Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1339 Ding Ning's dream man

Chapter 1339 Ding Ning's dream man
Chen Zhi then comforted Ding Ning, saying that the emotions of adolescents are not stable, which is just a temporary psychological reaction, and many psychological clinical tests show that the more fearful things are, the more they will think about them during the day, and they will be chaotic and unconstrained. Then I will dream at night, these are subconscious fears, and it is also a common phenomenon.

Ding Ning was a very simple person, he never thought too much about things, since he heard so many truths from Chen Zhi, he finally believed it.

When Chen Zhi came back from the organization today, it was relatively late. It was almost five o'clock in the evening, and it would be dark after a while.

The two big men didn't like to cook at home, and Ding Ning didn't want to eat anything because of his bad mood, so Chen Zhi had to order some takeaway, and after eating casually, he urged Ding Ning to go to bed quickly.

Ding Ning has always believed in Chen Zhi very much. In his utterly simple mind, he thought that Chen Zhi and Fat Wei were the most arrogant people in the world. Even if there were ghosts, Chen Zhi could beat them away.

So under Chen Zhi's persuasion, he obediently went back to his room to sleep.

At this time, the sky has completely darkened, and it is a bit cold at the end of autumn.

In order to prevent Ding Ning from thinking wildly, Chen Zhi specially made him take two tranquilizers, and then tightened the curtains outside, trying to create a safe sleeping environment, so that Ding Ning could calm down.

Ding Ming really hadn't slept for a long time, and soon, the sound of snoring came from the room.

But this time Chen Zhi didn't leave, he had slept in the water for a long time, his physical strength was fully replenished, and now he didn't feel sleepy at all.

He pulled up a chair and placed it at Ding Ning's door. He held an ashtray in his hand and put it on his lap. Then he lit a cigarette and quietly listened to Ding Ning's breathing inside.

It seems that Ding Ning slept really soundly this time, snoring loudly, time passed by, and nothing special happened, when Chen Zhi had already smoked his seventh cigarette outside the door.

Suddenly, Ding Ning's snoring inside disappeared, and then he heard the sound of the bed shaking, Ding Ning's breathing became very rapid, it felt like someone was strangling his neck, Ding Ning then started to die on the bed Struggling, unable to even make a sound.

Chen Zhi knew in his heart that something really came!

Then he waved his hand, and several sharp airflows went straight through the door and entered the bedroom.

Chen Zhi is very familiar with the location of the bed in the bedroom. Those air currents formed a square transparent barrier around Ding Ning's bed with lightning speed. The barrier fits perfectly, like a glass jar , surrounded Ding Ning's bed tightly.

Chen Zhi then pushed the door open and went in, only to see that Ding Ning was struggling desperately on the bed, his face had already turned purple, his head was swollen, it was obvious that someone had strangled his neck!

As for his neck, there are two depressions in the shape of fingers, and an invisible thing is pinching his neck with his hands.

Chen Zhiyin lowered his face and said coldly,
"Report your family name, or I will send you back to the West!"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he sprayed his upper and lower lips lightly, and the Wind and Thunder Curse hidden inside the transparent barrier spit out his electric tongue frantically and violently. The Wind and Thunder Curse is a very powerful offensive spell, and the internal voltage is so high that it is difficult to imagine.

The space of the square barrier is very small. When the spell is fully exposed, it is like a crazy sea of ​​electricity, crackling~~cracking~~ releasing electricity, and its intensity is not much worse than the thunder and lightning in the sky.

Any creature inside, as long as it touches it, it will be instantly turned into coke by electricity!
If it was something like an ordinary demigod or orc, at this time, he must have been scared out of his wits.

Under Chen Zhi's coercion at this time, the handprints on Ding Ning's neck did disappear, but the inside of the enchantment was still empty, so transparent that nothing could be seen, even if Chen Zhi transported the air into his eyes, there was still nothing None found.

You must know that air flow can increase the depth of human vision, and can penetrate the skin of spells. Even the invisibility spell can't hide from Chen Zhi's eyes at this time.

"What are you? Don't you want to show up yet?"

Chen Zhi said coldly, looking at the darkness in the barrier with both eyes, walking forward,

"Why are you pretending to be a ghost? Whether it's a god or a ghost, it doesn't make sense to me!
Or simply, tell me what you want to do! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, a gust of wind lifted the curtains, and the surroundings were as calm as before, and nothing happened.

However, Chen Zhi discovered an unbelievable fact, that is, he made a density detection in the enchantment, and there was nothing in the enchantment except the bed and Ding Ning's body, that is to say, there was no actual Objects appear inside the enchantment, and there, really, is nothing!
"A ghost?"

Chen Zhi's brain twitched violently, and he couldn't help thinking of the shadow in the tomb of the gods who had been guiding him all the time, although Chen Zhi had doubts about the true identity of that shadow.

But he didn't want to worry about the concept of ghosts anymore.

But what he saw at this moment made him have to doubt his own eyes and his perception of the world~~
"Come out!

Let's chat~~",
Chen Zhi still spoke in a low voice, then walked forward lightly, leaned his face against the edge of the barrier, and looked inside carefully.

It was dark inside, the air condition was normal, and the temperature was normal. There was nothing except Ding Ning lying on the bed with a pale complexion and passed out!

"what exactly is it?
Really a ghost?
Come to Ding Ning... why? ",
Chen Zhi's mind was thinking about this question quickly, but at this moment, suddenly, an unbelievable scene appeared.

An extremely terrifying big face suddenly stuck to the edge of the barrier, the distance was very close, almost touching Chen Zhi's face.

And seeing that pale face, Chen Zhi broke out in a cold sweat...


(End of this chapter)

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