Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1311 Ji Yang Returns to Life

Chapter 1311 Ji Yang Returns to Life
Ghost Knife stopped talking after that, he buried his head deeply, and knelt on the ground alone, as if he was the only one left in the world, no one could see his face anymore, and they didn't know what he was doing at this moment. what a state of mind...

But unexpectedly it was Ji Yang!
After Ji Lie was beheaded, he suddenly fell heavily on the ground, and at the same time, blood flowed from his ribs.

He was originally wearing a very thick black thick cloth vest, and the blood soaked into the thick black cloth was completely invisible, so people didn't pay attention to his condition.

And after he fell to the ground at this time, he discovered the densely packed knife wounds on his ribs, which was shocking
Ji Lie, the former god of war, really did not have a name for nothing...

Ji Lie's knife was very fast, even though it didn't hurt Ji Yang's vitals, the wind of the knife had hit him countless times.

Ji Yang's two ribs were poked like a sieve, full of cuts. No wonder he was so irritable just now. In fact, according to the extent of his injury, if he persisted for another three to five minutes at most, he would not be able to compete with Ji Lie at all. up.

At that time, no one will be able to hold Ji Lie down!They will definitely lose!
After Asuo took the knife back, he picked up Ji Lie's head, wrapped his hair with a piece of cloth, and wanted to cut his face to pieces in accordance with Ji Lie's last words, making it impossible for people to distinguish.

However, Ji Yang pressed Ah Suo's hand, and Ji Yang said,
"That's the chief warrior's head! It has his former glory on it, don't insult him!

Take his head back to Xiqi and let the leader dispose of it! "

The corpse is left here, buried in the cemetery of the God of War, Ji Lie deserves his name! "

Ji Yang then began to gasp for breath, and a lot of blood flowed out, which looked very scary!
Both Ghost Saber and Asuo's emotions are unstable at this time, their expressions are dull, and no one has the energy to take care of others.

Fat Wei jumped over very colorfully, opened the treasure bag, took out bandages and medicine, and went to heal Ji Yang.

"Old man, you are really capable!",
Fat Wei cut off Ji Yang's clothes, and said with admiration:

"It turns out that you have always been a hidden boss! I never expected it, you are so awesome!

At that time, your two actions protected everyone. This guy had a big fight with Lord Bao, and left as soon as he turned his face. I really thought you were treacherous!

All the men in black said that you and Lord Bao had a feud, saying that this knot will not be solved until death.

I'm sure, it turns out they're all acting!

It's so true, the best actor Oscar belongs to you! "

"Hehe~~, let the old man be a traitor, even if the sea flows back!",
Although Ji Yang was seriously injured, his flattery to Fat Wei was very helpful. Even though those wounds were sizzling with the medicine powder, he didn't seem to have the word pain in his mind, and his face was obviously proud.
"Besides, why is this old man opposing the new leader?
I was the one who brought the new leader back to the organization when he was ten years old, and I spent more time with him than the old leader.

When I was young, I saw that he could become a good man. I told the old leader that he might be able to take on the burden of Xiqi in the future, and he should be cultivated well. Ji Ling was also sent by me to protect him.

Why should I oppose the people I cultivated by myself?Hehe~~, you guys are so stupid! "

Maybe it was the ease after the war, Ji Yang was very approachable at the moment, talking casually like an ordinary person, which made Fat Wei no longer so afraid of him,
"But old man, I heard that's not the case!
We men in black always talk about you great warriors behind your back, saying that you are so difficult to deal with, and you will cut yourself open for honor if you move.

Said that you warriors have a lot of rules, absolutely put an end to killing each other and fighting privately!
He also said that you attacked Ji Ying last time, there is no turning back~~~
Because there is a rule among you warriors, which is an unwritten law.

Once a samurai attacks his own people, he betrays the samurai group, especially the red-belt samurai, which cannot be forgiven for any reason.

Even if the leader passed the test and let you go back to Xiqi, you will not be able to enter the elders' home in the future. You said that you have worked so hard all your life, and even lost your pension benefits when you are old. How unworthy do you think?
You paid too much old!I'm worthless for you! "

"What broken elder's home? I think it's a nursing home!"

As soon as Ji Yang heard the word elders' home, he immediately scoffed.

"If I wanted to enter the elders' house, I would have already entered.

What's so good about that place?
Take a look at what those elders have been brought up to look like?

Especially that Ji Hu, who babbled and muttered like an old lady all day long.I get annoyed just looking at him, so I don't want to stay with them in the elders' courtyard!Like old trash!
Our samurai have lived and died on the battlefield all our lives, and we have to hold a knife when we die! "

"Ouch, I'm going!

It turns out that you have already thought of this layer!

You are still smart! "

Fat Wei's eyes were shining, showing his infinite admiration for Ji Yang,
"Old man, I admire you!
It's not that I speak ill of the elders behind people's backs. I think none of those elders are as good as you. Although they are all red-belt warriors, look at your temperament. Standing alone, you stand out from the crowd!

Look at them again, cut...

You have made a great contribution, and you will definitely be promoted again after you go back, and then you will have to promote me more.

I have just made my mark now, I am still young, I will improve in the future, and strive to be promoted as soon as possible! "

"I can't go back with you..."
Ji Yang covered the wounds on his ribs, raised his head to look at Chen Zhi,

"Patriarch, I have something important to report!

I came here with Yamo this time, and I took the initiative to spearhead them, in fact, I just wanted to report to you.

Although I have been lurking in Anbe for a long time during this period, even up to now, I have never really seen Anbe's headquarters. I suspect that Yamo never really believed me.

But I know that Yamo wants to pull me into the banner in his heart, he is eager for every warrior in the organization, like a hungry wolf staring at meat.

And he hates our Xiqi leader very much. I heard that he remembers the name of every leader of Xiqi, and the name of every patriarch.

Especially our new leader, he looks at his portrait every day, plotting something wrong...

You didn't show the leader the box I handed over last time, did you? "

"not yet!"

Chen Zhi shook his head gently,
"That's good!"

Ji Yang tightened his bandage while talking,
"Although my subordinates don't know what is in that box, I know that Yamo has a plan in his heart. He wants to provoke our leader and make him make wrong decisions on impulse~~
Although our new leader is young, he is very calm. He knows that now is not the time, and he will not easily fight Anbu. It is not easy to provoke him.

Yamo knew this truth very well, so he sent out the box. There must be something in that box that angered the leader.

Patriarch, you are by the leader's side, you must dissuade him, and you must not fall into the trap..."

(End of this chapter)

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