Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1374 The Significance of the Decisive Battle

Chapter 1374 The Significance of the Decisive Battle

It can be seen from this that Jiang Ziya at that time had a great sustenance for this Princess Heqin.

And based on the above description, if this woman is married into Fengdu Ghost City, and is recognized by Emperor Fengdu as the Empress of the Underworld.

Then this woman can become a real god and have a high status among the gods.

After Chen Zhi translated the general meaning of this text to Bao Ping,

After thinking for a while, he said softly:

"It seems that this is also a form of apotheosis!

Conquer the gods with marriage!
By intermarrying with the three ancient gods, one can become a god, and the status is second only to the three ancient gods.

It seems that Jiang Shang's initial plan for this marriage was good, and it could even be said to be a kind of selfishness.

However, unexpectedly, the Emperor Fengdu did not accept his favor.

Not only did he fail to make his daughter the queen of the underworld, but he also ravaged her.

So this princess did not become a god in the end, and after being thrown out of the underworld miserably, Jiang Shang was completely angry at Feng...

But because of the power of Emperor Fengdu, the two sides did not tear their faces apart, and this cruel transaction was still going on.

The Princess Heqin who was sent there afterwards was actually nothing more than a tribute to the underworld, to appease Hades' anger.

But this matter was Jiang Ziya's heart disease, and the matter of being the first to marry the princess became a thorn in his heart.

Maybe it's because of his grief over the loss of his beloved daughter, or maybe it's because he doesn't want future generations to know about his humiliating history.

He cut out this piece of golden silk and burned it.

Maybe in the end it was Wu Wang Jifa who didn't want to forget the poor princess and secretly kept it!Put the pieces back together and keep hiding here! "

"Marry off a daughter and send off a relative, and send a lot of tribute.

To be teased and humiliated in the end is indeed an unspeakable shame! ",
Bao Ping said calmly, carefully looked at the slightly blurred divine script on the woven gold silk, then looked at Chen Zhi and said:
"But you just said that one of the lines is,
"I would like to offer countless precious tributes, which are hard to see in the heaven and earth, and the life of Jiang Shang, the lower god, can also be offered!"

Chen Zhi nodded slightly:
"There are no adjectives in the scriptures, his life is something that can be offered, which should refer to that magic weapon.

Maybe Jiang Shang was too urgent at the time, too eager to repair Fengdu, too eager to let his beloved daughter ascend to a god position higher than himself.

Therefore, he expressed his sincerity to Emperor Fengdu as much as possible, and put the magic weapon that restricted his spells into the dowry tribute.

And this piece of magic weapon should be the most important dowry of this concubine princess. "

"it is as expected!",
Bao Ping nodded slightly, his eyebrows furrowed tightly,
"If this is the case, then this matter is too troublesome, you know, the ability of our warriors only lies in physical skills!

After all your abilities are restricted, once the opponent's demigod appears, we will be very passive at that time! "

"I think you don't have to worry about this!",
Chen Zhi suddenly smiled faintly,
"As I said just now, Jiang Ziya is not an idiot. Although he was very urgent at the time and showed his utmost sincerity, he also kept a hand."

"What do you mean?" Bao Ping looked at Chen Zhi and asked.

"This, maybe it's a kind of intuition in the blood!",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he flicked his fingers again, and a separate space appeared in the air.

The round instrument that can restrict Jiang's spells appeared in the air again.

Chen Zhi took off the ring, and then placed it on the gold and silk circle.

Soon, the two circles were perfectly combined to form a perfect circle.

The circle drawn on the woven gold silk is exactly the center of this circular ring.

"See it!",
Chen Zhi smiled slightly:
"It was cut from the same stone.

At that time, Jiang Ziya snapped off the center of this magic weapon and gave it to Emperor Fengdu.

The outer ring is the outermost part of this magic weapon, just like a mother and child.

When we met, if Yamo took out his piece, I would naturally have a way to subdue him.

"good, very good!"

A smile finally appeared on Bao Ping's face,
"Looks like we needn't worry,

The trump card in Yamo's hand actually has no real meaning.

