Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1365 Torture Interrogation

Chapter 1365 Torture Interrogation
After Bao Ping finished speaking, he didn't even look at the sub-ruler.

Instead, he lit a cigarette for himself, lightly blew a smoke ring in the air, and then looked at the trembling people around him:
"I know what you're thinking...

You are thinking now, you have been caught, escape is impossible, so what will I do to you now?Are you still alive?
So I will give you an affirmative answer now.

I will take you back to my organization, and then treat you with the cruelest torture in the world!
These instruments of torture are beyond your imagination. They will make you suffer to the extreme. After entering that place, you will die quickly within three days, which is the blessing of your eight lifetimes of cultivation.

Of course, you have all received strict training, and some even have family members held hostage in their hands.

So you will definitely resist, and you will definitely not confide the truth easily.

But I can tell you with certainty now that when you really experience the torture, even if your spirit persists, your body will betray you very honestly.

At that time, you will know that sincere friendship, pure love, and unbreakable kinship are all cheap in the face of torture and death!
As long as you enter my place, even if you confess in the end, it is impossible for a whole body to come out.

So if you want to confess, it is best to take advantage of the present, this is the choice of a smart person.

After confessing, I can guarantee that your life will be safe from now on. This is my promise as the leader of Xiqi, and I will never miss my word.

After Bao Ping finished speaking, some people in the surrounding crowd trembled even more. Their eyes rolled around, sweat dripped from their eyes, and their minds were obviously defeated.

And one of the women actually started to cry. The woman was about forty years old, her face looked pretty, and her skin was fair and delicate. It seemed that she should be the person in charge of logistics services in this sub-helm.

She was trembling all over, as if she was very frightened, she lowered her head deeply, for fear that others would pay attention to her.

Bao Ping looked at the woman carefully, and finally walked in front of her, lifting her chin.

The woman was frightened immediately, her face was livid, and she trembled under Bao Ping's dark gray eyes.

Bao Ping's eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. After looking at the woman for a few seconds, he immediately turned his head and shouted to the warrior next to him,
"Bring a basin of sulfuric acid water over here!"

The warrior of the Blood Talisman Battalion next to him responded calmly, as if he had heard a very ordinary thing.

He went out immediately, and took out a basin after a while. The sound inside was creaking, which was obviously high-purity sulfuric acid.

After seeing this thing, the woman immediately went crazy, she started to scream in panic, trying to struggle to escape, but someone immediately pressed her to the ground.

At this time, Bao Ping walked over calmly, put the basin of sulfuric acid water in front of the woman,

"Do you know what this is?",
Bao Ping looked at the woman and said softly,

"I've heard it said that human fat is ten times as painful when it touches sulfuric acid as it is excruciating!
And when people's eyes face sulfuric acid, it is the limit of human endurance! "

After Bao Ping finished speaking, he grabbed the woman's hair and pressed her face against the sulfuric acid water with great force. The distance between the woman's face and the boiling sulfuric acid was only a few millimeters.

"I only give you three seconds,


Bao Ping counted the numbers with a calm face, and his cold voice made people feel creepy from the bottom of their hearts.


Then Bao Ping pressed down hard, and the woman's face immediately touched the sulfuric acid water, and there was a prick~~~, the huge pain drove the woman completely crazy.

The woman immediately cried out:
"I said! I said!"

When Bao Ping let go, the woman jumped up like a spring, kicking the basin of sulfuric acid water over.

The high-purity sulfuric acid was splashed everywhere, and some of them splashed on the surrounding people, and those people collapsed, and some of them turned pale immediately, and almost fainted from fright.

"very good!",
Bao Ping half bent down, looking at the woman's face corroded by sulfuric acid:

What other rudders?

Tell me the exact location, tell me all you know! "

"I, I only know one place!"

The woman trembled all over and said:

"I used to be in that place, working as a telegrapher,
Just in the ** city of the next province!I was only transferred here this year, and I know where it is, and I can show it to you on the map.

I can also tell you the code word for entering the door! "

"Is there any more?",
Bao Ping looked at the woman with those gray eyes, stared carefully for a while, then shook his head gently:

"You still have a secret in your mind that you haven't spoken out.

Don't test my patience, I'll just ask you one last time, what are you hiding from me?Is there anything else you haven't told me? "

"Yes, there is...",
The woman was already frightened into confusion at this time, and pointed at a middle-aged man next to her tremblingly:
"He...he is in charge of sub-helm dispatching, he knows the positions of many sub-helms, and he has a list in his hand!
The specific positions of all sub-helms are in his mind! "

"You bloody bitch!",
The identified middle-aged man cursed vigorously, then jumped up with all his strength and touched the ground with his head, trying to smash his own head into pieces.

But it was easier said than done, the joints on his body had already been removed, so he couldn't generate much strength at all.

The moment it hit the ground, it immediately went limp, with no strength at all, and was quickly picked up by the blue-belt warrior, who forcibly broke his face and showed it to Bao Ping.

Bao Ping just glanced at him indifferently, as if he saw something tough in the middle-aged man's eyes.

He then thought for a while, and told the blood rune battalion beside him:
"Take him back, and he will be punished directly..."

(End of this chapter)

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