Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1351 Pulling out the Red Medicine

Chapter 1351 Pulling out the Red Medicine
[Thanks to Wan Rewards: Pay Ci and Tangerine 10000]

After about three hours, the heart-piercing shouts in the bedroom finally ended.

Afterwards, the wizards came out of the gate one after another. Although they were wearing thick felt cloaks and metal masks, they could still feel that they were already dripping with sweat.

After seeing Chen Zhi, the big witch, Yan Ya, immediately knelt down and saluted, and then whispered the situation inside to Chen Zhi.

Yan Ya told Chen Zhi that there was red medicine on Bao Ping's body, and the content was much larger than last time, and the last time the red medicine was in the texture, but this time it had already infected the bone marrow and brain. This makes the removal process more cumbersome and difficult.

Just like last time, Bao Ping's flesh and bones were peeled off again, layer by layer, and then added layer by layer, just like a living reborn, this kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary humans.

But Bao Ping's endurance this time was much stronger than last time, and he cooperated very well throughout the whole process. Last time was short.

After it was over, Bao Ping sat up by himself, and after telling the big witch to go out, let everyone who was waiting outside go in, because Bao Ping had something to order.

So, after the witches left, Chen Zhi took all the warriors into the big bedroom.

Bao Ping's face was pale at this time, he was covered in sweat, and the sweat in large swaths had already soaked the entire bedding.

He leaned weakly on the pillow, and lit the cigarette tremblingly with the other hand, but the lighter was always wrong. After finally lighting it reluctantly, Bao Ping looked at Ah Suo and said softly:
"Have all the sub-rudders from all over the place convened?"

"Report to the leader, it has been summoned!",
Aso replied respectfully:

"From the moment the leader gave the order just now, I have already sent emergency orders to sub-helms all over the country.

First, spare no effort to find traces of Anbu.

Second, order the sub-rulers in various places to return to the organization immediately, and there must be no mistakes! "

"very good!",
Bao Ping said softly, the hand holding the cigarette was still trembling, the inhuman pain just now seemed to still surround the room, making everyone feel the same.

At this time, I heard Bao Ping continue to say to Asuo,
"Asuo, you will lead the team, take all the blue-ribbon warriors out, and cast a net to search the entire northeast region. Anbu has been fighting against the organization. They will definitely place many sub-rudders in the northeast. Only by finding these sub-rudders , to find Anbu's headquarters.

Some witchcraft may be needed here, let Jiang's witches cooperate with you, as long as there is a little clue, don't give up.

Going right now! "

Asuo immediately bowed his head to obey, turned around and walked out,

At this time, Bao Ping took a puff of cigarette lightly, coughed lightly, then turned his head to Ji Ying again,

"Warrior Ji Ying, you are the descendant of the old chief, I trust you!
From now on, the Blood Rune Battalion beside me will be dispatched by you, and you will be responsible for leading all the Blood Rune Warriors out, casting a large number of nets across the country to search for them.

Blood Rune Warriors have very sensitive intuition, so let them bring the best god hounds to find the smell from the corpse of the Black Warrior!Then enter all the sparsely populated mountains and valleys, looking for clues of Anbu.

I'm sure I'll find something..."

Ji Ying also obeyed immediately, and walked out, taking Bao Ping's password to mention the Blood Talisman Camp.

Bao Ping finally looked at Old Warrior Xia and Bao Jiu:

"You two are newly promoted and have injuries on your body, thank you for your hard work.

You form a team and lead the rest of the warriors to Changbai Mountain.

The Tang surnames there will cooperate with you, and the immortals in the valley will also cooperate with you. They will take you into the deep mountains of Changbai Mountain. Where do you look for them?See if you can find something? "

Old warrior Xia and Bao Jiu immediately took orders, and then walked out.

After the two of them walked out, Bao Ping waved his hand and let the blue-belt warriors who were close to him go out too, leaving only Chen Zhi and him in the room.

At this moment, Bao Ping leaned his head on the pillow, threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground, and gasped weakly. Chen Zhi saw that his face was pale, his blood vessels were weak, and he had no more strength.

In this city of Xiqi King, strength is everything. It is estimated that in front of those warriors just now, Bao Ping tried his best to show that he was fine, but in front of Chen Zhi, there is no need for this anymore.

"Chen Zhi...",
Bao Ping called softly, the voice was as soft as a feather.

Hearing this, Chen Zhi immediately walked over, stood by the bed, and looked at Bao Ping on the bed.

I saw Bao Ping's gray eyes looking weakly at the ceiling, his lips trembling slightly, it was the first time Chen Zhi saw such a weak Bao Ping.

"you say……",
Baoping's voice was so soft that he could hardly hear it,
"Does such a thing as fate really exist?
If that's the case, it's really tiring..."

After Bao Ping finished speaking, he closed his eyes and fell silent, swallowing all the thousands of words.

Chen Zhi always felt that there seemed to be a kind of great sadness in his words, and behind that sadness, there was a heart that was struggling to support.

After Bao Ping was silent for a long time, he opened his eyes again, but this time when he looked at Chen Zhi again, his gaze was very firm.

"Their sub-helm must be near us!
But it's very deep!

But as long as there are people, there will be traces, food, clothing, housing, transportation, and daily trivialities will leave traces.

We need some help now!
I will contact Moohyul and ask him to use the power of official information to find some useful clues,

But his status is special, it is inconvenient to contact me directly, I will let him contact you when the time comes, you contact him in a private capacity, some things you can directly make decisions for me! "


The face of Mu He's accident flashed in Chen Zhi's mind immediately. He hadn't seen him for a long time. Will that person who keeps saying that he will not favor any power, that person who serves the government in the upper-level organization, will help them?This kind of thing violated the boundary a bit.

"Muhe, are you one of us?"

Chen Zhi looked at Bao Ping with a serious expression:

"Lord Bao, you must tell me clearly about this, so that I can know what's going on in my heart."

Bao Ping glanced at Chen Zhi, his eyes drooped, but he didn't give a clear answer, he just said softly:
"Whether he is one of us or not depends on him to decide for himself!
But I think he and I should be regarded as friends. There is one thing that no one else knows, but I want to tell you now!
At the beginning, Mu He was brought into the organization with me, and we became the adopted son of the leader together.

But then, I was left here to work for the organization.

But he was sent outside by the old leader, went to a military academy, took up an official career, learned the art of intrigue, and finally took his current position.

Mu He has suffered a lot in his life and has done a lot of amazing things. The old leader once promised him that if one day the old leader is gone, then Mu He will be free, he can go anywhere he wants, and the organization will His loyalty is no longer required.

Therefore, when I look for him now, it cannot be an order, but I can only ask him for help!
His current identity can only be determined by himself..."

 [Thanks to Wan Rewards: Pay Ci and Tangerine 10000]

  This chapter is so fat, today is Saturday, I will sleep at two shifts, and tomorrow I will rest normally on Sunday, don’t scold, the more you scold, the more lazy you will be

(End of this chapter)

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