Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1505 Beads

Chapter 1505 Buddha beads ([-])

[To show respect, Xuanzang was changed to Xuanzang]

A few days later, the bio-refining was finally done, but the technicians told Chen Zhi that the result this time was not so optimistic.

This string of Buddhist beads was indeed gifted to Princess Gaoyang by someone else.

However, the test results show that the beads should have been worn by Princess Gaoyang for a long time and grinded for many years, so that it was covered with her physiological substances.

And it was also because of the movement of her hand that the physical traces left by the original owner had been completely worn away.

That is to say, the person Chen Zhi and the others wanted to see was no longer possible to appear. Up to now, only Princess Gao Yang's physiological information can be extracted!

Even so, the news is good.

If you can borrow the eyes of Princess Gaoyang, you can easily find his lover at that time.

Na Danxuan's life experience can basically be determined.

Chen Zhi then followed the old method to liquefy the remaining biomass and drip it in his eyes.

After bursts of severe pain, he saw a lot of chaotic images, followed by an uncontrollable crash headache.

It turned out that this woman named Gaoyang Princess was almost insane in the later stage.

But crazy people's thinking jumps, and their memories are often very sporadic. They only remember important memories that have caused them a strong stimulus, and most of the pictures are abstract.

Those irritating words and irritating faces, accompanied by sharp voices, made the scene very chaotic, which almost caused Chen Zhi's brain to collapse.

In the end, Chen Zhi still reluctantly selected some of the clearest images and preserved them with cryogenics.

Then it is reflected in the curse chart like last time, and let everyone look for clues in those ancient images.

When these images were reflected on the screen in the air, everyone felt dizzy for a while. The scene at that time was too chaotic.

It can be seen that the life of Princess Gaoyang in her later years was actually very painful. After her adultery with a Buddhist eminent monk was exposed, she almost lived under the condemnation of everyone.

And she seems to have participated in the rebellion in the later stage, so that she was poisoned to death by the emperor. Before she died, her body was very painful, and there were also a large number of memories of her youth...

Her memories appear in fragments, without any time rules.

In the picture of her life after being imprisoned, this string of prayer beads is always spinning, which seems to be her greatest spiritual support.

Looking further back, there are many memories of her youth, and these images seem to be the happiest time in her life.

This woman known as Princess Gao Yang is undoubtedly a very proud and coquettish woman.

She has been very affectionate since she was a girl, and even acted frivolously. She looked at the flowers and had contacts with many young and handsome men. She didn't care about her husband-in-law.

But after a certain period of time, her emotional thinking began to change obviously. From the original superficial and frivolous, she suddenly became very calm, so that she was very dedicated, fell in love for 10 minutes, and even became loyal to her lover.

As for this lover's face, everyone still couldn't see clearly. They could only see that it was indeed a monk with a bald head and monk's cassock.

For some reason, Princess Gao Yang doesn't seem to have much memory of his face, what she fell in love with was the inside of this man.

Princess Gaoyang has infinite love and admiration for this man, and this admiration makes her no longer have other men in her eyes.

She often burns the lamp to read at night, repeatedly flipping through the original Tang Dynasty Western Regions handwritten book, and draws every unclear position with a pen.

He would even touch the handwriting one by one, worshiping the author of this book, just like worshiping a god.

Later, Chen Zhi and the others saw some private meetings, which were all at night, and the lover was led to Princess Gaoyang's private club.

In these dating scenes, Princess Gao Yang was obviously very proactive, but the lover did not refuse.

And then the memory that caused great stimulation to Princess Gaoyang was that terrible execution.

The scene of this memory is very clear, it seems that Princess Gaoyang is deeply engraved with this event!

On that day, his lover was packed into a wooden cage and dragged to the entrance of the downtown area.

The people around were furious, swearing all kinds of things, and smashed the vegetable leaves and eggs on the monk's head.

Because among these clutter, the face of this monk was covered again, but one thing was confirmed, that is, the identity of this monk was indeed a debate.

The people around are spitting:

"The obscene monk argues!
The obscene monk argues!

People who pollute Buddhism! "

By now, Danxuan's doubts should have been completely answered.

Monk Bianji had a very high status at that time, and he accompanied Xuanzang in various places. At that time, there must have been many people in Chang'an who knew him, so the people would not admit his mistake at that time.

So far, things have gone as Chen Zhi expected. The source of Danxuan's blood is Bianji.

After the result came out, Danxuan was obviously very tired, and suddenly his body relaxed, reminding him that he hadn't slept for a few days, and wanted to go to the next room to take a rest.

Fat Wei immediately helped him out knowingly, only Ghost Dao and Chen Zhi were left in the room.

Ghost Knife has not been very interested in these images since just now, and took the knife to the corner to wipe the handle of the knife.

Chen Zhi wanted to wave his hand to disperse the air in the air.

And at this moment, the scene on the chart of the fierce curse suddenly flickered violently.

For some reason, a small hidden memory of Princess Gao Yang suddenly opened up!

That memory is exactly the scene in Tianfa Temple in the middle of the night, the bystanders are giving Buddhist beads to Princess Gaoyang on behalf of others.

Everything was exactly as it was in the memory of the bystanders.

However, at this time, Princess Gao Yang's last words can be heard clearly.

She first saluted the bystanders politely, then took the beads and said softly,
"Master Bianji, thank you for your hard work!

Please tell him that I will keep this string of beads forever! "

When Chen Zhi heard this sentence from 1300 years ago, his mind was like a thunderbolt.

"That bystander is the debater?

This mummy who died in the underground palace of Tianfa Temple is the real defense machine?


Then why has he been hiding in the underground palace of Tianfa Temple?Why bear this filthy name and hide in the ground until death without seeing anyone?

And who was the person who was cut in half more than 1300 years ago?

Who is the person who really has an affair with Princess Gao Yang? "

(End of this chapter)

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