Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1372

Chapter 1372

Bao Ping fell into deep thought after hearing Chen Zhi's words, then nodded slightly,
Jiang Shang's daughter, with such a noble status, can indeed take this thing away!
But what is the purpose of taking these away as a dowry?
Was it Jiang Ziya's daughter who secretly took her away without telling her father?Or did Jiang Ziya take the initiative to give it to him?
If it's the latter, it's completely illogical. Isn't that the same as giving the handle of the knife to kill oneself to others? "

"indeed so!",
Chen Zhi shook the teacup in his hand. Even though thousands of years have passed, Jiang Ziya, as I know him now, doesn't look like such a stupid person.

"There is no need to worry about things that happened 5000 years ago, and we can't penetrate people's thoughts at that time.

But there is one thing we can be sure of..."
When Bao Ping said this, his eyes unconsciously looked at Chen Zhi:
"If these things are true, then Yama and you"

In essence, isn't he from the same vein as you?Is it a blood relative?

Then why does he hate Xiqi so much, hate you Jiang family! "

"It's very easy to understand!",
Chen Zhi said calmly,

"It seems that this son of God did not have a good childhood. It seems that he suffered a lot in front of Emperor Fengdu because of his matrilineal blood."

"Hehe, maybe", Bao Ping laughed,
"There is no need to study these things that happened thousands of years ago.

We don't need to think about why he has such a strong hatred!

What we need to know now is, does he really have this magic weapon in his hand?
If so, to what extent?
Just like what we guessed just now, if the first married princess really took away such a magic weapon and it later fell into the hands of his son Yamo, then it would be a bad thing.

So we must confirm this matter now, otherwise we will be very passive when we meet Anbu! "

"Can you still find relevant information at that time?" Chen Zhi asked,

"The ancient Xiqi people were good at preserving materials. Many materials from that era have been preserved. The one and the intimate volume at that time, aren't they also found in the secret room?"

"It is estimated to be difficult!",
After Bao Ping heard Chen Zhi's words, he shook his head lightly:
"We have already read the secret volume about the marriage.

It was recorded in great detail, but there was no name of the first married princess at all, and there was nothing related to it. This period of history should have been deliberately covered up.


When Bao Ping said this, he thought for a while:
"Actually, after my adoptive father passed away, he left the leader's special secret room to me, but there is a separate compartment in it, which I have never been to. It is his private frequented place.

I know that there are things he liked there, and in order to respect him, I never went there.

But I once heard him mention that the cubicle was very old.

The monarchs of Xiqi have left many personal things there, saying that there are still some secrets from long ago, even if they are discovered, don't make it public, it is best to bury them there forever.

During this period of time, I always wanted to see what was there, but I thought that there were relics of my adoptive father in it, so I gave up in the end!

In this case, we might as well go there and see, maybe we can find something.

There is no other place but there! "

"All right!"

Chen Zhi then stood up:

"There is no need to hand over this matter to the Lantern Boy, just the two of us.
In this way, even if we know something, only the two of us know! "

Chen Zhi then followed Bao Ping to the leader's secret room.

That place is very hidden, and ordinary people are not allowed to approach it.

After they opened the secret room, the first thing they smelled was the scented anti-mold agent. It seemed that Bao Ping usually cared a lot about this place, and he did a good job in anti-mold and anti-corrosion.

There are new and old things here, and some things have a history that is too long, and they have all been scum.

At this time, Bao Ping went to the deepest part of the secret room. It turned out that there was a wall with patterns carved from hard metal.
It looks nothing special, but Bao Ping swayed in several directions on the pattern, and suddenly creaked~~, revealing a secret door,
After the two of them walked in through the secret door, a very familiar fragrance came to their nostrils. Chen Zhi knew that it was the fragrance of the real god bone.

Chen Zhi still remembered the powerful power of this kind of god bone. The bones of the gods can have a strong antiseptic power.

Whatever is placed here, no matter how old it is, will always be as new.

Just like the food in the Tianhu God's tomb, even after thousands of years, it still smells like new, fresh and clean.

This place is not as messy as the old leader described. In fact, apart from a few pieces of the old leader's wristbands and armor, he didn't see much of the old leader's things.

However, there are too many armors here, and they are all placed on the armor stand upright, like pieces of art, one pair after another.

The further you go, the older the armor is, and some even have blood stains on them, which have not been wiped off.

These should be the armors of the leaders of Xiqi's past dynasties, and each armor's shoulders are engraved with the unique seal of the Ji family.

Beside these armors, there are also long knives and arrows in handles, and those weapons have obvious scars and jagged teeth.

It seems that they are all weapons after a long battle for the rest of their lives.

And behind these weapons, they also quickly found the source of the god bones.

Behind almost every pair of armor, there will be several large and small skulls.

It looked like the heads of enemies that had been beheaded by the leaders of the past dynasties, and they were placed there like trophies.

These skulls are obviously not human, they are large and small, and some even have horns on them.

It seems that the leaders of all Xiqi dynasties had the experience of slaughtering gods. This legend is not false.

Almost every skull is crystal clear, like white jade or crystal, and a bone-piercing fragrance emanates from it, covering the entire room.

Going further back is the main hall here, where there is a pair of the most worn-out armor.

Although this pair of armor is scarred and dilapidated, it can be seen that the inside of him was originally made of the purest control stone.

But the outside of the control room is still plated with a layer of pig iron, which is rusty and very old. The most obvious thing on the armor is the dense and overlapping knife marks.

It seems that the master who once wore him, experienced countless battles, and under the baptism of countless swords, lights and swords, finally tempered this armor into this look.

When Bao Ping saw this suit of armor, he immediately knelt down on one knee. As if he had an intuition, he said very definitely to the armor in front of him:
"This is the armor of the strange first monarch, King Wu of Zhou Jifa!

(End of this chapter)

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