is not possible to forge with current human technology~~~
In the HLJ Fox Cave, the huge arrow that shot Bai Qian was made with high-grade control stones, and its precision and purity are superb!Later, Chen Zhi and Pangwei's long knives were all plated by high-level control stones~~~
But the chains that Chen Zhi saw in the ground have surpassed the level of advanced stone control. This kind of metal is naturally formed, as if it was born as one, without forging and processing. The time giant told him that this is the so-called god iron~~ ~~~
The lethality of divine iron to divine creatures is inexhaustible, and any descendant of the gods will change color when they hear the divine iron~~~, it is a legendary metal~~~~~~
In fact, this kind of metal also belongs to control stones, but they are inherent weapons, have their own unique shape, can change into various forms, do not need to be polished, and their purity is extremely high, without any dross~~~ ~
This kind of control stone is very spiritual. It can change in many ways, become longer and thicker, and even become countless, completely surpassing the normal physical properties.Even in ancient times, divine iron was a weapon that was nowhere to be found, and even the gods had no chance to see it. The later alloy control stones were made by imitating this divine iron~~~~~
This kind of control stone, because of its unique idea, they also have life index, just like the chain that Chen Zhi cut off at the bottom of Mount Kent, with a little blood on it!These divine irons have their own wisdom and life index, and they will even choose their own masters in the later stage
According to Time Giant, there are several legendary weapons in the ancient times, but they are all real! !
Among them is Dayu's sea-fixing needle, which can be stretched and shortened infinitely, and can even be shrunk into a person's ear. In fact, it is made of this kind of divine iron! ! !

These ancient myths sound very far away, but the silver plate in front of Chen Zhi's eyes is real. At this time, he can't imagine Jiang Ziya's appearance of hitting the magic whip in the past, and he can't integrate the god-killing curse into the silver plate. In the plate!
But at this moment, he has the ability to use his mind to turn this silver plate into a simple small device, into the ring he had imagined in his mind just now.

"Smaller, become a ring, an ordinary ring, without any decoration...",
Chen Zhi silently sketched the image of the ring,
At the same time, the silver plate in his hand suddenly became radiant, and then began to accumulate and deform, gradually changing in Chen Zhi's hand.

The silver disc gradually shrunk, then slowly compressed, and finally became a whole, a shiny silver ring appeared in Chen Zhi's palm~~~
This ring is very similar to the one in the Lord of the Rings movie, with a simple and clear shape, a wide ring surface, and silver white! !
But on the surface of the ring, it is engraved with numerous divine inscriptions, which are all the pattern formulas originally engraved on the silver plate,
Chen Zhi has already discovered a rule, that is, no matter what form the silver plate becomes, or how big or small it becomes, the pattern formulas on it will be enlarged or shrunk a lot on the ring. It is also a very wonderful place.

Chen Zhi carefully put the newly transformed ring into his palm, feeling the warm touch on it. The touch of this kind of magic iron is really different. The touch of high-level control stones is still warm, and the warm touch seems to flow to in his blood.

Looking at the ring in his hand, Chen Zhi suddenly had an idea in his heart...

If this weapon can shrink infinitely, then..., can it be any smaller?Turn into metal powder, and finally be able to hide in people's subcutaneous fat, for example, in the palm of my hand!
Chen Zhi was thinking silently in his heart, looking at the dark ring in his hand, thinking silently in his mind...

"No matter how small it is, it turns into a trace of silver dust, enters my body, and appears when I need it...",

A mysterious and ethereal sound resounded in the air, and the ring turned again. With a flash of spiritual light, the ring suddenly shattered and turned into a gleaming silver metal powder, which instantly penetrated into Chen Zhi's palm inside!

Chen Zhi felt pain in his palm, and when he looked over again, he found that the ring had really entered his palm~~~
On the palm of Chen Zhi's palm, there was originally a symbol of the Jiang family, which he got at the inheritance ceremony~~~
It was a figure of twin dragons intertwined, which looked like an X shape from a distance. At this time, the ring turned into a faint silver dust, which got into Chen Zhi's palm. Around the figure of double dragons, there were A layer of round silver foil~~
The silver foil shone like a ring hidden in the palm of the hand...

"It's amazing!!!"

Chen Zhi looked at his palm, his heart was beating violently. He didn't know when it started, but his heart was full of love for this ring. That kind of love was a special feeling. Even if he lost his life, he didn't want to lose his life. Lose this ring! !

"There is nothing more magical than this...,
I have to find a way to transform this magical whip as soon as possible..." Chen Zhi thought silently, retracted his palms, tucked into the quilt and continued to keep warm! ! !

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Pang Wei and Ding Ning all woke up, and the whole Fate Hall became lively again.

According to Fat Wei, today is the day when Hao Yingjun's audition results are released, and Chen Zhi must find a way to help quickly, whether it is a dance master or a talisman paper burner, he must help Hao Yingjun get this role~~~
Chen Zhi told him that the usable spirit stone has already been used by Hao Yingjun, and Hao Yingjun's aura will explode if he uses it again. All the external factors have reached the limit, and now it depends on his own final ability!
I don't know whether it was Chen Zhi's spirit stone that really worked, or Zheng Chao's face was too much. In the afternoon, Hao Yingjun called to announce the good news
On the phone, Hao Yingjun was very excited, saying that he had won a very important role in a big movie...

(End of this chapter)

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