Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1363 A Contest of Speed ​​[Add more rewards for Red Heart Snow]

Chapter 1363 A Contest of Speed ​​[Add more rewards for Red Heart Snow]

The one standing there was indeed Ghost Knife, wearing a black rainproof fiber suit, holding a long knife in one hand and a blue Shiranui in the other.

Ever since he came out of the tomb of the gods, Chen Zhi has never seen Ghost Saber, and I heard that he rarely talks to people and rarely shows up.

Ghost Knife looked colder than before, like a stone sculpture with no expression, he didn't look at anyone, but just indifferently, looking at the leader Anbu in front of him.

The chief helmsman of Anbu didn't dodge. He looked at the long knife on the ground. His long knife had been shaken to the ground just now, and he no longer had a weapon in his hand.

Ghost Knife walked over slowly, then kicked up the long knife on the ground with one foot, and sent it forward.

The long knife drew a graceful arc in the air, and landed in the hands of Anbu's helmsman.

After the big rudder master got the weapon, all the aura in his body exploded sharply.

He held the long knife in one hand, then cupped his fists forward,
"I'm a barbarian, from a humble background! Learned the method of cunning speed!
I have heard the name of Xiqi Ghost Sword for a long time, please fight the great samurai! "

Ghost Knife nodded lightly, as if he didn't listen too carefully.

Then he waved his hand, and all the people moved away, revealing a circular area in the middle.

Ghost Knife then put Shiranui on his teeth, and then pulled out his long killing ring from the handle, drawing a circular light circle in the air.

In an instant, the radiance was brilliant, and the fierce blade reflected everything here as if it were daytime.

Face off against this top samurai.

The Anbu helmsman was trembling with excitement.

It was a state of extreme excitement, and it could be seen that his bloodthirsty excitement at this time could strangle everything around him.

The big helmsman did not attack rashly, but bent deeply like an animal ready to attack at any time.

Put the long knife horizontally in front of your eyes, and then slowly move around the ghost knife, looking for an angle where you can attack.

But Ghost Knife stood there motionless, his face was calm, his eyes drooped, like a pool of still water, he didn't pay attention to the attack in front of him at all.

Even though the helmsman Anbu had already walked behind him, he still didn't respond.

And when the big rudder master walked to the back of Ghost Saber Vertical, he suddenly disappeared in a flash.

Then, he suddenly appeared on the side of Ghost Knife, and his long knife was already cutting towards Ghost Knife's neck like a gust of wind.

Accompanied by a crisp impact sound, everyone didn't see clearly what happened?

However, in the next second, the helmsman was already lying on the ground.

His right shoulder had been completely pierced by Ghost Saber's long knife, and he was firmly nailed to the ground.

This speed contest is over at an extremely fast speed!
The helmsman Anbu opened his eyes angrily, and struggled to stand up, but his right shoulder was torn, his bones were shattered, blood gushed out, and he couldn't break free at all.

The big helmsman knew that his situation was over, so he gritted his teeth without hesitation.

However, at an unseen speed, Ghost Knife's hand had already grabbed his jaw, and with a slight pull down, his jaw fell off, and he failed to commit suicide by taking poison.

The ability of a samurai is such a thing. An absolutely strong samurai can lead to the victory or defeat of the entire battle.

In the following time, there is no longer any meaning of fighting.

Most of the remaining black warriors were beheaded, and a small number of them were captured alive. Of course, some of them chose to bite their teeth and commit suicide.

In a short period of time, blood flowed like rivers in this originally silent valley, and corpses were everywhere.

However, there was no sound from the sub-rudder banned by Chen Zhi. Chen Zhi knew that the people inside had chosen to commit suicide after seeing the defeat of the warriors outside. Now the sub-rudder was full of suicide corpses.

Everyone else went to the sub-helm to deal with the follow-up situation, while Mu He dialed the phone and used his power to block off the area, so that the follow-up matters would not disturb the higher-ups and would not become too troublesome.

And Chen Zhi went to look at Jian Di, Jian Di has no ability to become a huge bird body at this time.

She took the form of a girl again, but due to a sudden injury, her strength was exhausted.

The wings on her back have not been fully retracted, and the pure white feathers are covered with bright blood.

The knife she blocked for Chen Zhi just now was no small matter. She had already cut from her left shoulder to her lower abdomen, leaving a whole knife mark.

The knife marks were very deep, dripping with blood, and even the internal organs were exposed in some places.

At this time, Jian Di's complexion was as white as a piece of paper, with faint tears oozing from her eyes, her teeth clenched tightly, matching her girlish face, she looked a little distressed, and she seemed to have passed out.

Chen Zhi walked over, hugged her first, then chewed the quick-acting healing medicine mixed with the elixir, and applied it on her long and big wound little by little.

The efficacy of the elixir never disappoints, coupled with the quick-acting hemostatic and healing medicine, those split fat layers immediately began to stick together quickly.

As long as she is sent to the rescue organization later, Jian Di's life should not be in danger.

But at this time, Jian Di was still with her teeth tightly locked, unconscious, with big beads of sweat all over her face, looking very painful.

Chen Zhi raised his head at this moment, looked at the ghost knife that was as cold as a stone in front of him, and asked,
After receiving my signal, did you tell others? "

Ghost Dao replied lightly:

"But I was with the leader at the time, he already knew, and he should be here soon!"

After Guitou finished speaking, he didn't continue talking, but frowned, looking at the helmsman Anbu who had his jaw removed on the grass.

Looking at the stone ring on his finger, which was as thin as hair, he said coldly:
"The problem now is...

How can there be something in his hand that limits your strength? "

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  Pay off the small debt first.The evil brother is a big debt.If it doesn't work out, I won't be able to figure it out for the rest of my life. If it doesn't work, I'll run away!
(End of this chapter)

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