Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1524 Treasure

Chapter 1524 Treasure ([-])

In the following time, Chen Zhi asked Yang Wumao to fine-tune the murals and reorganize the pieces.

Use technology to describe the details of those micro-pictures, and then greatly enlarge them, and try to find clues in these pictures.

But a picture is a picture after all, and there will never be words that come directly. Chen Zhi repeatedly studied those words, guessed their meaning, and took pictures of some of them, and sent them to reliable experts for identification. However, he came to the conclusion that:
This is definitely the language of the ancient Western Regions, but because it has been buried for a long time, it has been lost before communicating with the Central Plains, so there is no way to identify it at all!

To decipher these texts again, it is necessary to set up a team to study the ancient Sogdian culture in the Western Regions, and then slowly decipher these texts from the perspective of cultural relationship.

It will take at least 5 or 6 years, and it may not be successful.

Chen Zhi also sent some to his father, but Chen Yiyang told him that the source of characters has always been very complicated. Some nations come from pictograms, some from habits, and some even from myths and legends.

Deciphering clueless text is simply not something that can be done in a short period of time.

If Chen Yiyang does not do all the things at hand now, and concentrates on studying the history of the ancient Sogdians and deciphering these characters, it will take 1 to 2 years.

Chen Zhi then fell into a bottleneck. He copied all the text on it, the entire page, and then repeatedly pondered the picture that matched the text, hoping to combine it with the pictures and texts to find something.

In this long scroll of murals, the one with the most words is the part where the old man in white enlightened them about Journey to the West and King Gaochang.

And the strangest thing is that when viewed with a magnifying glass, the old man in white also appeared in the picture of King Gaochang.

And the body proportion is obviously larger than other subjects.

It can be seen that when the contract was signed, the old man in white was also present, and his position was very important, which was more or less related to the conclusion of the contract.

Chen Zhi read these incomprehensible words all the time, and he soon discovered that almost all the words mentioned two words.

The structure of these two characters is very strange, it looks a bit like a drawn symbol, "",
But the combination of these two words looks very gorgeous, and in the subsequent pictures, almost every picture will be mentioned!

In the parting passage between Gao Changguo and the Monkey Man, these two words were mentioned several times.

Chen Zhi copied these two characters on white paper with a pen, looked at them repeatedly under the light, and dismantled the structure of these two characters. literal meaning.

However, after a few days, there was still no progress.

Counting the days when they came to Guazhou, more than a week has passed before they knew it.

Bao Ping didn't look for Chen Zhi during this time, and the organization was relatively calm. He heard from Fat Wei that Bao Ping had changed since he went to Fengdu Difu last time!

He seldom talked to people, and it was even difficult to see him smile. The men in black in the organization were very afraid of him, including the samurai.

The organization has nothing to do with them, and there is nothing to do with Tianfa Temple.

They simply stayed in Guazhou temporarily and devoted all their energy to studying this long scroll.

Danxuan was very peaceful these days. Chen Zhi told him what happened in the Thousand Buddha Cave, and showed him "The Holy Buddha's East Crossing the Scroll Wall".

When he saw the monkey man in the scroll wall, Danxuan was extremely calm.

He compared the beads in his hand with the beads in the hands of the monkey man on the mural, then sighed and closed his eyes...

During the period of Chen Zhi's research, Danxuan spent most of his time in the Buddha Cave.

For some reason, he seems to like Guazhou very much, and he likes the Thousand Buddha Cave Grotto very much.

The layout of the Thousand Buddha Caves is simple, and many places have been damaged.

Danxuan has a very high status in the Buddhist circle, and he has the right to control a large amount of Buddhist donations in his hands. He has the right to invest in some meaningful Buddhist buildings.

He said that after returning, he would send a sum of money here to rebuild the East Thousand Buddha Cave, and he would use his influence to raise a sum of money to make the East Thousand Buddha Cave as brilliant as the Mogao Grottoes.

These days, he walks alone in the Gobi Desert for more than half an hour every day, and goes to the Buddha Cave to meditate.

The orc old man told Chen Zhi that since Master Danxuan left, the entire Buddha Cave became radiant, and the aura was different. It felt like the light of Buddha descended into the world.

Even his lizard old lady seemed to have been transformed, and her temperament was much softer. She held the Buddhist beads respectfully all day long and followed Danxuan to recite scriptures.

On this day, Chen Zhi made a cup of coffee as usual, sat on the desk, and scanned the information on the computer with the mouse.

Throwing the white paper with the symbol "" on the table casually,

But at this time, Xiaomi ran upstairs with a bang, smiled at Chen Zhi and Fat Wei:
"Bosses, I have good news for you!

Today, a friend of mine opened a local product store, selling all our local products. The two bosses are both my friends, why don't you come with me to have a look!
If you have any good ones, buy some and send some back to relatives and friends in your hometown!Don't worry, I will give you a discount when I am here. "

When Fat Wei heard what Xiaomi said, he rolled his eyes.

In the past few days, Xiaomi has come up to them several times because of this kind of thing.

Either his friend opened a restaurant, or his friend opened a bathing shop, let them go to eat and play, and spend a lot of money, in fact, it is nothing more than to raise his level!

"Hey, I said, why do you always worry about letting us spend money?",
Fat Wei's voice was raised eight tones,
"You said that you, a minority, are not real at all?

Are you not an ancient Sogdian?How can it be better than our Beijing movies? "

"Of course I am from ancient Sogdia!", Xiaomi was very proud when he mentioned this word.

"But we ancient Sogdians also want to eat!
Don't worry, what we said is really reliable, this store is really good, let's go, come with me to have a look..."

Just as Xiaomi was talking about this, his eyes suddenly glanced at the page of paper on the table, saw the two symbols on the paper, and burst out laughing.
"Oh, the two bosses are amazing!
This Sogdian language can be found by you, these two characters are well written! "

Chen Zhi's brain immediately twitched, he raised his face to look at this humble little tour guide,

"Do you know this is Sogdian? Do you know these two words?"

"Of course I do!",
Xiaomi said nonchalantly,

"These two characters mean bright pearl, which means precious treasure!
Every year when our family sacrifices, the box on the ancestor worship is these two words!I've seen big ones since I was a kid..."

(End of this chapter)

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