Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1386 Visit

Chapter 1386 Visit (Part [-])

They were just outside the Dicui Valley at this time, the beautiful scenery was intoxicating, and the thin smoke kept floating out of the bamboo sea, like a dream, as if the surroundings were peaceful and peaceful.

Before entering Dicui Valley, Chen Zhi pinched his fingers and recited a protective spell, which would act as a protective layer around the three of them, so that the high-level spells that would make people depressed would not be of any use to the three of them. effect.

They were originally outsiders, and they hadn't lived in this valley for a long time, but this spell had clearly had an effect on them.

Chen Zhi was better. Fat Wei was obviously emotionally drawn by this spell, and Ding Ning was the most serious. He almost turned a blind eye to the Dicui Valley this day, and didn't even inquire about it, as if he couldn't see it.

And when they put on protective shields and stepped into the Dicui Valley, Ghost Saber immediately entered the state of preparation for battle.

He frowned tightly, gritted his teeth and said deeply:
"A lot of people died here, and there are still a lot of people alive, I can hear their gasps!"

Chen Zhi responded lightly,
"We are guests now!

Just go in and visit, as for how to deal with the living things here, it is the business of the owner here, we don't want to get involved! "

Then they started to walk inward. This bamboo forest is really as beautiful as a poetic scene. The bamboos are like emerald gemstones, shining brightly under the moonlight.

Chen Zhi had never seen such a beautiful bamboo. Such slender bamboo leaves really looked like they were in a painting. Between the bamboo groves, the winding white mist looked like a fairy's skirt.

However, they couldn't help noticing that when they just entered this bamboo forest, the ground under their feet was already dark red.

The further they walked, the muddy the ground became, and the blood-colored mud kept rolling up. Later, they saw that the soles of their shoes were already red with the blood.

"This tmd is too exaggerated!",
Fat Wei's voice was deliberately lowered. He had never seen such a large amount of blood, and his tongue was a little numb. The amount of blood that could dye the entire land red was really shocking.

As they walked forward, they soon saw, where did this shocking amount of blood come from?
Just as they walked forward for less than a kilometer, fragmented corpses began to appear on the ground.

And these corpses really opened their eyes. These are not human corpses at all, but the corpses of some extremely large demigods.

It's not that Chen Zhi has never seen demigods, but he rarely sees them in their original form.

He saw a large fish-like creature, as huge as the legendary Kunpeng, lying on the ground like a collapsed building.

The stomach was thrown away, the intestines were scattered on the ground, and the blood splashed everywhere was still not dry.

These demigods are all very large, and they seem to have just died for about two or three days. The corpses are still very fresh, and the smell of blood spreads everywhere in the valley, but they have not rotted.

"These are very strong demigods!",
Chen Zhi carefully passed these corpses, looked at the huge creatures, and said softly,

"These demigods are ancient, and some are descendants of the old gods.

If they can die here, it proves that the owner of this bamboo forest must be stronger than them, and they are not even qualified to enter!
It seems... the master in it is really not an idle person! "

Chen Zhi said lightly, and finally reached the end of these corpses,
Looking forward, there is a circle of clean bamboo forest, surrounded by a very clean area, the breeze is blowing, and the fragrance of bamboo leaves is blowing.

The three of Chen Zhi and the others did not rush in after reaching the edge of the bamboo forest.

Instead, put your own weapons on the ground.

Chen Zhi put his right hand on his heart, and bowed according to the etiquette of ancient Zhou.

"Junior Chen Zhi is the current head of the Jiang clan.

After being rescued by Your Excellency in Wuhou Valley last time, I have been thinking about it all the time, and I have nothing to repay. Today I trespassed in the bamboo forest and wanted to ask the god for a cup of tea.

The leader of my family, Xiqi, also misses Shen Zun a lot.

I have prepared some small gifts, and I want to give them to the gods to enjoy, but I don't know if the gods will have the face to come out and meet them!
It's my honor! "

Chen Zhi stood on the spot and said these words three times, but there were still clouds and mist and bamboo leaves floating in front of him, and he couldn't see or hear anything.

The three of Chen Zhi stood in place for a long time, and finally it was late at night, and if it dragged on for a few more hours, it would be dawn.

"I said it's okay, he probably fell asleep in the middle of the night! He couldn't hear it at all!",
Fat Wei got a little impatient, and took off the machete behind him,

"I said Cheng Zi, you don't have to be so cautious! Our etiquette is considerate enough, even the king of heaven, I have never been so polite.

Besides, we have even broken into the palace of the king of hell, are we still afraid of such a little face like her?

I see, you all think too much about it!

It is estimated that he only has the ability to sprinkle water, which is similar to a large water sprinkler. How can he have any great ability?
Let's just go in by ourselves, it's hot or cold, we'll talk about it when we see someone! "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he raised his long knife and was about to rush into the bamboo forest.

This startled Chen Zhi, and immediately released a cohesive airflow, grabbed Fat Wei and grabbed him back.

And what happened in the next second scared Pangwei to the ground, his treasure bag touched the air beside the bamboo forest.

And there turned out to be a transparent barrier, which was so thin that even Chen Zhi didn't notice it.

And when Pangwei's Hundred Treasure Bag first touched the barrier, it was as if it had touched thousands of blades.

"Swipe, swipe~~",
The Hundred Treasure Bag was immediately cut into tens of thousands of pieces, and the contents were scattered all over the floor.

"Fuck, fuck, this little boy is really not easy to mess with!",
Fat was so frightened that he took two steps back and almost fell to the ground:
"My god! Chengzi, I almost lost sight of you just now!

I'm going to move forward half a step faster, and I will become this piece of rags all over the floor!

This master's temper is too violent."

"Freeze said!",
Chen Zhi stared at Fat Wei, shook his head seriously, then took a step forward, and bowed again.

"I know that we are all under the eyes of the gods at this time.

Since our seniority, in the eyes of the gods, we are all children, but since the gods have a destiny with us in Xiqi, please give my ancestors some thin noodles.

I have been to Mongolia before, and saw a huge golden object buried in the ground of Mongolia.

I brought some things from there, which can still be enjoyed by the gods, I dare not keep them privately, and I am willing to offer them to the gods... ",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he took out a cloth bag from the treasure bag, opened it, and respectfully placed it on the ground in front of him.

The things inside immediately sparkled, suppressing the moonlight in the sky.

That is exactly the god-level spirit stone he asked for from the Borzigit family in Mongolia.

Gala Gem Seal!

 Thanks for the reward: Mountain Ghost 1000; Wei Tuo

(End of this chapter)

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