Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361

As predicted by the old rudder master Guan, the scale of this kind of sub-rudder, which is in a dominant position in the Northeast, must be very large, with no less than 1 people in the whole sub-rudder.

There are ordinary staff, technicians, medical personnel, warriors and other distributions inside, which is equivalent to an independent world.

And when it is discovered that there is an external attack entering, the person who jumps out first must be the most capable person in the sub-rudder, which should include the sub-rudder master.

According to the usual practice, the technicians who have important information in the sub-helm should immediately choose to commit suicide when they observe that the external situation is irreversible, so as to prevent the information from leaking out.

So at this time, not only must control the external pattern, but also control the internal pattern of the sub-rudder.

This is where the Chained Enchantment comes into play.

Chen Zhi quickly spit out infinite air currents, which spread into filaments and quickly penetrated into the ground.

Immediately, the entire sub-rudder was divided into countless barriers, and these barriers independently formed a narrow space, just like a piece of honeycomb, each small grid is connected to each other.

They will randomly fix some people, sticking to their body and bones, so that they cannot move and cannot choose to commit suicide.

Of course, this can only be a very small part, and those that cannot be fixed, there is no way to control it.

At that moment, more than 200 people rushed out. Judging from the posture and skills of those people, each of them should be a samurai.

The moment they rushed out, they had already unsheathed the long knives in their hands, and the cold sharp blades, facing the sun, cast the shadows of the knives here.

And those helmsmen and warriors who went to cut the detonating wire just now have returned and quickly stood with them.

Facing these black warriors rushing out from the sub-rudder, they rushed up without hesitation.

In an instant, the two groups rushed together.

It felt like a wave of hot oil suddenly collapsing into icy water, and in just a split second, a fierce battle began.

The samurai and helmsmen who had just come out of the underground bomb vault were all wounded, and some of them were even bloody.

But their spirits are very excited at this time. Xiqi's belief in fighting for thousands of years has made them forget the pain.

When they rushed into the group of black warriors, their eyes were already red. It can be said that they have already disregarded life and death at this time,
All of a sudden, sword lights flew in front of him, sword aura flew everywhere, blood spattered, and all the warriors fought in melee.

The black bird in the sky also turned out from the clouds, made a piercing scream, swooped down, and threw its claws like iron hooks at the crowd, tearing apart Anbu warriors one after another.

At this time, the witch armor emerged from the ground, his short body was there, howling under the armor, his eyes were blood red.

The cruel nature of the orcs is fully displayed here, with their sharp teeth pounced on Anbu's throat, biting and fighting like wild beasts.

But at the same time, Anbu's knife fell on his armored body, and Wujia was cut bloody immediately.

The battle was very fierce, but Chen Zhi stood there quietly, staring at the battlefield calmly.

He had been looking for someone, someone who would be different from all other Darth Vaders.

This person's physical skills should be extraordinary. Compared with other warriors, he should be more calm and calm. He will not easily join fierce battles, and he will never fight recklessly.

This person must be waiting for a suitable opportunity, and then make a move to decide the outcome, a battle will determine the outcome.

This person is the head of this sub-rudder, the master rudder of Anbu.

The two sides were still in a chaotic and fierce battle. At the beginning, there was a clear comparison between the number of samurai organized and Anbu, and the number of black samurai was far greater than that of the organization's samurai.

This huge disparity in numbers, for ordinary hand-to-hand combat, basically means that the winner has already been divided, and the organization must lose.

In the warrior community, however, it was different.

Because the difference in physical skills between warriors is very large, an excellent warrior with a red belt can slaughter hundreds of ordinary warriors without any pressure.

Chen Zhi still remembered that Ji Ying slaughtered more than eighty rebellious blue-belt warriors alone on Changbai Mountain.

Those people at that time didn't even have room to resist.

But the current situation is still the same. Those thirty or so rudder masters are all elites in the blue belts, especially the old official rudder masters, who used to be the old chief's personal bodyguards, and were almost selected into the blood rune battalion.

The rest of the more than 100 blue-ribbon warriors are also confidantes who have followed Bao Ping for many years.

They are sparing no effort to fight with their lives. In this situation, it can be said that they are evenly matched with Anbu at the beginning, but in the later stage, it can be said that the organization is even better.

With the help of Xuan Niao and Wu Jia, the momentum of the organization has clearly increased.

And the metal door of the sub-helm has been completely sealed by Chen Zhi's barrier, and people can be seen surging behind the metal door, but they can't get out.

At this critical moment, Chen Zhi suddenly felt a chill behind him, and a cold blade suddenly landed on his neck.

At this moment, Chen Zhi didn't feel the slightest panic, on the contrary, he was very happy at this moment.

He knew that the big fish he had been catching had finally been hooked!

During the fierce battle just now, Chen Zhi, Fat Wei and Mu He have been standing in this place without anyone hiding.

And this location is located on a high place, without any trees or vegetation around it. It can be said that the place where they are standing is very conspicuous, and anyone who is a little careful can see it.

And in fact, from the time when they were walking forward just now, Chen Zhi had deliberately increased the sound of his footsteps in the later stage.

The purpose is to let someone in Anbu hear this voice and discover his existence.

Chen Zhi wants to let this person know that he is the main person in charge of this surprise attack, a person who has no physical skills but is very important.

If he had a little understanding of the organization, he should have immediately noticed that Chen Zhi was Jiang's team leader.

And just like what the official rudder said, being able to preside over such a large sub-rudder is definitely not a brainless man.

He will definitely notice this, and then hide himself, choose the best opportunity to attack Chen Zhi.

Therefore, when the sharp knife behind Chen Zhi's neck was touched, the stone in Chen Zhi's heart finally hit the ground.

This time, he took a huge risk to raid Anbu, and the person he was really looking for finally appeared.

The person holding the knife behind him must be the first person in charge of this sub-helm.

Great Helmsman!
(End of this chapter)

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