So... let's make a decision like this! "

After Bao Ping finished speaking, he put his hand on Chen Zhi's shoulder:
"During this time, older people have been persuading me not to fight Anbu so aggressively.

I also know what you are thinking in your heart. You think that the reason why I attacked Anbu on a large scale is because of that woman.

You thought Yamo managed to piss me off.

But you should know me, I will never risk the whole Xiqi because of a woman.

I do it for a real reason!

Patriarch Chen, do you understand why Xiqi has lasted for thousands of years, and what supports it? "

Chen Zhi didn't expect that Bao Ping would suddenly ask him such a question, he raised his head and glanced into Bao Ping's eyes,

"Of course it depends on the wisdom and decision-making of Xiqi's leaders!"

"There is no need to say these high-sounding words between us...",
Bao Ping smiled faintly, still put his hand on Chen Zhi's shoulder,
"Since 5000 years ago, Xiqi has not been the Xiqi of a royal family, but the Xiqi of everyone!
And all these people are human hearts!
Maybe I don't know your Jiang family's spells, and I'm not proficient in the martial arts of warriors, but I know people's hearts very well!

If only strength is considered, Jiang's power has been far stronger than Ji's for a long time in the past.

But from the time when Jiang Ziya willingly became a courtier as a noble son of God, one thing has been settled,
That is the whole of Xiqi, which must be supported by a spirit.

This spirit is "no fear"

We humans have been afraid for too long. Since ancient times, we have been afraid of lightning and thunder in the sky. We have started to fear gods, burn incense and worship Buddha, thinking that they have the power to dominate the world, and only by begging them can we survive.

This makes the gods expand infinitely, thinking that their status is noble, even if they are devoured and slaughtered, it is justified.

But in fact, how can there be so many statuses in this world, even if there are, they are determined by the strong themselves.

The greatest advantage of us humans is that we don't care about our status. The first king of Xiqi, Ji Fa, was nothing more than an ordinary human being who didn't know any spells, but he was still able to slaughter gods and seize the world.

The ancestor of Qin Shihuang, who is considered the greatest by mankind, was just a horseman next to King Zhou in the past.

The way of heaven is so, what can God do...

In fact, as a king, one does not need to be powerful, nor does one need to be a powerful mage or general.

The way of the king is the way of employing people. Only by manipulating the hearts of the world can one be worthy of the world.

Organizations may seem huge, but being big has its downsides.

It is actually the most difficult thing to get everyone's expectations. If the people of Xiqi no longer trust the leader, no matter how powerful the organization is, it can also collapse overnight.

So the real essence of controlling the organization is to control all people's hearts.

And the aspiration of everyone in the organization is one word, "Strong!"

Over the past few years, Anbu has been too rampant.

They first used the inner ghost to secretly open the secret door, raided the organization and injured the old leader, killed our two red-belt warriors, and killed countless warrior attendants.

Then they took the initiative to attack the organization's sub-helm, which was a great shame to all Xiqi people.

At this time, their leader, Yamo, brought me another gift, cutting off the finger of a woman I used to give to me.

Do you think the people of Xiqi don't know about this?
They don't say it with their mouths, but don't they think about it in their hearts?
Including those elders who persuaded me, although they told me to calm down, they were actually more angry than me.

They are all waiting, waiting to see what decision I will make. They don't really want to see a cowardly leader, they want to see my strong side with an iron fist.

If I hesitate at this time, or endure it for various reasons.

That is tantamount to telling the whole Xiqi that their leader is scared!

The leader they worked so hard for was actually a cowardly coward!
And at that time, it will be the end of the whole Xiqi! ",
After Bao Ping finished speaking, he put his hand on Chen Zhi's shoulder, and his fingers tightly grasped Chen Zhi's flesh.

"Chen Zhi, don't forget, you said you would definitely support me!
In the current situation, we can only advance but not retreat, because behind us is the cliff! "

 [Add more updates for the evil brother] This chapter is too fat, I will go!One chapter is worth two chapters!
(End of this chapter)

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