Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1376 The real heart

Chapter 1376 The True Heart ([-])
After Bao Ping finished speaking, he put his hand on Chen Zhi's shoulder with a smile,
"do you know?
In fact, for people like your father and your grandfather, the real pain does not come from any country and family hatred.

But there is no platform for them to display their talents...

In the world, no matter how great their achievements are, they feel that they have failed their talents. Only in Xiqi, they feel that they can show their strengths.

So what your Chen family has been hating for generations is actually not the organization, but the hatred that cannot come back.

Do you believe it or not?

If I ordered Chen Yiyang to be released now and told him that he was free and could leave at any time from now on, he would not leave either.

Instead, he will try to find a reason to come back.

This is people's consciousness of seeking groups, and in his mind, Xiqi is the place where people like him should stay.

So, don't worry about him getting into trouble.

When Bao Ping said this, he smiled and patted Chen Zhi on the shoulder:

"Your father's way of doing things is sometimes not desirable...

You're not like your father in this, and that's good!Otherwise, we wouldn't be friends either! "

There are many things to do after opening Xiqi King City this time.

Before leaving, Chen Zhi and Bao Ping had already set a time to go to Anbu, which was after January.

From Elder Pu Hang, Chen Zhi learned a special spell, and it was no problem to find out the location of Anbu Headquarters.

The problem is, the moment of entering that place is the real decisive battle.

Old Warrior Xia and Bao Jiu's team had already returned from Changbai Mountain, and they had already met with members of the Tang family.

The members of the Tang family will pay close attention to the situation in Changbai Mountain and fully cooperate with their actions.

Another piece of news is that on the first day they went to Changbai Mountain, Xuan Lin of Immortal Valley had already sensed it.

He came down to meet them in person and asked to bring a message to Chen Zhi.

During this period of time, he has always had a very bad premonition, which is very real and very strong, as if it was a warning before a great disaster.

But he didn't have the divine power to predict the future, and he wasn't sure what this premonition was?But Chen Zhi must be more careful!

And he has a feeling that somewhere in Changbai Mountain, there should be another space, this space is connected to the underground of Changbai Mountain, very deep, maybe it is the ghost town of Fengdu that Chen Zhi and the others have visited.

But this space was different, it was pitch black and completely empty.

Xuan Lin asked them to tell Chen Zhi again, hoping that Chen Zhizhi would find a way to seal the gods as soon as possible.

If he could change his aura and make him a god like the goddess Fokulun, then Xuanlin would be able to divination for Chen Zhi's good and bad luck, and even predict the future. This ability is very important.

Old Warrior Xia and Bao Jiu, after learning about the organization's plan for a decisive battle with Anbu, their interest became extremely high. Just like the warriors of Xiqi, they were very determined to participate in it.

Chen Zhi once promised them that he would leave images of them outside. Since the decisive battle is imminent, in order not to leave any regrets, Chen Zhi will bring the two of them out this time, and then arrange for the poor little driver of the Bao family to Take them to the best photo studio in the city for a photoshoot.

Old warrior Xia and Bao Jiu were very excited and didn't feel any tension before the decisive battle.

In fact, they didn't even think about the possibility of organizational failure.

The series of beautiful victories some time ago have filled Xiqi people with confidence. They think Xiqi will always win!
The word failure never appeared in Xiqi's dictionary.

That night, Chen Zhi made a summoning spell, as in the past, it was very difficult to summon the three Light Second Gods.

However, the result was as expected, the three light second gods did not show favor to Chen Zhi, the young patriarch, and did not appear at all during the entire summoning process.

In the end, just like last time, Chen Zhi extradited himself in the summoning technique and entered the Wenxue Holy Mountain.

The Wenxue Sacred Mountain is still covered with heavy snow, the cold wind blows on the body and it is icy cold, and the goose feathers are flying everywhere, and the sky cannot be seen.

In this white world, Chen Zhi barefooted on purpose, holding the magic whip passed to him by Jiang Ziya in both hands, calling out the names of his ancestors with divine characters, climbing up the snow mountain step by step, begging the three Guangmiao God came out to meet each other with a sincere and humble voice.

When Chen Zhi's feet had been frozen unconscious, and the heavy snow had dyed his whole body white.

Those three holy figures with flowing tulle finally appeared on the top of the mountain...

Afterwards, Chen Zhi called Pang Wei back. Pang Wei was extremely busy during this time. As the new little boss of the men in black, his business was everywhere.

In his own words, every time you perform a mission, you demigods and warriors are responsible for pretending to be awesome, and the men in black will wipe your asses afterward.

In every aspect, inside and out, every detail has to be greeted, and the trivial things are almost dead!
But Chen Zhi still insisted on calling him back.

Chen Zhi told him that there are more important things here now, so let him come back to help immediately, and stop talking about other nonsense.

Under Chen Zhi's call, Fat Wei finally rushed back in a hurry.

After Fat Wei entered the room, he first gulped and filled half a tank of water, and then began to ask Chen Zhi with a white face, what is there for him?

Chen Zhi told him that from now on, he will temporarily put down all the things in his hands, and now all his energy should be focused on finding someone.

And this person was the man in blue who fell from the sky in Wuhou Valley and rained rain on them.

Fat Wei laughed when he heard Chen Zhi's idea, saying that Chen Zhi was simply whimsical.

First of all, regardless of whether this person is willing to come, it is completely impossible to find someone.

Since there is no information to be found in Zangshu Pavilion, what clues can be found outside?Could it be that such a person would go to Momo?Did a search nearby?
But Chen Zhi told him his own thoughts. The man in blue once said the exact words, which he always remembered.

He said: The origin of his name is because an old man once said that he always liked to live in the bamboo forest, so he jokingly called him Zhuzhu, which may be a breakthrough point.

What they need to do now is to ask Mu He for help, and search all the places with large bamboo forests in the whole country.

Then find out the suspected local place, and then search, maybe there is hope.

If it doesn't work, just take Ding Ning with you!
The sour meat on Ding Ling's body has always been what the hungry demigods desire most.

Chen Zhi can still vividly remember the appearance of the man in blue descending from the sky.

That scene was indeed sacred, but Chen Zhi noticed a detail, which was deliberately covered up by this man.

From his hidden and unfathomable aura, Chen Zhi could clearly feel that this man was very hungry.

No matter how clean and holy the coat wrapped around his body is, his heart is like the oldest gods, yearning for human flesh and blood all the time...

(End of this chapter)

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