Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1382 People Who Are Not Curious

Chapter 1382 People Who Are Not Curious
As soon as the little zongzi heard about the five times the price, he immediately burst into a smile, and agreed without any hesitation:
"Really! There is such a good thing, no problem, I will take you there tonight!

You little brothers from the city are different, and your money is much richer than others. When others come here and stay for a night or two, they still pick and choose.You have so much money in your hands, it looks like you are doing big things in the city.

That Dicui Valley is right behind my house, what a big deal, I will take you down that valley tonight! "

Seeing Xiao Zongzi answering so neatly, Chen Zhi nodded with a smile:
"There is one more thing I want to ask you about.

I heard it before I came here. You locals say that there is a mountain ghost living in that valley. What's the matter?
Is there any legend in the valley?Or do you have something special to say, can you talk to us? "

"Shan Gui, everyone knows about this!"

Xiao Zongzi's expression didn't seem to care:

"It must have been many years, everyone knows that from ancient times to the present, there has been a mountain ghost living in the Dicui Valley.

That mountain ghost is...

That mountain ghost is..."

When Xiao Zongzi said this, he seemed to be unable to say anything. Kaba Kaba thought about it for a long time,
"I've heard that there is a mountain ghost in the Dicui Valley since I was a child, but I really don't know what it is, haha~~
Besides, what is there to inquire about, it's all very boring!

The mountain ghost is definitely not a good thing, so why bother with him?Hehe~~, don't mention it! "

The performance of Xiaozongzi attracted Fat Wei,

"I didn't expect that you, a mountain native, are not very curious. This is the first time I've heard you say this.

In the past, no matter where I went, I asked about the local legends.

They all talked about the ghosts and ghosts in their local legends, and they spoke vividly, as if they were their own children.

Why are you acting so indifferent?Or are you afraid to mention it? "

"What's so terrible about this?" Xiao Zongzi still didn't care,
"I don't even know what that mountain ghost is, why am I afraid of him?"

"Wait a moment……",,

Chen Zhi shook his head slightly at Fat Wei, then continued to look at Xiao Zongzi,
"I heard you said that there are many scenic spots around here, and there are many foreign artists living here. The purpose of their coming here is to find inspiration and gather styles.

But I saw it just now, the bamboo forest in the Dicui Valley, the scenery is the best place in this valley.If you pick bamboo, it must be a good place.

Even if it is a private domain, there is no special person guarding it, and since ancient times, the law in the mountains does not blame the public.

Don't you villagers usually go there to secretly dig bamboo shoots?

Or those artists, didn't they sneak in to collect folk songs? "

"What are you doing there?
Still sneaking in..."
Xiao Zongzi still had the same face as before, as if the question Chen Zhi asked was boring.

"I really don't know. If you still have questions, you should ask my mother. I go up and down every day to do serious business. How can I know about mountain ghosts!"

After Xiao Zongzi finished speaking, he began to yell for his mother to come in.

Zongzi's mother had just plucked the killed chicken and put the feathers into the pot, when she heard the little Zongzi yelling, she hurried in, her face was flushed by the heat, and she wiped her hands on the apron.

"What's the matter with the guests? The meal will be ready soon! I'll return the wine you asked for!"

"Mother, they want to ask about the Dicui Valley mountain ghost!",
Little Zongzi said impatiently,

"I remember you told me when I was young, you seem to have seen that mountain ghost, you tell them! What does that mountain ghost look like!"

"Nonsense, nonsense, what's the matter!",
The little Zongziniang's complexion hardened immediately, then returned to normal immediately, and continued to laugh again.

"Guests don't listen to nonsense from outsiders.

Those are all superstitious sayings of our mountain people. It is said that in ancient times, there was a mountain ghost living in it, and people were not usually allowed to enter it!

But in fact, where are the mountain ghosts?I haven't seen it either,

I'd better cook for you! "

"Wait a minute, auntie!",
Chen Zhi stood up suddenly, he glanced at the little Zongzi lady in front of him, then walked over slowly, looking at the woman's swarthy face flushed with red.

Although the woman's body smelled of firewood and steam, Chen Zhi could smell it clearly. There was an obvious fragrance on her body, which was very similar to the fragrance in this valley, stronger than anyone else's. thicker.

"You actually met him, didn't you?",
Chen Zhi walked around the woman, then looked into her eyes, and asked softly,
"It's a man in a green robe, isn't it?
tell me! "

After the little zongzi's mother heard Chen Zhi's words, she suddenly jumped back as if she had encountered a ghost, staggered and almost fell on the corner of the wall.

Then he kept shaking his hands, and said in a panic:

"I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it, I really haven't seen it!
What kind of mountain ghost is not a mountain ghost, they are all rumors, I have never seen such a thing! "

"Mom, what are you doing!",
Little Zongzi was confused, so she hurried to help her mother up, and then helped her mother out.

When Xiao Zongzi came back, his face was obviously not good-looking, and he said to Chen Zhi with some displeasure:
"I don't know what you city people are thinking, if you don't go to a good scenic spot, you have to go to a place where birds don't lay eggs.

Don't ask my mother, don't you just want to go to the Dicui Valley?I'll take you there tonight!

But let me tell you in advance, what about mountain ghosts and mountain demons are all rumored by others, and the only thing you can see when you go in is the scenery!I can't find what mountain ghost you are looking for!Money can't be refunded..."

After Xiao Zongzi finished speaking, she went out a little unhappy.

Ghost knife has been sitting by the side, watching all this, without speaking.

Fat Wei came over at this time, and said with some reproach:
"What are you doing Chengzi? Don't you scare people?

Anyway, we don't expect to learn anything from them this time.

Let this little guide take us directly to the valley at night. If the person you are looking for is inside, we can find it in a few days! "

"Oh! Evening?",
Chen Zhi frowned slightly, and looked at the mother and child in the yard outside with a sneer:

"It is estimated that at night, they will not look like this.

Just like what you said just now, the people in this whole village seem to have too little curiosity! "

 This is the one for today, there is an important ppt to be done tonight, it is too hot, everyone be careful to avoid the heat.

(End of this chapter)

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