Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1521 Descendants of Gods and Buddhas [Thanks haseoyy for rewarding more]

Chapter 1521 Descendants of Gods and Buddhas [Thanks haseoyy for rewarding more]

At this moment, only a "pop~~" was heard, and a turning scene appeared.

The old lizard woman who flew out was grabbed by someone's feet, and was torn off out of thin air like this, and fell heavily to the ground.

After the female was caught, the male reacted immediately and just wanted to avoid it!
When he realized it the next moment, he had already been caught.

The moment the human eyes didn't react, the male and female lizards were pinched by the neck and pressed to the ground together.

The person holding them down is Ghost Saber...

When Ghost Knife appeared, there was no sound at all, and he couldn't even see where he came from.

After the male and female couple fell to the ground, they were stunned for half a second, and then began to struggle desperately.

Their strength does seem to be not small, their bodies are like the tails of large lizards, slapping on the ground~~.

The rocks on the ground were all broken, and the gravel collapsed all over the ground.

But Ghost Saber's two hands were like two steel nails, firmly nailing them to the ground, unable to move at all.

"Ghost! (⊙o⊙) wow!",
Yang Wumao finally yelled in despair, and finally reached the limit of what he could bear, and fainted on the ground with a "pop~~", and he didn't know what happened anymore.

"Ouch, I'm going!",
Fat Wei next to him was so angry that he wanted to die,

"I said, how can you slander people with red lips and white teeth?

My buddy is obviously a human being, why do you always call him a ghost?You are slanderous!
Besides, why are you dizzy with old tnd, are you lazy and don’t want to walk?Who will carry you later..."

Fat Wei was here to take care of Yang Wumao, while Chen Zhi shook the flashlight in his hand to shine on the old couple who were held down in front.

Their bodies have almost completely changed, with green eyes, a dense layer of scales on the surface of the skin, and sharp teeth, which are typical orc features!

Chen Zhi walked over at this time, squatted down, looked at the two hideous faces,

"You should be able to speak the human language!
Didn't you hear clearly what I asked you just now?why are you not replying?

Don't you...don't you know who I am? "

"Know how!",
A sharp voice suddenly came from the old woman's mouth:
"We are border orcs, not driven by your Huaxia Jiang family.

And we are all people who have been converted, and we are ordered to guard the "Holy Buddha's Transcendence Scroll Wall" here. Our status is precious, and we are different from ordinary orcs. How can we obey your orders!

You wait for the descendants of the old gods to come to harass my holy Buddhist hall for no reason, and I can kill you in the name of my gods and Buddhas, without guilt or fault! "

""Scrolling Wall of the Holy Buddha's Enlightenment"...",
Chen Zhi looked at the two old lizards with lowered eyes, and asked softly,

"Isn't this "Xuanzang's Journey to the West"?"

"Hehe, that's what humans call it..." The old female lizard was full of pride, and her tone was contemptuous,

"Huaxia is really defeated!

It seems that the current patriarch of the Jiang clan actually considers himself a human being!It's pathetic,
Did you know that the hairy monkey in the painting is the blood of our local orcs.

Although he was a beastman, he was enlightened by the gods and Buddhas. After learning the scriptures and returning, he cultivated a righteous fruit and was named the Fighting and Conquering Buddha.

Could it be that you stupid old gods are comparable?
Although our ancestors are of branch blood, they are also honorable. I am a descendant of gods and Buddhas, so there is no need to salute you. "

Chen Zhi looked at the old lady lizard with cold eyes, thought for a while, and continued to ask,

"You said this set of murals is called "Holy Buddha Crossing the Wall" in your mouth, do you know who the artist is?"

"Hmph!" After hearing this question, the old lizard immediately looked proud and raised his hairy head high.

""Holy Buddha Crossing the Wall" was originally painted by my ancestors.

That Xuanzang is your human monk.

"Journey to the West" is what humans call it, but how do you know the true meaning of that painting?

For more than 1000 years, the superficial cover-ups have been done to fool you humans.

How can you ordinary human beings know the truth about my holy Buddha? "

"I see..."
Chen Zhi lowered his eyes, looking at the face of the female lizard,
"I said, why are you so confident, it turns out that you are a descendant of the Buddha who fought against the Buddha!
It seems that you no longer consider yourself an orc!
Then let me ask you, where did your Fighting Victory Buddha come from, and what is its name?You said you are a descendant of his blood, what proof do you have? "

"I...", the old lady gritted her teeth fiercely, but suddenly she was speechless.
After a while, like a repeater, I said it again clumsily,
"We are the bloodline of the Dou Conquer Buddha, and our status is more valuable than the descendants of the gods! Even the old gods are inferior to me.

I don't accept your Jiang trend, and I don't answer your questions..."

"Oh..." Chen Zhi nodded lightly, looking at her coldly,
"Then where did you come from, you can always tell, right?
What is your own name? "

The old woman's mouth seemed to be blocked, she couldn't answer at all, then she stuck out her tongue fiercely and grinned at Chen Zhi.

At first, he resisted fiercely on the spot, trying to break free from the control of Ghost Saber.

But she couldn't break free from Ghost Saber's hand, she was held down tightly and couldn't move.

Chen Zhi didn't ask any more questions, as he understood, this is the characteristic of orcs, wild and simple.

Orcs are a kind of alien creature between humans and beasts. From ancient times to the present, their status has been very low.

Sons of God, demigods, humans, and then orcs, it can be seen that their status is at the end.

But some orcs are extremely talented, extremely powerful, and very powerful in force.

But they still have no status because their brains are extremely simple and their knowledge is wild and short-sighted, so they are easy to be controlled.

Because of their nature, most orcs have no names, and some orcs have their names given by their masters.

They have no marriage and ethics, and have little morality. In ancient times, they were enslaved like beasts...

Even in the current Xiqi King City, there are many orcs who are rough envoys, and Niulu who drives Chen Zhi is one of them.

Chen Zhi didn't want to argue with the old lady lizard anymore.

He turned his face to the male lizard...

Although the old man has not spoken, it can be seen from his expression that he is obviously smarter.

So Chen Zhi raised his right hand at this moment, and silently chanted a few words. In an instant, the curse of wind and thunder flashed in his hand,

He put the right hand with the wind and thunder spell on the old man's cap, and asked softly,
"I think you should be smarter than her!
I'm going to ask you some questions now, and you have to answer them truthfully!

Don't hesitate and don't try to lie!
Otherwise, you will be reduced to ashes immediately..."

 Descendants of Gods and Buddhas 【Thanks to haseoyy for rewards and updates】

(End of this chapter)

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