Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1356 Raid decision

Chapter 1356 Raid decision
Mu He's words were like a bomb going off out of thin air, which shocked everyone, and the room of more than thirty people suddenly became noisy.

Guan Laoruo was the first to stand up, slapped his hands on the table with a bang, and immediately said:
"Since this is the case, why are we hesitating? Don't miss this opportunity!

Immediately report to the leader the location of the dark part of the rudder, contact all the manpower to go here, and surround the Qianhua Mountain completely.

In any case, the organization's current force is still higher than Anbu's. As long as all the warriors gather together, it will be no problem at all to steal the bottom of this Oita rudder! "

"Don't rush...",
Mu He smiled slightly and waved to the old man Guan:
"You warrior's temper is still so hot!

Sit down first, let me finish my speech..."

Mu He then smiled and looked at the others:
"Yes, as I said just now, I already know the location of Anbu.

But everyone knows that Anbu already has the ability to control system information, and it seems that it has invaded all communication systems and can eavesdrop on our voices.

But one thing I don't understand is that the phone calls between organizations have always been private networks.

For example, between me and the leader, and between me and Patriarch Chen, this kind of network is difficult to decipher.

But why some information, even our highest information information monitoring system can't control it, but they can control it.

Are their technicians more advanced than our official technicians?Probably not.

Moreover, their information is quite targeted, and only the information of the organization can be inquired, while other information is very weakened. This is not the common sense of information detection work.

So I speculate that this person who can investigate all the information should not be a so-called technician, but a special species with a special ability to get the information Anbu wants.

This should be the demigods you are talking about!
Of course, I'm a complete novice at these things, but I'm guessing...",
When Mu He said this, he turned his head to Chen Zhi,
"Patriarch Chen, if I'm not mistaken, you should also have this type of demigod in your hands!"

Indeed there is! ",
After Chen Zhi heard Mu He's words, he unconsciously thought of the mysterious bird flying in the sky, and the great witch Niya in the Xiqi King City.

"It is true that some demigods have such abilities, some of them rely on feathers to perceive information, and some rely on laser waves.

They can detect very precise information and are very targeted. These are not something that the so-called technical network can resist. "

When Mu He said this, he tapped the cigarette in his hand on the ashtray with a smile on his face:
"That's why, after I came here, I announced this news.

I just don't want this news to be leaked out, even if it leaks out just a little bit, it is estimated that the sub-helm has been blown to ashes by now. "

"Then how do you get in touch with each other?",
A helmsman had doubts about Mu He,
"Won't your subordinates be monitored when they call you?"

"Don't worry about it!" Mu He replied with a smile,

"Sometimes communication does not need to rely on language, we have our own way, no one can crack.

And this conference room has already been wrapped in an enchantment by Patriarch Chen.

Only those of us know about this matter now, and that's enough!
In order to prevent the news from leaking out, we are the only ones who attacked the sub-helm this time. "

"What does it mean?
This is simply impossible! "

The old helmsman immediately expressed his objection.

"Do you know how many people are needed for a large branch? At least 1 people.

And a large minute, there must be extremely good warriors guarding it.

And the samurai elites of our organization are all outside now, how can we alone deal with an Oita helm of more than 1 people?

To know our identity, it is now..."

"I don't care about you, what is your identity now?"

Mu He interrupted the words of the old helmsman, and suddenly looked at everyone with serious eyes:

"I only know one thing, you were all once warriors of the organization, and the best part.

Why, after being the helmsman for so many years, you start to get scared when facing real combat?

Can't hold your knife anymore?

This is not what the Xiqi samurai should say! "

"What are you talking about!",
The young helmsmen immediately stood up and pulled out their weapons from their sides. The weapons were still shining, and it could be seen that they had been being wiped.

What Mu He said just now seriously touched their self-esteem as warriors.

"Let's just go!" Several young helmsmen said to each other,
"For so many years, we have been staying in the sub-helm, and have never had the opportunity to participate in actual combat.

But we are not those timid cowards, just this time, just a few of us will go and plant their heads without anyone noticing. "


sneak into the enemy camp,

Taking the opponent's head is what I have been waiting for, so there is no need to wait any longer! ",
The young helmsmen all threw daggers and short knives on the table cracklingly. Years of experience in martial arts made them all carry weapons on their bodies. The current equipment is indeed suitable for battle.

"Everyone calm down!"

The old rudder master Guan immediately shouted angrily, his eyes looked at these like eagles, the young rudder master:

"Who dares to show their weapons in front of the patriarch? Do you want to rebel if you commit crimes below?"

The words of the old rudder master Guan woke up everyone.

Those young helmsmen immediately realized that they had lost their composure, put away their weapons immediately, and then knelt on the ground with one leg, pleading guilty to Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi immediately stood up, smiled and helped them up.

"Helmsmen, be safe and don't be impatient!

What Muhyul said is not unreasonable, if we wait, we may miss the opportunity.

It is not easy for us to get this information, and we have paid a lot of money. I don't want to find out again that the dark part of the rudder was blown up outside.

If this sub-helm is blown up as a whole, it will be almost impossible for us to find the Anbu headquarters.

I just made a rough estimate,
There are probably more than 100 Blue Ribbon Warriors out there, and we have a total of 35 helmsmen here, each of whom was once a warrior, and they are all elites of the Blue Ribbon.

In particular, the elders are the masters, who have made great military exploits and have long been famous for a long time.

The current situation can indeed compete with Anbu.

The leader is not here now, I have the right to act arbitrarily.

I will make a decision now, set off immediately, and take down the dark part of the rudder in the mountains ahead...

(End of this chapter)

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